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Bad Raven:
12 May 2024 08:13:51
 I have some F1 Abusemark boards going spare,,,,,,,,,,,,,    ;)    :azn
11 May 2024 22:12:29
And with oldskool parts  :D
11 May 2024 22:11:57
I must be the only one doing tricopters right now  :laugh:
11 May 2024 22:09:30
11 May 2024 21:15:16
Domain has been renewed closure has been cancelled  :D
02 May 2024 08:07:52
Who are most people ??? I think the person you are referring to has put in a lot of effort to keep things moving  :rolleyes:
01 May 2024 10:16:12
Most people I have spoken to are pizzed off with the yellow peril  flooding the forum,go figure. :whistling:
23 Apr 2024 08:09:45
The Domain expires for the forum in 60 days, I'm not going to renew it this time unless I see any activity  :beer2:
20 Apr 2024 18:02:50
Is there anyone who would like to see this forum stay open ? :shrug:
17 Apr 2024 17:15:13
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I just give up.

Started by TwoFourty, Monday,September 26, 2016, 21:18:16

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Hey guys. It was a pleassure to be involved in this community but it';s time for me to leave. Don';t get me wrong, i just love flying quads but it';s stresful for me and i can';t take it anymore. Most of the time i';m just fixing something/burning something or waiting for parts to be delivered. This month i already went through 3 receivers. I';m working quite a lot at the moment, so I just can';t find any time to fly, cause i am waiting for parts and swapping them on my days off. Season is coming to the end aswell, so hopefully i will join you guys next summer. I am not in a hurry to sell everything i got.

Sent from my LG-D855 using Tapatalk


Never give up if I have learn to be thing since joininghere it is never give up.
Replacing bits is half the fun and the Russian roulette Far East shopping trips are great fun especially when you have forgotten what you ordered and it';s like Xmas when itarrives

Mr,Mr, Can I have a go
please, please, please
oh did you want to hit that tree
shoulda let me have a go Mr I wouldn't have let it go that far I cant see it past 30m
bet you wish you had let me have a go no Mr
EH ??? Don't You ? Mr


Fly more daintily,I have only managed to break 1 arm,many props and them cheap enough to buy,burn out one fc that was new when fitting it.

I fly daintily but have just upgraded to something faster that';s more handful but still take it to where my skill level is.

There';s no competition here as far as I am aware of so just take it easy as I think it';s an hobby you grow into and that grows with you.

I don';t think it';s good to encourage people to spend more and more money,all I suggest is flying in a way that preserves what you got more and for longer and spend when you need/have to.

Call me tight but I am still flying on same King Kong props for weeks now,I just keep bending them back.


Yep, +1 for the last 2 replies. It really is up to you. But don';t step away, or give up. Just take it at your own pace. If you want to wait until Spring to fly again, then do so.

But... Remember... We get beautiful winter mornings, with no wind, and wonderful, crisp sunlight. It looks great from up high, and your quad/hex is the best way to get it!  ;)

Hope you';ll keep posting.
Potensic F181DH  -  Ghost 250 (blue)  -  Cheerson CX-10/A  -  Syma X11C  -  FQ777-FQ17W  -  Eachine E57  -  BetaFPV 65S  -  Robocat 280 (in build)  -  Ghost 250 LED (in build) - And lots of broken stuff!


Perhaps also finding a flying pal will help liven things up,perhaps they are learners like you,take a mate and a spare pair of goggles and have a passenger.take s different mate on a different day.take it easy preserve what you got by knowing your weakness and limit and inject some fun into it.

I got 2 mates and they are itching to come with me,one pair of Spare goggles failed same day I fired them up and I just recieved some more today,oh boy I have got some things in store for them.they smoke the wacky so this will be real fun hearing them like they on roller coaster!


Keep at it matey we all go thro times like that, a few months a go I snapped 3 imersions vtx antennas on the trot lol £150 worth  :banghead: felt like giving up then too.
Emax nighthawk 280,Emax x4,Blade 350qx3,dx6 (gen2),fatshark doms v2.


