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Bad Raven:
12 May 2024 08:13:51
 I have some F1 Abusemark boards going spare,,,,,,,,,,,,,    ;)    :azn
11 May 2024 22:12:29
And with oldskool parts  :D
11 May 2024 22:11:57
I must be the only one doing tricopters right now  :laugh:
11 May 2024 22:09:30
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Domain has been renewed closure has been cancelled  :D
02 May 2024 08:07:52
Who are most people ??? I think the person you are referring to has put in a lot of effort to keep things moving  :rolleyes:
01 May 2024 10:16:12
Most people I have spoken to are pizzed off with the yellow peril  flooding the forum,go figure. :whistling:
23 Apr 2024 08:09:45
The Domain expires for the forum in 60 days, I'm not going to renew it this time unless I see any activity  :beer2:
20 Apr 2024 18:02:50
Is there anyone who would like to see this forum stay open ? :shrug:
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Did 'YOU' crash today??

Started by Andy7, Sunday,August 14, 2016, 18:41:41

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Thought I';d start a popular post';s EVIL TWIN today after a rather annoying tumble.
Feel free to vent your bile and rage or broken prop-count.

As they say, "If you';re not crashing, you';re not TRYING - so no shame here.

I was out doing a bit of FPV this morning when I got gunge under my contact lens. Couldn';t see, so I popped off the fatsharks - no better,  could hear it coming towards me but couldn';t make out the tail-lights. Had to ditch it to prevent things getting ugly.

Ironically, I saw the crash really clearly! Made a respectable crater in the ground which helped me return to the site to get the missing pieces of my camera mount.
One totalled arm, but only 20mins lost in the lab to replace.

Bruised ego though...

ZMR200 | EMAX 2206 2300kv | XSRF4PO(BF) | FatShark Dom V3 | Spedix ES25 | 4S 1300mAh | 5045x3 PC HQ Props | FrSky QX7.
Hubsan X4 107 V2
YouTube: [url="//www.youtube.com/user/AndySevern7"]www.youtube.com/user/AndySevern7[/url]



ZMR200 | EMAX 2206 2300kv | XSRF4PO(BF) | FatShark Dom V3 | Spedix ES25 | 4S 1300mAh | 5045x3 PC HQ Props | FrSky QX7.
Hubsan X4 107 V2
YouTube: [url="//www.youtube.com/user/AndySevern7"]www.youtube.com/user/AndySevern7[/url]


No but I blew up a SPRF3 flight controller in my new QAV210 build. Trapped a 12v line between the pdb and fc. One pin of the fc pierced the wire for a nice short circuit. Lovely.
Another fc on order.



Yep, just props though somehow.

Over rotated while trying to front flip from inverted and ended up punching in instead of out!  Though I was going to need a bin bag lol.


But it was nothing, should buff out fine, once I find it.


OK so that wasn';t me and had been going for about half an hour by the time I got there but hey who ever heard of a day without crashes.


I crash every day
into wall, ceiling, mrs, dog, sofa, floor well just about anything I am surprised these little things take so much abuse
if I don';t crash then I not got a charged battery lol that';s the only reason and today I discovered that crashing on a sim is even easier lol
Mr,Mr, Can I have a go
please, please, please
oh did you want to hit that tree
shoulda let me have a go Mr I wouldn't have let it go that far I cant see it past 30m
bet you wish you had let me have a go no Mr
EH ??? Don't You ? Mr


Quote from: Slayer23 on Monday,August 15, 2016, 21:15:33
I discovered that crashing on a sim is even easier lol
Crashing on the sim is even more fun..................... You can do it deliberately just to see how much damage you can cause  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:


I saw one video where the guy delibrately broke one wing off just after take of, flew around and landed again with the one wing.
Was in Pheonix and a 3D capable plane, if I find it, I';ll post a link.


Kinda nervous now about that STUPID crash I just had. Took the wind ot of my sails somewhat.

I';m SERIOUSLY considering moving over to a 200 frame so that I won';t freak out too much about crashing. That 450 I have just seems too fragile. I see racing quads smashing into the ground all the time without a problem.

I have my eye on a ZMR200 for less than £30 and just get new motors and props. My ESCs are 40A, so ought to handle a bit of oomph with tri-blade (only want those cos they look cool).
ZMR200 | EMAX 2206 2300kv | XSRF4PO(BF) | FatShark Dom V3 | Spedix ES25 | 4S 1300mAh | 5045x3 PC HQ Props | FrSky QX7.
Hubsan X4 107 V2
YouTube: [url="//www.youtube.com/user/AndySevern7"]www.youtube.com/user/AndySevern7[/url]


I';d not dwell too much on the stupid, we all make miscalculations or fail to respond the right way in a new circumstance, the trick is to reduce risk and allow the learning process to go on. Run micro quads until the response to movement becomes automatic then something that will handle a bit of wind and on up.
I don';t see the 450/500 size as something to learn on (personally).

