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Bad Raven:
12 May 2024 08:13:51
 I have some F1 Abusemark boards going spare,,,,,,,,,,,,,    ;)    :azn
11 May 2024 22:12:29
And with oldskool parts  :D
11 May 2024 22:11:57
I must be the only one doing tricopters right now  :laugh:
11 May 2024 22:09:30
11 May 2024 21:15:16
Domain has been renewed closure has been cancelled  :D
02 May 2024 08:07:52
Who are most people ??? I think the person you are referring to has put in a lot of effort to keep things moving  :rolleyes:
01 May 2024 10:16:12
Most people I have spoken to are pizzed off with the yellow peril  flooding the forum,go figure. :whistling:
23 Apr 2024 08:09:45
The Domain expires for the forum in 60 days, I'm not going to renew it this time unless I see any activity  :beer2:
20 Apr 2024 18:02:50
Is there anyone who would like to see this forum stay open ? :shrug:
17 Apr 2024 17:15:13
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How i annoyed the mrs today mk2

Started by Slayer23, Thursday,September 08, 2016, 20:45:21

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Well after nearly 2000 views and countless replies 4 pages worth I had been distracted from my tales of flying for the righteous (me) against the dark side (she who must be obeyed and the yappy mutt) so I thought I would revisit my flying .

So what is new well I have gone through probably 10 props on the Q4 surprisingly resilient little quad and great fun to buzz the mutt whilst she is out I love flying this little thing it is so responsive on its highest setting and a bore to fly now in anything but lol I can now fly this and land it on a tea coaster anywhere you want I can hover it in one spot at virtually 1 height for a whole battery.

The cheerson CX31 has not faired so well not only do the props fly off up your nose when you supply a little throttle but after several direct hits from the the dark sides arsenal of weapons (pillows slippers and magazines unfortunately it is showing battle scars . Thinking of replacing body with original creation one but have seen some little frames I could possibly transplant the innards to.

So I have rebuilt a 180 and that is ready to fly (I think) it spins up all the modes are set but not been flown yet . Have built a Q450 and thanks to generosity of others this is fitted with a APM mini which has been a whole new kettle of fish.

I am now toying with the idea of a 250 build or maybe something a little bigger so let me know what you think lol might even do Neil';s step by step build guide lol.

So I have now had 2 sessions with the hypnotherapist and I am nice only thing stopping me from stepping out of the door is me but I am getting there .

Need to find things to keep me occupied and that is not easy but think she might put my pocket money up so hopefully might have more treats soon lol

Neil :D

Mr,Mr, Can I have a go
please, please, please
oh did you want to hit that tree
shoulda let me have a go Mr I wouldn't have let it go that far I cant see it past 30m
bet you wish you had let me have a go no Mr
EH ??? Don't You ? Mr


Well, I enjoyed the tales of your good lady getting all Navratilova towards your indoor flying!  :laugh:

But a new thread is the way to go... I';m sure I';ll enjoy this as much as the other one  ~~

Now, do that bloody step-by -step build!!!  :beer2:
Potensic F181DH  -  Ghost 250 (blue)  -  Cheerson CX-10/A  -  Syma X11C  -  FQ777-FQ17W  -  Eachine E57  -  BetaFPV 65S  -  Robocat 280 (in build)  -  Ghost 250 LED (in build) - And lots of broken stuff!


Step 1 : convince her it is a necessary evil. And it is something that is needed not just wanted  wish me luck
Mr,Mr, Can I have a go
please, please, please
oh did you want to hit that tree
shoulda let me have a go Mr I wouldn't have let it go that far I cant see it past 30m
bet you wish you had let me have a go no Mr
EH ??? Don't You ? Mr


Tell her it';s the future of humanity and you';re already further than most. This will be a move towards a better future, not just for you, but for the whole of humanity!!!  ;)
Potensic F181DH  -  Ghost 250 (blue)  -  Cheerson CX-10/A  -  Syma X11C  -  FQ777-FQ17W  -  Eachine E57  -  BetaFPV 65S  -  Robocat 280 (in build)  -  Ghost 250 LED (in build) - And lots of broken stuff!


You definitely need to take that step now that you';ve got this bigger stuff that';s not a good idea to fly indoors, your garden is an extension of your house, it';s part of your property not public. Get comfortable standing in the doorway and just slowly edge yourself out, even inches at a time - you owe it to yourself.


Oooooooo now the future of humanity may just depend on the pixhawk 2 that looks like a toy I want to play with all it has to do is drop to a affordable price lol.

