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12 May 2024 08:13:51
 I have some F1 Abusemark boards going spare,,,,,,,,,,,,,    ;)    :azn
11 May 2024 22:12:29
And with oldskool parts  :D
11 May 2024 22:11:57
I must be the only one doing tricopters right now  :laugh:
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Domain has been renewed closure has been cancelled  :D
02 May 2024 08:07:52
Who are most people ??? I think the person you are referring to has put in a lot of effort to keep things moving  :rolleyes:
01 May 2024 10:16:12
Most people I have spoken to are pizzed off with the yellow peril  flooding the forum,go figure. :whistling:
23 Apr 2024 08:09:45
The Domain expires for the forum in 60 days, I'm not going to renew it this time unless I see any activity  :beer2:
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Is there anyone who would like to see this forum stay open ? :shrug:
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Rabbit Led's

Started by Gaza07, Tuesday,July 03, 2012, 00:54:40

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I connected my led strips to the Rabbit flight controller and here are the results, the only thing is I didn't wire them red blue red as I wanted all blue at the front for orientation purposes it still looks pretty good in some of the sequences though  ~~


It could do with a sequence for flying that has all leds on all the time and also on to turn them off for daytime if you don't want them on
[url="https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCN6zN99iLCIJea5FCQPKf_g"]YouTube[/url]   [url="https://www.printing-3d.co.uk"]printing-3d[/url]  [url="https://www.thingiverse.com/Gaza07/about"]Thingiverse[/url]  [url="https://www.3d-printworx.co.uk"]3d-printworx[/url]


Very nice you could stick it on the tree at Xmas  ;D I wonder if it will be a little disorientating when flying though  :)
Where did you get the flasher unit from ?


Yea it would go well on top of the tree maye a hexa would look even better  ~~
there is no flasher unit its a built in feature of the Rabbit F/C  ~~
[url="https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCN6zN99iLCIJea5FCQPKf_g"]YouTube[/url]   [url="https://www.printing-3d.co.uk"]printing-3d[/url]  [url="https://www.thingiverse.com/Gaza07/about"]Thingiverse[/url]  [url="https://www.3d-printworx.co.uk"]3d-printworx[/url]


Does the rabbit have 12v out lets for led strips then ? or if not how does it flash them with them being 12v ?


No the Rabbit doesnt have any 12v connections the led strips are connected to the 3s lipo, the Rabbit just switches the ground to them, It has eight ground pins that are the same as the eight staus leds on the board, If I get a chance I will try to find or make a drawing  ~~
[url="https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCN6zN99iLCIJea5FCQPKf_g"]YouTube[/url]   [url="https://www.printing-3d.co.uk"]printing-3d[/url]  [url="https://www.thingiverse.com/Gaza07/about"]Thingiverse[/url]  [url="https://www.3d-printworx.co.uk"]3d-printworx[/url]


I have been asked a couple of times how did I connect the 12 led strip to the rabbit, I have made a couple of pictures up that should show how its done, Ive tried to cover every thing but if you have any questions just ask here and I will do my best to answer  ~~




[url="https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCN6zN99iLCIJea5FCQPKf_g"]YouTube[/url]   [url="https://www.printing-3d.co.uk"]printing-3d[/url]  [url="https://www.thingiverse.com/Gaza07/about"]Thingiverse[/url]  [url="https://www.3d-printworx.co.uk"]3d-printworx[/url]


Nice pictures thanks for posting them I understand now how it works  ~~


Thanks for your comments I hope it will help others to connect there 12v Led strips  ~~
[url="https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCN6zN99iLCIJea5FCQPKf_g"]YouTube[/url]   [url="https://www.printing-3d.co.uk"]printing-3d[/url]  [url="https://www.thingiverse.com/Gaza07/about"]Thingiverse[/url]  [url="https://www.3d-printworx.co.uk"]3d-printworx[/url]



Welcome to the forum Matt I m glad we could help dont hesitate to ask any questions if you have any,
sorry it took a while for your membership to be approved but we have had huge spam problems and had to resolve them which slowed us down a little on new members but every thing should be sorted now  ~~

Please feel free to share any video's or pictures you might have

[url="https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCN6zN99iLCIJea5FCQPKf_g"]YouTube[/url]   [url="https://www.printing-3d.co.uk"]printing-3d[/url]  [url="https://www.thingiverse.com/Gaza07/about"]Thingiverse[/url]  [url="https://www.3d-printworx.co.uk"]3d-printworx[/url]


Yea welcome to the forum look forward to seeing more of your octo  ~~ ~~


Here's a video of the leds in flight at night, I think the effect is great  ~~

[url="https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCN6zN99iLCIJea5FCQPKf_g"]YouTube[/url]   [url="https://www.printing-3d.co.uk"]printing-3d[/url]  [url="https://www.thingiverse.com/Gaza07/about"]Thingiverse[/url]  [url="https://www.3d-printworx.co.uk"]3d-printworx[/url]


That looks very cool.