This could so easily be me, I';m terrible for sticking at things and I have already broken more stuff than I care to think about. Saleem';s advice is good though and in fact I was already determined to fly at my ability level, not beyond it. I was having fun too until my quad dropped out of the sky due to a loose wire. First crash with nothing broken though, result!

At the end of the day, I guess there';s no point doing something you won';t enjoy but there is a point in sticking at something that you will eventually get a lot of satisfaction from.


Agree with all the above, plus you shouldn';t be going through Rx, I haven';t ever killed one, just the antenna, get someone to review your build mate


Stick with it, just have a week off, focus and think about other things to distract you. Family, friends, football, women, drugs, dancing, pub, train spotting, sky diving,,,,anything but rc,,,,,there';s something for everyone  :laugh:
It';s stressful, costs a fortune and can drive you mad at times, it';s the flight controller and computer side of things that';s my demon, just hate computers but there';s no other way  :smiley:


I feel like I';m starting by going against the grain, but if the hobby genuinely causes you more stress than enjoyment and it';s having a negative effect on your mental wellbeing and health then maybe it is best to step away from multi rotors for the time being.  Nothing is worth damaging your health dude.  This hobby can be pretty taxing, especially in the early stages - like the first year or so.  I know it';s tried to knock me for six a good few times.

If you take an undetermined break, rather than deciding to give up completely, you may well find yourself missing certain aspects of the hobby at which point you can consider easing yourself back in again.  Don';t sell your kit but, if you are wanting a break, put it away somewhere out of sight/mind, just to give yourself a proper rest from whatever it is that';s causing the stress.

If on the other hand it';s more a case of frustration getting the better of you, don';t give up.  Slow it down and go back to basics to regain confidence.  Try coming at the hobby from a new angle.  If your quad is causing you issues and behaving erratically get someone in the know to give it a look over and test it or help fix it.  Sometimes it can be just one thing that causes so many issues - like the hair that broke the camels back.  If it is that simple, once the single flaw is fixed you could well find yourself feeling completely differently and very positive toward the hobby again.   :smiley:


If I lost a quad I would be gutted but this hobby costs to a certain degree,I suppose it';s because I am a glut,indulgent,always wanting a fix.but it';s actually been a hobby I can actually maintain to a certain degree,I don';t have commitments like a lot of most so for that reason I can splash out a small amount of my weekly budget on things or save up for something.

It';s been the easiest hobby for me personally to maintain,if something broke it was because of me,not the quads part.

It';s initially costly depending on taste or what you want or expect but after that it';s just pure indulgence or stupidity replacing something YOU broke or that happened to fail.

Sweet Pickle

I absolutely go through thoughts like this every single day.
For me at the moment it';s the hobby that just keeps taking.
The problem with me is I';m the most stubborn sod that every drew breath. The harder it gets, the more it gets to me.... the more determined I am to still dream.
I';ve trotted out my story many times it';s like a stuck record.
Building is fun, modifying is fun, surveying my hanger is sort of fun, flying makes me break out in a cold sweat. I';ll use any excuse in the book not to fly. Bit blowy, might rain, too hot, haven';t got any batteries on charge, went over the fields too many people walking dogs... etc.
I seriously watch some of the videos uploaded and it makes me believe it';s all possible. Out in the real world it just won';t happen.
After what is about 3 years now I went to a model shop a few miles away, I know that the owner does tuition and there is massive space on the shops land to fly. I go out there hoping to book some lessons only to be overwhelmed when I got there. It was clear that the shop was geared more towards large models and fixed wing with just a tiny display cabinet given up to multi-rotors. As I stood peering into the display I got the feeling the owner was looking at me disapprovingly so I sidled out and left. Truth be told he probably wasn';t but it';s just another way for me to bottle it and avoid confronting the demons.
Strange really because I';ve had a few crashes, nothing so major it';s cost a fortune but confidence is alarmingly low. I can fly my piddly little Hubsan until the cows come home. Anything larger than that and I';m on eggshells. It was a major accomplishment a few months ago when I managed to keep my goggles on for a 7 minute flight. This was on my TBS with full GPS assist though. If I try on a 250 with no bells and whistles I can';t fly 20 yards before I panic.