Tomorrow I am going to sit on the step and have a coffee that is my promise to you all :D
Mr,Mr, Can I have a go
please, please, please
oh did you want to hit that tree
shoulda let me have a go Mr I wouldn't have let it go that far I cant see it past 30m
bet you wish you had let me have a go no Mr
EH ??? Don't You ? Mr


Thanks for cheering me up tonight :)

I had been avoiding doing any proper work on the big(ish) Armattan, as I hadn';t trusted myself to do anything right

Sent from my Nexus 5X using Tapatalk

Not much kit, but what I have I like
Armattan Tilt 2, Morphite 180, Quark 150, Decapitated NanoQX


Glad to be of service if you can';t face working on any build mate just send it my way lol

:) neil
Mr,Mr, Can I have a go
please, please, please
oh did you want to hit that tree
shoulda let me have a go Mr I wouldn't have let it go that far I cant see it past 30m
bet you wish you had let me have a go no Mr
EH ??? Don't You ? Mr


OK looking for some advice now guys

Do I

A) approach her on bended knees and look for a truce with the dark side in order to increase the weapons cache.

B) avoid communicating with the dark side in any way shape or style ?

C) buy what I want and live without mutt that I hate for next six months

D) none of the above

Just to help you with my dilemma I once brought a new bike which I promptly had to sell because I misunderstood

"Do what you want " apparently it means something totally different to the darkside

Neil :)6
Mr,Mr, Can I have a go
please, please, please
oh did you want to hit that tree
shoulda let me have a go Mr I wouldn't have let it go that far I cant see it past 30m
bet you wish you had let me have a go no Mr
EH ??? Don't You ? Mr


Sell the mutt

Sent from my Nexus 5X using Tapatalk

Not much kit, but what I have I like
Armattan Tilt 2, Morphite 180, Quark 150, Decapitated NanoQX


Mr,Mr, Can I have a go
please, please, please
oh did you want to hit that tree
shoulda let me have a go Mr I wouldn't have let it go that far I cant see it past 30m
bet you wish you had let me have a go no Mr
EH ??? Don't You ? Mr


Quote"Do what you want " apparently it means something totally different to the darkside

Yeah lol that usually means pick either way.......its gonna be wrong anyway lmao  :laugh:  :laugh:

great post to read tho made me laff love good humour  ~~
Emax nighthawk 280,Emax x4,Blade 350qx3,dx6 (gen2),fatshark doms v2.


Quote from: Slayer23 on Thursday,September 08, 2016, 23:42:47
It has more rights than me lol
Jeeze, I';m not on my own - that';s a bit like me and our moggie; mind you she';s not my enemy - steers well clear of my toys, straight round the back of the settee ::)


OK so I say more rights well I look in the cupboard today there are at least seven types of doggy treats in the biscuit barrel there are plain old digestives not even big money ones oh no Tesco value brand ones.

Look in fridge there is value brand cheese symbol don';t eat cheese there is middle of the road ham and salad stuff. In the freezer it';s things like fish and chicken.
I look in the dogs cupboard oh it';s steak and vegetables, gourmet lamb dinner, liver with rice and assorted other meals 4 different types of mixers .

And to add insult to injury my last jacket cost me 15 quid the mutts cost twenty five and she moans about me having a quad.

So I try the old well at least you don';t have to feed and walk a quad mistake number one!!
Then I say at least I ain';t got to buy a bed for the quad to lie on mistake number two!!!!!
And then I make that fatal mistake I say at least it don';t crap everywhere!!!!

So she has not spoken to me in about a hour this is not a good sign.she has been on the phone to ultima prime (mother in law)  hatching battle plans.
Now all I can do is await the darksides attack and only hope that it is a mild one but some how I think that it will not be. If the downside tells me it is docking with ultima prime for 48 hours (going to mother in laws for weekend) then I am kind of in trouble so please keep this in mind.
Don';t upset the dark side the force is strong within them and they hold the spheres of pain and pleasure in a way you can';t escape from so why do we refuse to give in ?????

Neil :S
Mr,Mr, Can I have a go
please, please, please
oh did you want to hit that tree
shoulda let me have a go Mr I wouldn't have let it go that far I cant see it past 30m
bet you wish you had let me have a go no Mr
EH ??? Don't You ? Mr


Ok i now know that battle plans are being drawn up the darkside has arranged a docking with the mother ship to interface with ultima prime (wife has made arrangements to go to mothers for weekend)
So that is me in the dog house  (dont mind that its bed is more comfortable anyway)
I have now had 2 cups of coffee sitting on the doorstep and got to thinking hang on lets charge the q4 and see what i can hit out here only problem is the weather so that is on hold.

do not want to chance the CX31  as batteries keep falling out and do not want to leave it at other end of garden when i find i do not have the guts to recover it.