I wonder what kind of effect could be achieved using RGB LED tape if you wired up one of the colours permanently for orientation and another to the rabbit and used that to generated the pulsing effect?

It might work quite well as the LEDs would stay on the whole time and usually retain the red / green or blue colour you had permanently wired up which would make orientation easy and the pulsing effect would be a colour change rather than an on / off effect which would still make the thing look very UFO like.

I might give this a go myself at some point when the rabbit arrives.
One circlip short of a quadcopter.
 1 lobe short of an antenna.


Now that looks very good UFO spotted over notts  ~~


There are several flashing patterns on the rabbit but I think this one is the best, I havent had any of the RGB strips does it have a single ground for all colours and seperate positives ?
because the rabbit can only switch the ground  ;)
[url="https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCN6zN99iLCIJea5FCQPKf_g"]YouTube[/url]   [url="https://www.printing-3d.co.uk"]printing-3d[/url]  [url="https://www.thingiverse.com/Gaza07/about"]Thingiverse[/url]  [url="https://www.3d-printworx.co.uk"]3d-printworx[/url]


Probably it varies but the stuff in front of me has 1 x 12V common rail and 3 grounds. So i presume the rabbit could be hooked up to switch one (or more) of the grounds on and off and the others could be left ununused or permanently wired up for constant colour.
One circlip short of a quadcopter.
 1 lobe short of an antenna.


Thats good then coz it means the rabbit can switch them can all 3 colours be lit at the same time ?
[url="https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCN6zN99iLCIJea5FCQPKf_g"]YouTube[/url]   [url="https://www.printing-3d.co.uk"]printing-3d[/url]  [url="https://www.thingiverse.com/Gaza07/about"]Thingiverse[/url]  [url="https://www.3d-printworx.co.uk"]3d-printworx[/url]


Fantastic effect I made mine do
thanks Gary


Hi Sakis have you wired yours up the same ? look forward to the video if you have  ~~
[url="https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCN6zN99iLCIJea5FCQPKf_g"]YouTube[/url]   [url="https://www.printing-3d.co.uk"]printing-3d[/url]  [url="https://www.thingiverse.com/Gaza07/about"]Thingiverse[/url]  [url="https://www.3d-printworx.co.uk"]3d-printworx[/url]


Quote from: Gaza07 on Wednesday,August 15, 2012, 08:47:50
Thats good then coz it means the rabbit can switch them can all 3 colours be lit at the same time ?

Yeah that's how you get white.
One circlip short of a quadcopter.
 1 lobe short of an antenna.


So red blue green together makes white ? so does blue and red make purple ?
[url="https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCN6zN99iLCIJea5FCQPKf_g"]YouTube[/url]   [url="https://www.printing-3d.co.uk"]printing-3d[/url]  [url="https://www.thingiverse.com/Gaza07/about"]Thingiverse[/url]  [url="https://www.3d-printworx.co.uk"]3d-printworx[/url]


QuoteSo red blue green together makes white ? so does blue and red make purple ?

Yeah if both are just 'on' as in wired straight to ground you get purple, and if you use some kind of electronic controller like the rabbit or a dedicated RGB LED controller you can use pulse width modulation to incrementally vary the brightness of either or both channels to get all the shades in between. Obviously when varying all 3 channels you can get pretty much any colour up to and including white.

But too much variation might look cool but i don't think it will help much with orientation which is why i was thinking of letting the rabbit take one or two channels for effects and hard wiring at least one channel for a set colour on each of the 4 arms.
One circlip short of a quadcopter.
 1 lobe short of an antenna.