No real moral of the story that';s going to inspire you I';m afraid. The only thing I will say if I';m not about to chuck in the towel with only about 10 flights in 3 years, neither should you. ~~ ~~


Oh wow. I was not expecting such a support. You guys inspired me to try one more time. I got my packs charged. On my way to work at the moment. I still got one receiver which is kinda working, but has only one anthenna. I am going to try and fit it inside at least for a while. Looks like it';s gonna be a nice day, so looking forward to take it to a field. You guys pointed one thing that i completely agree on finding a buddy who is flying those god damn evil machines aswell xD the problem is i';ve never seen any people flying quads. Member map doesn';t help aswell, cause i am the only one in York xD i heard about a local flying club outside the city, but the thing is i got no car, so it';s really hard to get there for me. And they are flying in an open field which honestly makes me sad a bit. I want some obstacles in my way. At least a few trees or smh. Thanks for support once again. You guys are awesome.

Sent from my LG-D855 using Tapatalk


I was just reading a similar post on a Facebook group ....

This is the make or break part you need to get through!  This is the learning part!  If you can';t fly for real get a flight sim open and use it .... get your transmitter and goggles hooked up to your pc and fly for a wee bit each night!!

Sent from my SM-T810 using Tapatalk


Fly within your limits,fly within what your quad is capable of doing in your hands,just cos someone posted a vid flying like they stole it don';t mean you can,know your wall and stay inside it.

I broke antenna but how are you mounting the Rx and antennas?fit the Rx where it won';t take brunt of impacts,antennas use the tie off method with shrink wrap so it';s floppy.ibwould rather have antenna that flop than fancy stuff things cos they look cool.also feed antennas through correct holes,this will help the antenna not get snipped on sharp edges.

Take it easy when you get to obstacles and build your confidence up,if you built it right it should take a fair few knocks and still be intact but fly to preserve it and step forward a little at a time rather than running.


I';ve been there myself, I had a bit of time off and went flying my Planes and Gliders but when I thought I wanted to have a go again I started from scratch more or less with toy grade models; just got used to moving them around.
The nice thing about the small toy grade stuff is that it';s not easy to completely destroy them and parts are cheap.
I';ve recently rebuilt my 450 as a camera ship and am enjoying flying it but I';ve got quite a few other broken models (including my beloved Tricopters) that at some time I must repair/rebuild and fly.
My advice is to not push yourself to do things that other people are doing, it';s not enjoyable.... go at your own pace and only go out of your comfort zone if you really want to.


Quote from: DarrellW on Tuesday,September 27, 2016, 10:38:53
I';ve been there myself, I had a bit of time off and went flying my Planes and Gliders but when I thought I wanted to have a go again I started from scratch more or less with toy grade models; just got used to moving them around.
The nice thing about the small toy grade stuff is that it';s not easy to completely destroy them and parts are cheap.
I';ve recently rebuilt my 450 as a camera ship and am enjoying flying it but I';ve got quite a few other broken models (including my beloved Tricopters) that at some time I must repair/rebuild and fly.
My advice is to not push yourself to do things that other people are doing, it';s not enjoyable.... go at your own pace and only go out of your comfort zone if you really want to.

Sound advice, planes are great and so simple to set up.
The EPP style wing';s bounce well and don';t break easy. Fun and a great distraction.
I think I paid £18 from hobbyking for my combat wing, already had a spare quad motor, prop, esc and a rx + Lipo,,,,that';s the cheapest I';ve ever got a wing in the air for so far, and gives a nice break from multis  ~~


I am very much like Sweet Pickle. I came into this hobby 100% percent from the photography angle. Never flown any RC';s before. While I am flying I feel fairly calm but still am happy to finish and usually fly for about 10 mins per battery and have never pushed the batteries to their full 15/20 mins. At the end of the flights I am at my calmest knowing nothing happened and I am going home. But before any flights I really have to push myself out of the house and to the nearby fields. And expect the craft will plummet to the earth any moment. Which at some point will happen..