Could try one of the larger quads but that leaves me with same dilemma what if it flys out of my comfort zone and i cannot retrieve it ?
I can see it now the Q450 30 foot away no battery and me sitting on the step wondering if i have any fishing line strong enough to recover it  (oooooooooo i could always do a teathered flight i guess )

So i have decided that i will await the return of the darkhalf before i am that brave!!!!
now i have a weekend to myself so i will be flying the arse off the Q4 without fear of losing any bits too the attacks of the dark half and her mutant mutt. and i can also sit and stream a couple of those tv boxsets she dont let me watch suddenly DIVORCE seems like a wonderfull idea

Neil :D
Mr,Mr, Can I have a go
please, please, please
oh did you want to hit that tree
shoulda let me have a go Mr I wouldn't have let it go that far I cant see it past 30m
bet you wish you had let me have a go no Mr
EH ??? Don't You ? Mr


OK have decided that this sitting in doors lark officially sucks !!!!!!
I can';t find feck all to do been up since 6 was so bored I painted the kitchen (dark half owes me suggestions of what to ask for )
No fun flying in living room without the alliance there trying to take you out.
Think if I decorate the living room too (paint over what';s there to freshen up) what sort of credit will that give me hmmmmmmm

Coffee on doorstep
Phone mucca to collect tub of magnolia from b&q
Paint living room , hallway and bedroom before dark half and mutant mutt return from optima prime might buy me some good crredit.
Another coffee on doorstep
Forget the decorating and stream a couple of movies
No credit with dark half
Decisions decisions
Mr,Mr, Can I have a go
please, please, please
oh did you want to hit that tree
shoulda let me have a go Mr I wouldn't have let it go that far I cant see it past 30m
bet you wish you had let me have a go no Mr
EH ??? Don't You ? Mr


Credit with the dark half is generally the safest option, brownie points are not easily come by; but if like me whatever you do isn';t right it makes it a difficult choice. I would be off flying - except it';s p1551ng it down here  :banghead:


OK so she not here and I am thinking shall I order some fpv  goggles well what she don';t know don';t hurt her and thinking I can take on the battle against the alliance covertly (from a safe distance at least)  so what would you recommend not the earth to spend but have a little tucked away she don';t know about
Mr,Mr, Can I have a go
please, please, please
oh did you want to hit that tree
shoulda let me have a go Mr I wouldn't have let it go that far I cant see it past 30m
bet you wish you had let me have a go no Mr
EH ??? Don't You ? Mr


The Eachine VR D2s are looking very interesting for budget goggles but they are an unknown quantity at the moment.


ok so i have flown my way through about 4 hours worth of batteries this weekend keep looking at the 6 lipos sitting at storage charge thinking charge one of them and try the 180 hmmmm
seeing as it is a untested build i am resisting. Then i think put the 450 down get gps lock set failsafe to RTL what can go wrong PLENTY lol
so i am determined now to be in the garden this week at least hovering one of these machines or i may as well give up.
Definately going for a set of goggles this way i can be out without being out does that make sense once i have broken this fear barrier just a little more i think i will be on the winning straight but i am not going to tempt fate.
I look forward to my cuppa on the steps so that is a big progress and the dark half is due home soon so I better tidy up a little.
yeah before you ask am i a man or a mouse show me the damn cheese.

Neil :D
Mr,Mr, Can I have a go
please, please, please
oh did you want to hit that tree
shoulda let me have a go Mr I wouldn't have let it go that far I cant see it past 30m
bet you wish you had let me have a go no Mr
EH ??? Don't You ? Mr


OK OK I have been lazy on my posts
Well not lazy just a little predisposed so i am now able to stand on the other side of the garden door without the world going titsup around me :D That is big progress believe me.
Have been avoiding flying the nano as i am becoming bored of it and do not want to get bored of the hobby before i have had a chance to fly anything bigger :S
The wife is overjoyed that i am not mounting aerial attacks on the darksides lair at this time, its almost as if a truce has been called (got sent a 495mm frame the other day now set that up and attack the darkside would be fun lol)
I have a little telemetry project underway if anyone has a spare airside 433 radio they no longer use let me know.
hoping to have a set of goggles within the next couple of weeks so i am going to start playing with the osd and will have to hook it up to a cable feed until i get some form of reciever.

Had it up to the eyeballs with reviewers and instructional videos and manuals that make things ni on impossible for newcomers to the sport it is as if they expect everyone to have a phd in electronics and do not take the time to explain bugger all.
Painless 360 tries but tends to skip too many steps and takes too long with his flash cards. the manuals have nothing of much use in them and way too many diagrams have items i dont even have on them e.g. telemetry osd and other additional items the word additional is important if it aint there why show it in the main diagram >????? show me my main connections then use another diagram for additional crap not all on one.

ok rant over  :D

Neil :D
Mr,Mr, Can I have a go
please, please, please
oh did you want to hit that tree
shoulda let me have a go Mr I wouldn't have let it go that far I cant see it past 30m
bet you wish you had let me have a go no Mr
EH ??? Don't You ? Mr


Well what a lovely morning :D

Do you know it is amazing i had forgotten how good it felt to have rain hit you on the face.