Yea I see what you mean I will have to get some of the rgb strips to have a play with, I have been thinking about making a stand alone flasher using a atmega48 or bigger that goes to one of the uln 8 channel switching chips so 12v strips can be used, there is actually a small board available like this that can be programmed but its about £16 I just like the thought of trying to do code for it and make my own flashing sequences,
The rabbit is only on or off you cant control it any more than that, and the sequences are predefined you cannot alter them, if only it was open source  ::)
[url="https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCN6zN99iLCIJea5FCQPKf_g"]YouTube[/url]   [url="https://www.printing-3d.co.uk"]printing-3d[/url]  [url="https://www.thingiverse.com/Gaza07/about"]Thingiverse[/url]  [url="https://www.3d-printworx.co.uk"]3d-printworx[/url]


Hello this is my first post I was inspired by your video on youtube today with the led strips so I have made my standalone led unit that fits in the canopy 8 led's 2 resisters 2 cell small battery will make a short video later when it gets dark and see if its any good lol.
Thanks again great forum  :cool:


Hi Tony and welcome to the forum look forward to seeing your leds in the dark,
it looks like you already added a photo, there is a media section on here where ou can create your own gallery and upload what ever pictures you like,
you can also link the gallery pics in to your posts by simply copying the tag  ~~
[url="https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCN6zN99iLCIJea5FCQPKf_g"]YouTube[/url]   [url="https://www.printing-3d.co.uk"]printing-3d[/url]  [url="https://www.thingiverse.com/Gaza07/about"]Thingiverse[/url]  [url="https://www.3d-printworx.co.uk"]3d-printworx[/url]


Thanks Gaza07 I worked out the picture thingy lol so just edited the post


Very nice it looks like they are going to be very bright in the dark  ~~
when I made my night videos it is near the house so the landing space is lit from the house the camera shows it darker than it really is  ~~
[url="https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCN6zN99iLCIJea5FCQPKf_g"]YouTube[/url]   [url="https://www.printing-3d.co.uk"]printing-3d[/url]  [url="https://www.thingiverse.com/Gaza07/about"]Thingiverse[/url]  [url="https://www.3d-printworx.co.uk"]3d-printworx[/url]


Welcome to the forum tonybazza I like how you have used a heli canopy on your copter is it to aid orientation  ~~


hi Gaza!

This is my first post here! I';m using my quad FPV purposes in Hungary.
It was a very useful description for me , I have looked for a lond time:)
Can you confirm my concept. two things:
1. I want to use 12v led strips as you. It means :Can I use for Pos (+) the flight battery which powers all the 4 ESC also on my quad?
I dont wanna use separat Lipo. So I can connect all the strip pos (+) wire to my main flight battery pos (+) together with ESC pos (+) wires? am i right.
and negative strip wires goes to rabbit led pins...

2. If i want use only 5 v for led strips, I can use the the +5v pins on rabbit led pins, and use which ground on the borad? the same you used in case of 12 v battery?

3. Is it possible to see main battery status by led light flashes, not only by buzzer?. I mean slow flashes mean good level between 11-12V and fast flashes measn low voltage , time to start landing :smiley:?  My original feiyu x4 quad used this method on its led.

Quote from: Gaza07 on Saturday,July 21, 2012, 06:12:32
I have been asked a couple of times how did I connect the 12 led strip to the rabbit, I have made a couple of pictures up that should show how its done, Ive tried to cover every thing but if you have any questions just ask here and I will do my best to answer  ~~





heres is my fpv quad with rabbit fc, 5.8 video tx 1.2W, pixim seawolf camera, and feyu x4 brushless with 10A esc. Next step to give led strips, in case of emergence go home and landing! ~~


Hi Ltomi78 and welcome to the forum, yes you can supply the 12v led strips with + positive direct from the 3s flight lipo the same one powering the esc';s,
And then connect the - negative wires to the rabbit as show in the diagrams,
If your using 5v then you can take the 5v supply from one of the bottom pins shown in the diagram and again all the negatives to the rabbit controller,
Feel free to share any pictures or videos you might have with the rest of us, because we do love to see other peoples machines and flying videos  ~~

Please dont hesitate to ask if you need any further help  ~~

Quote from: Ltomi78 on Wednesday,November 21, 2012, 09:02:46
hi Gaza!

It was a very useful description for me , I have looked for a lond time:)
Can you confirm my concept. two things:
1. I want to use 12v led strips as you. It means :Can I use for Pos (+) the flight battery which powers all the 4 ESC also on my quad?
I dont wanna use separat Lipo. So I can connect all the strip pos (+) wire to my main flight battery pos (+) together with ESC pos (+) wires? am i right.
and negative strip wires goes to rabbit led pins...

2. If i want use only 5 v for led strips, I can use the the +5v pins on rabbit led pins, and use which ground on the borad? the same you used in case of 12 v battery?
[url="https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCN6zN99iLCIJea5FCQPKf_g"]YouTube[/url]   [url="https://www.printing-3d.co.uk"]printing-3d[/url]  [url="https://www.thingiverse.com/Gaza07/about"]Thingiverse[/url]  [url="https://www.3d-printworx.co.uk"]3d-printworx[/url]