Wanted to fly over the channel and get some aerial shots of the coastline. But all these low flying rescue helicopters and possible planes etc really worry me and put me off. So end just watching other peoples flights on youtube!     
Phantom 1 with DYS smart 3 axis gimbal
Phantom 2 with Zenmuse H3 3D and FPV
GoPro Hero 3 Black


Funny thing is i want to take it out and fly the hell out of it. But this is getting ridiculous. Came back home. Put the receiver in its place, hooked up anthenas. Test hover,everything is fine. Woohoo. Not. Got it outside just for a quick check. No video. You gotta be kiding. Yesterday it was just fine. Came back home again, took the rpsma pigtail away, pluged in anthenna. Woohoo. It works. Not for long. But the frame back together, put all my ****** in a flight bag, decided to make a quick video test before going. And guess ****** what. No video again. Checked the voltages, cam is getting 5v, vtx is getting direct voltage from 3s pack. Camera is sending 0.5v to vtx, vtx is receiving it but no video whatsoever. Thats what i am talking about. I want to fly it, i know how to fly it, but i just can';t get it working properly. If i fix one thing, another one goes wrong even without crashes. It';s gonna get dark soon. I have no idea whats the problem. My goggles are getting a some kinda signal from vtx, cause it';s not just static noise.

Sent from my LG-D855 using Tapatalk


TwoForty, are we related?

I am in a similar position...as usual, its been the same ever since I got into this hobby of RC stuff.  due to bad crashes early on in this game, my confidence has taken a few substantial knocks.  Also I don';t have money to burn.  I really am crash-adverse, especially if its going to cost a lot.

Some of my models just plain scare me, my Boomerang and my 450 helicopters.  They are still just a bit above my skill levels and the idea of flying them triggers that unpleasant anxiety in me.  I do the too hot, too cold, too windy, not sunny enough, too sunny, no batteries charged, too busy etc etc etc excuses stuff for not flying.....

How ever I really don';t get this anxiety with my foamies and my little helicopters and I feel just fine about flying them.

The same goes for my quad, its just nice to fly POV of FPV and instills loads of confidence in me. 

I know it will crash well. 

These models all do and they are cheap. 

Actually when I fly these scary models they aren';t so scary in reality.  I do irrationally build it up in my head and get in a state about it.

Feeling guilty about spending cash on these frivolous "toys" is nagging away in the background a bit too and not getting my moneys worth....Kind of thing.

So what helps me is....flying things I am fine with, my foamies, little helis and my two quads.  I genuinely enjoy flying them and have no problems in the brain department with them...

Putting the cost into perspective, I don';t really do Guiness anymore and just a few nights in away from the pub soon adds up to a new RC toy. 


Say to yourself, its more than a silly hobby and playing with silly toys, you know it and if other people don';t then... well never mind.  They won';t ever get it don';t let them miff you up.

Have a break, I do, pretty soon I will forget about beating myself up about not flying enough until next spring.  By the time the sun starts to come back I am eager to get out and fly again.

Probably the most important thing is after that little lay-off, I have literally forgotten about all the doubts and the guilt and the worries I have constructed in the last season I seem to be able to just get on with another year of flying when I can, getting better at it, getting more and more confidant.....

Its not a race, its not easy, there is no quick fix.  There will be plenty of time for me to get better at this business of RC flying.

Nighthawk Pro, Trex 450 L Dominator 6 cell *FLOWN*, Blade 450-3D, MCPX-BL, MCPX-V2, Hubsan X4, Seagull Boomerang IC .40 trainer, HK Bixler, AXN Clouds fly,, Spektrum DX7, Taranis, AccuRC


From what has been said I would suggest giving LOS a go and take a rest from fpv for a while - even if you get a toy grade model to do play with just have fun....no pressure!!!


I think if I was to start in this hobby again I';d build 3 racing quads exactly the same ....

Sweet Pickle

More of the same today.
Got my little tarot 120 a while ago. Built myself up to a maiden for it today. Went over the local waste ground with dog and daughter. Optimistically charged 4 lipos. Park full of lairy East European lager lots so turned on heels for home.
Got in the back garden for a test hover, first battery didn';t even get down to 12v when it bounced down on grass, flipped onto lid, broke all 4 props, cut through RX antenna and knackered a motor. Hoped it would just be soldering but it smells burned to hell so not optimistic.
Bought one of these because I watched a YouTube video that said due to its size it was quite robust. That went well then.
Really don';t know how many kickings you take before it';s off to eBay.
I just can';t see any light at the end of the tunnel.
More crashes than Colt Seavers (showing my age). Waste of time hateful hobby. Not my shortest maiden to date which makes it all the more disappointing.


