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Bad Raven:
12 May 2024 08:13:51
 I have some F1 Abusemark boards going spare,,,,,,,,,,,,,    ;)    :azn
11 May 2024 22:12:29
And with oldskool parts  :D
11 May 2024 22:11:57
I must be the only one doing tricopters right now  :laugh:
11 May 2024 22:09:30
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Domain has been renewed closure has been cancelled  :D
02 May 2024 08:07:52
Who are most people ??? I think the person you are referring to has put in a lot of effort to keep things moving  :rolleyes:
01 May 2024 10:16:12
Most people I have spoken to are pizzed off with the yellow peril  flooding the forum,go figure. :whistling:
23 Apr 2024 08:09:45
The Domain expires for the forum in 60 days, I'm not going to renew it this time unless I see any activity  :beer2:
20 Apr 2024 18:02:50
Is there anyone who would like to see this forum stay open ? :shrug:
17 Apr 2024 17:15:13
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What camera and lens combo you using for FPV?

Started by Sweet Pickle, Saturday,September 08, 2018, 17:15:49

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Sweet Pickle

I've never really given it too much though, buy a decent Runcam, plonk it on and put up with whatever comes out. I haven't even really paid much notice what lens I've purchased.
I put on a 1.8 Runcam lens today however and despite it being radically different I quite liked it. Landing was a piece of cake I'd say was the biggest improvement. The downside is being so wide it picks up all the camera protection so you do get mostly frame in shot.
Flicking through Youtube it sems most go for 2.1 or 2.3.

What are the good folks of this forum using and more importantly why do you like that particular setup?


It's always a balance between biggest field of view and things being too small to see.
I use a Swift Micro V2 with a 2.3mm lens and find it OK. I also have a 2.1mm on my F450 as I don't need to watch out for little branches when flying round trees.
1.8 will give you a huge field of view but the amount of detail you can see will be lower. If you think about it you have a fixed number of pixels. So a wider images can only have less detail as it's stretched over same number of pixels.

It all depends on what you prefer.
I try :-)



Sweet Pickle

Quote from: ched999uk on Saturday,September 08, 2018, 17:26:33
It's always a balance between biggest field of view and things being too small to see.
I use a Swift Micro V2 with a 2.3mm lens and find it OK. I also have a 2.1mm on my F450 as I don't need to watch out for little branches when flying round trees.
1.8 will give you a huge field of view but the amount of detail you can see will be lower. If you think about it you have a fixed number of pixels. So a wider images can only have less detail as it's stretched over same number of pixels.

It all depends on what you prefer.
Yeah never thought about detail as I'm so poor I don't fly proximity. I am stepping up my game after several years so need to get serious and take off the training wheels


Quote from: Sweet Pickle on Saturday,September 08, 2018, 20:00:10
Yeah never thought about detail as I'm so poor I don't fly proximity. I am stepping up my game after several years so need to get serious and take off the training wheels
I was simplifying things as the field of view is also dependant on the sensor size!!
To be honest I have been 'flying' for about 3 years. I built a QAV250 back in 2015 and I couldn't control it even in stability mode!! So gave up for a while, then got a F450 with Naza and I was able to fly that round as a camera ship. So last July I built a Martian3 and I just about managed that fpv in stabilised mode last year. This year I moved and have more opportunity to fly so I have started learning fpv in acro mode. I started in May not being able to fly more than a min before crashing. Now I can fly round the field and through hoops without crashing, only coming in to land as battery getting low  ::)
I am VERY slow to learn and have a limited budget. I think that the thing that has helped me most is Velocidrone. I try and get average 15mins a day minimum. I have recently realised that my rates were way out. I was having difficulty getting tight turns. I realised that I had too little RC Rate, in that close to the stick center the quad was not moving enough. Now I have been able to tweek rates in Velocidrone I can get much sharper turns. I just need to practice more.

So I would say get a sim and practice will help lots. Velocidrone can even adjust the size of the camera and field of view.
I try :-)

Sweet Pickle

I feel you every step of the way.
I have built so many over the past few years but it's only ever taken a small crash to send me scurrying back to the man cave to lick my wounds.
I've looked for so many excuses not to fly I can't tell you.
The past few weeks I've been making a concerted effort to go out every day rain notwithstanding and I'm slowly gaining the upper hand. Crashing less... until I try something way too adventurous.
Still more Mr. Bean than Mr. Steele.. but I'm not letting the bad days ruin it.
I'm hoping to see what my work schedule is and get to the Oxford meet at the end of September. Don't think I have the nerve to fly in front of such esteemed company but I'd love to don the goggles and talk rubbish.


I've got an Align T-Rex that I slowly upgraded to competition spec everything. It got to the point where I was afraid to fly it in case I broke it. Because of that I'm always a bit cautious about getting top end kit when building quads. I tend to edge towards the budget end of the scale.

For cameras I predominantly use these.... (www.banggood.com/Eachine-1000TVL-13-CCD-110-Degree-2_8mm-Lens-Mini-FPV-Camera-NTSC-PAL-Switchable-p-1053340.html) ... Because when they're on offer (Usually for around 7 or 8 quid) they offer a pretty good image for the price.

There is a weak link on these though. It's the cheapo lenses they come with. The stock lense is usable, But not as good as the CCD element and the electronics can cope with, So I usually (Again, Bought when on offer) swap out the lens for one of these... (www.banggood.com/Foxeer-New-2_5mm-110-Degree-F2_0-M12x0_5mm-Lens-IR-Blocked-p-1130262.html).

What I end up with is an FPV camera that, While lacking the OSD and settings of Foxeer or Runcam's offerings, Generates a pretty good quality image, And at around 12 to 14 quid it's almost disposable.
I need a pay rise........ Though I'd settle for a reduction in the amount of hours I need to work to get the same money.


I know what you mean mate. Stick with it. I really have found the simulators very helpful. I have never been a gamer and my fingers just dont have the dexterity years of gaming gives. So I just try as much as I can to get stick time in on the sim.

When I fly I only have an empty football field and generally only at weekends. At first I was just flying down and hoping to be able to turn round with out hitting the deck  :smiley: I did only have 2 batteries so progress actually flying was very slow.
I now have 8 batteries so can get about 48mins flight time each time I go to the field.
I don't feel confident enough yet to do flips and rolls etc but hopefully the sim will help with that.

If you can get to Oxford I think it would be very helpful as everyone seems so helpful. I am sure they will be able to point you in the right direction.
I do think sometimes someone with experience can be a huge help. So take your kit and get to Oxford  and have fun ::) ::) ::)

Unfortunately I can't get there as I am self employed I am on call 24/7 from Feb to Oct!
I try :-)


Get to a BFU is probably gonna help you a great deal, particularly with things like fpv kit, as well as experiance/advice you will be able to see a range of cameras, vtx, and antenna in action through your goggles or screen and also try other people’s,