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Splicing into video Cable

Started by steveo9007, Thursday,January 24, 2019, 16:32:56

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Not sure if this is right place but need a question answering..I have a quad board from a Hubsan 501 model, and i want to get rid of the Cam board that links to the main board and fit a onepaa x2000 camera to the quad. Am i right in thinking that the CVBS cable is the one carrying the video link from camera to quad board and then being transmitted via the 5.8ghz to my screen ???

In the pic above is the pinouts for where the video cable goes into from the camera board and the red cable is the cvbs connector
Hubsan H501SS x2, H123D x4 Jet
Tyro 99, Tero Q215mm, Taranis QX7S with R9M, Fatshark Dominator HD3 Goggles, Own built 5" Quad


CVBS = Composite Video Blanking Sync. So it should be the 'video' feed from camera to vtx.

The only thing that is a concern is the pins marked rx and tx. It looks like there is some control between the FC and the camera. So if you swap the camera try and do so in a way you can undo.

The above said, I do not have a Hubsan 501 or have I ever touched one. So it's just a guess  :smiley:

I assume that there are not any youtube vids on a camera upgrade that show the process?
I try :-)


exactly chad, this is where i am a bit stumped as i am probably the first to do this, the cam board on the 501 has a slot for the SD card, so it could be that the tx and rx are there for the controller to be able to take pic, start and stop video and actually transmit the picture.

If i spliced into the CVBS cable then i should theoretically loose the built in camera view on the controller and it should take the new camera view from the onepaa :hmm: straight to the controller via the TX cable maybe, I'm not bothered about starting and stopping the video as i can do that before take off and stop it when landed and then edit accordingly....what do you think..am i going in the right direction :hmm:

The other thing is that the onepaa x2000 has built in power so no need to get a power feed from the quad, just wanting to view the video as its goes on its journey around through my controller.
Hubsan H501SS x2, H123D x4 Jet
Tyro 99, Tero Q215mm, Taranis QX7S with R9M, Fatshark Dominator HD3 Goggles, Own built 5" Quad


Sounds logical but there is a fractional possibility that the fc gets feedback via rx/tx that the command for starting or stopping video has been received. I don't know if this is correct or not.

Re the built in power on the replacement camera you will need to connect the new camera gnd/0v to the quad gnd. So you need to connect video and gnd to the quad.

Good luck.

I try :-)


Quote from: ched999uk on Thursday,January 24, 2019, 17:55:24

Re the built in power on the replacement camera you will need to connect the new camera gnd/0v to the quad gnd. So you need to connect video and gnd to the quad.

Good luck.

Can i ask why this needs to be done Ched, the camera has its own power and will be mounted on a gimbal mount underneath, does the GND protect the video CVBS cable  :hmm: i don't know
Hubsan H501SS x2, H123D x4 Jet
Tyro 99, Tero Q215mm, Taranis QX7S with R9M, Fatshark Dominator HD3 Goggles, Own built 5" Quad


Quote from: steveo9007 on Thursday,January 24, 2019, 20:36:55
Can i ask why this needs to be done Ched, the camera has its own power and will be mounted on a gimbal mount underneath, does the GND protect the video CVBS cable  :hmm: i don't know
Basically if you attach the quad 0v to the new camera 0v it acts as a reference plane. So the video signal is being referenced from the tied together 0V of both.  Plus you need signal and 0v for any electricity to 'flow'. This is very much an oversimplification and not 100% correct but it should give you the general gist.
I try :-)


Quote from: steveo9007 on Thursday,January 24, 2019, 20:41:49

This is the camera i am getting..

Just had a very quick lok at the camera. Does it have a video out that is not HDMI? HDMI is purely a digital signal and I dont think it's compatible with CVBS which is an analogue signal!!
It also says it does wifi!! This is 5.8Ghz and I think the Hubsan 501 also uses 5.8Ghz to transmit the video signal, they will probably interfere with each other. So you will have to either use the wifi from the camera to your phone/tablet but then you lose any On Screen Display and disable the vtx in the Hubsan or disable the wifi in the camera and get a CVBS signal out of the new camera and use the Hubsan vtx.
I try :-)


Quote from: ched999uk on Thursday,January 24, 2019, 22:56:12
Just had a very quick lok at the camera. Does it have a video out that is not HDMI? HDMI is purely a digital signal and I dont think it's compatible with CVBS which is an analogue signal!!
It also says it does wifi!! This is 5.8Ghz and I think the Hubsan 501 also uses 5.8Ghz to transmit the video signal, they will probably interfere with each other. So you will have to either use the wifi from the camera to your phone/tablet but then you lose any On Screen Display and disable the vtx in the Hubsan or disable the wifi in the camera and get a CVBS signal out of the new camera and use the Hubsan vtx.

Yeah it does have a HDMI output, but also a normal video output via the usb connector on back of the camera, which is to the right of the HDMI port. And the wifi option on the camera i won't be using, only to set it up will i use that function and that will be in my workshop to do that not while its on quad.  Sorry should have mentioned this in previous post..hope this will work
Hubsan H501SS x2, H123D x4 Jet
Tyro 99, Tero Q215mm, Taranis QX7S with R9M, Fatshark Dominator HD3 Goggles, Own built 5" Quad


Quote from: ched999uk on Thursday,January 24, 2019, 22:49:18
Basically if you attach the quad 0v to the new camera 0v it acts as a reference plane. So the video signal is being referenced from the tied together 0V of both.  Plus you need signal and 0v for any electricity to 'flow'. This is very much an oversimplification and not 100% correct but it should give you the general gist.

Ok this i understand, so i can jump onto the GND cables on my video connector which will give me that 0v. :hmm:
Hubsan H501SS x2, H123D x4 Jet
Tyro 99, Tero Q215mm, Taranis QX7S with R9M, Fatshark Dominator HD3 Goggles, Own built 5" Quad