The problem is los and where you are doing it,i had the same and i live in a tower block,1 of a pair and flew out front with a decent area to use.i broke plenty of props till i realised there are props on market that dont break soo easily ie:king kong!i am still using same pair i had a month or more ago.

Btw i have been flying out front with my 122 atom but i just got my 250 back in air after replacing the esc and motors for red bottoms as the new emax red bottoms gave oscillations and rendered the quad unflyable due to interference with the fpv system.

I broke 1 motor by pulling the wires out after hitting a bush and to top it iff i rebuilt the wuad,went out front being a posing git and the wuad was massively overpowered to me then a newb and i some how flew it to the next flats car park,about 75m away and around the same height.out of sheer panic i dropped it and got lucky as theres parked cars and kids play there,so short story i never did that again!strictly park for 250.

Si went to park and flew los for around 2 weeks,just going back and forth and when it came to turning i was total crap so just dove into fpv goggles.luckily i took to them,took 2 weeks to get confident enough to go over these right tall trees but i did sndbit was an achievement.

After 4 weeks of 1806 motors i wanted more so got red bottoms but its put the quad out of action for 3 weeks at least.got everything running today and i still got oscillations so had to turn home!

So after messing and turning things in my head,i made the oscillations less as the osd minimsd was getting agitated so removed it and its not as bad!so perseverence and patience and just using a bit of common sense pays off.dont confine yourself,get breathing space to allow for mess ups but know and grow a learning curve and comfort zone,you griw with it and it grows with you!

Bad Raven

Quote from: Fletch on Tuesday,September 27, 2016, 18:39:22
I think if I was to start in this hobby again I';d build 3 racing quads exactly the same ....

That is what I did when learning 50/600 class Helicopters, instead of one bling machine I bought four secondhand Hirobo Sceadu';s for the same money, really well made robust things, and if I stuffed one in, no end of session on a low, bring out No2 and fly a bit less extreme!

I have built two 160 quads with 1306';s, two 150s with 1104s, (all Diatone ET) so similar technique, blast one around knowing there';s another in hand, and the combined price is around the same as one brand name. I got the two 150 frames for £8.50 each, on a one day sale, for example.


I haven';t been able to fly for almost a year now due to heavy workload and also a new house. I will be back again next year hopefully so like me just keeping checking your lithiums and dreaming of some quality flying.

I haven';t even finished my delta printer... :banghead:
ZMR 250 carbon frame, emax mt1806 motors, mystery 12a ESC, Flip32+, 5040 props
9x transmitter


Im out, just sold the quad and radio gear on the bay.

Just not enough time unfortunately, got some arial shots of the house and garden so not going away empty handed :)

Have bits for coming up for sale so will be listing soon




I';m in for life or till I';m physically or mentally unable
If your thinking of giving up and can afford to loose
One multi
Give it one last try but don';t give a monkeys if you crash all the time it wasent till I didn';t care what happend to my quad
That a suddenly cracked it .


Best way to learn is to crash, learn how to crash properly.


My tip would be to keep it simple on the build. Less things to set up, less things to go wrong. FPV gear can be quite straight forward and the things that go wrong can be quite easy to diagnose, but when you';re starting out its hard to find the info and the less components in the build, the better.
You will read that you ';need'; this or ';need'; that - not necessarily. So, connect the vtx to the pdb (assuming it';s the usual 6-24V input) and connect your camera to that. You may get lines or other artefacts but it';ll be flyable and that';s most important for now.
If you don';t get a picture at all, check the power connections and check the channel tuning. If you get a black screen it';s a camera connection issue.
Treat the quad as a seperate entity in its setup and I try to include ';mechanical fuses'; in the build - bits that are designed to break and absorb energy rather than destroying the quad.
Aside from that, just fly. Don';t worry about spending money on the right batteries, the right props, the right HD camera etc. What ever you have already will work. Just fly!

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