Neighbour must have cut his grass yesterday so this morning i was sat on the step wet arse and rain running down my neck smelling fresh mown lawn and drinking my first cup of coffee thinking how good life is. Then it got up with a cob on Oh well guess we cant have it all.

So just to annoy her I have charged up the Q4 and i am going to have a serious blast round the living room for the first time this week. Have some epoxy resin here so may even secure the props to the cx 31 and buzz that arround keep thinking shall i get one of these 80-90 mm frames and rebuild the CX into it but that means waiting for the slow boat yet again lol.

Have another project to work on at least well will have once the FC and RX arrive  keep building these things and still have yet to fly one lol.

You watch first time out with one i built i will probably scalp myself or something stupid lol.

Neil :D
Mr,Mr, Can I have a go
please, please, please
oh did you want to hit that tree
shoulda let me have a go Mr I wouldn't have let it go that far I cant see it past 30m
bet you wish you had let me have a go no Mr
EH ??? Don't You ? Mr


The best things in life are free... except for quad frames and express delivery.


worst thing dont laugh i have a glut of frames but nothing to put in them
I have some motors but only 12A esc
no Fc lol
i give up i could juggle some esc arround but it is a pain to do
Mr,Mr, Can I have a go
please, please, please
oh did you want to hit that tree
shoulda let me have a go Mr I wouldn't have let it go that far I cant see it past 30m
bet you wish you had let me have a go no Mr
EH ??? Don't You ? Mr


Quote from: Slayer23 on Friday,September 16, 2016, 10:10:42
worst thing dont laugh i have a glut of frames but nothing to put in them
I have some motors but only 12A esc
no Fc lol
i give up i could juggle some esc arround but it is a pain to do
You know the old adage, JDI!!! No excuses, you';re not short of time!!!
12A esc means being careful how much throttle you use that';s all.


Tis neither time nor effort I am afraid of using just know that I will suffer from ear bending if I start another build

Mr,Mr, Can I have a go
please, please, please
oh did you want to hit that tree
shoulda let me have a go Mr I wouldn't have let it go that far I cant see it past 30m
bet you wish you had let me have a go no Mr
EH ??? Don't You ? Mr


I dunno if you have seen this mate, it has been around for many years. But pretty much sounds like my life:


Never seen that but will have to read it lol

thankfully we never actually argue she goes quiet and i hide

works for me and as i have said on many an occasion
Show me the cheese !!!!!

she wears the trousers so i know my place

Neil :D

Bet none of the rest of you have the balls to admit that and if you think your in charge you poor deluded fool !!!!
:nananana: :nananana: :nananana:
Mr,Mr, Can I have a go
please, please, please
oh did you want to hit that tree
shoulda let me have a go Mr I wouldn't have let it go that far I cant see it past 30m
bet you wish you had let me have a go no Mr
EH ??? Don't You ? Mr


When i got married we went from the church to the reception in a horse drawn carriage,
half way there  we got to a crossroads and as a car went past the horse shied, I said "thats once" a bit further it shied again, i said  "thats twice" when we got to the reception as we were getting down from the carriage it started rearing, I said "thats three times" enough is enough !! i got a shotgun and put the horse down, when i looked around my wife was white as a sheet, she said "what did you do that for".
I replied "thats once"... Since then i';ve  had no problems...  :whistling:
Reptile folder , alien 500 , F/ Shark Attitudes,
 .Tarot 650, Air-rio Kinetic.. DX9  Various wings and planks.. Taranis x9D+..Mavic..Armattan.. Chameleion...
Massive over draught.....


we went from the wedding reception to the hotel room it was a lovely room i carried her over the threshold laid her on the bed. I then removed my trousers and decided to put her right early on so asked her to put them on  she did and to her i said "Right darling that is the one and only time you wear the trousers in this relationship" she smilled and nodded her head. Damn that felt good and to my surprise she proceeded to strip seductively WOOOHOOO i thought upon removing her underwear she made a request "Put these silk panties on for me" Well being mildly kinky and never one to look a gift horse in the mouth i did as requested. Oh then she changed from all sweet and loving to the she devil i now know she is and her words i still remember with the clarity of a bell
"You ever ever ever talk to me like that again and you will never get back into these " so we think we are in controll but my friends it is all an illusion buy our superiors

Neil :D
Mr,Mr, Can I have a go
please, please, please
oh did you want to hit that tree
shoulda let me have a go Mr I wouldn't have let it go that far I cant see it past 30m
bet you wish you had let me have a go no Mr
EH ??? Don't You ? Mr