Even on the smaller 200mm~ ones aim for enough to fly but not rocket ship to start with as there is little point in having crazy punch out if you get easily disoriented at the top  :laugh:
People say it can be easier to learn on 4 cell as it can get out of trouble quicker, I';d still start with 3 cell as most bigger craft don';t have that sort of thrust so why learn with it?

Less mass and stronger frame is going to allow more bumps on the road.


I think you';re right. My large frame size is just a legacy of "that';s all you can get" when I started years ago and the inertia in that is really giving me hell. It';s a BEAUTY for just going up and down and a little gentle LOS bumbling about, but I really want to learn how to FLY now.

I';m certainly going to make sure I don';t go mad with the power - budget is going to keep me to the 3S packs I already have anyway.
And prop-mounts permitting I may even reuse my 1100KVs.

If I can fix the dishwasher after it cr@pped out last night, I might be allowed a new frame  :laugh:
ZMR200 | EMAX 2206 2300kv | XSRF4PO(BF) | FatShark Dom V3 | Spedix ES25 | 4S 1300mAh | 5045x3 PC HQ Props | FrSky QX7.
Hubsan X4 107 V2
YouTube: [url="//www.youtube.com/user/AndySevern7"]www.youtube.com/user/AndySevern7[/url]


TBH I';m having more fun these days with my ';Toy grade'; stuff, cheap as chips and stand a reasonable amount of stick - CG022 is my favourite speedy one!


Yes, buggrit!

Tarot 680 hovering at about 8 metres, noise stopped, vertical descent.  The GoPro was running but I haven';t converted the video to single frames (yet -- certainly tired and a touch emotional right now).  On visual inspection it looks like a battery connector vibrated out, but the possible damage is just one motor and an ESC.  We think we got away lightly.  That connector has been on the "Don';t like it" list since buying the 680 s/h.  We even eyed it today while checking the aircraft over before flying (testing our OpsMan checklists) and agreed "Got to change that."

And what we';ve learned from this, boys and girls, is?

On the plus side: while looking at it on the ground I got an email from a watchmaker to say that the only new parts a 45 year old watch needed were one screw and a an O-ring.  £5.00 added to the bill and after testing it for 7 days (!) it';ll be back next week.



yes and a little harder than usual fek :(

was getting smart power looping a metal goal post, was great until i went head on with the top bar :laugh: i';ll never learn should know by now to keep away from metal goal posts.

ripped the bell off and bent the top shaft, the VTx out of the frame, mangled the FPV camera case and damaged the top plate of my frame a bit.


Point and click.

Monkey see, Monkey do.


Does a tree eating your quad count? Seeing as the quad never connected with the ground.


Quote from: nub on Thursday,August 18, 2016, 12:29:53
yes and a little harder than usual fek :(

was getting smart power looping a metal goal post, was great until i went head on with the top bar :laugh: i';ll never learn should know by now to keep away from metal goal posts.

ripped the bell off and bent the top shaft, the VTx out of the frame, mangled the FPV camera case and damaged the top plate of my frame a bit.


That';s how I broke my dark tail frame looping goal posts
Thay don';t like multis


Here you go:  video at 1/5 speed.  It';s about 0.5Mb and 10 seconds.

From the extracted stills I reckon the height when the motors stopped was about 4-5 metres.
Must get telemetry fitted!



Yes, a bit.  My glow engine konked out and I had to dead stick it into long grass....It nosed over fairly hard and ended up upside down. 

Very UN-glamourous, poor thing.

It went OK......

No damage.

That Seagull Boomerang, its proving to be very rugged....

Sheesh  :sweating:
Nighthawk Pro, Trex 450 L Dominator 6 cell *FLOWN*, Blade 450-3D, MCPX-BL, MCPX-V2, Hubsan X4, Seagull Boomerang IC .40 trainer, HK Bixler, AXN Clouds fly,, Spektrum DX7, Taranis, AccuRC


Technically it was yesterday but, ooooh yes.  :laugh:


Quote from: Mark_Felton on Thursday,August 18, 2016, 13:02:11
Does a tree eating your quad count? Seeing as the quad never connected with the ground.
Sure does! I didn';t specify WHAT you needed to crash into.

Did you get it back yet?
ZMR200 | EMAX 2206 2300kv | XSRF4PO(BF) | FatShark Dom V3 | Spedix ES25 | 4S 1300mAh | 5045x3 PC HQ Props | FrSky QX7.
Hubsan X4 107 V2
YouTube: [url="//www.youtube.com/user/AndySevern7"]www.youtube.com/user/AndySevern7[/url]


So I';m finding goalposts are like a huge magnet too my quads.

Was out with Marty McFly a month or so ago and nailed my 6" quad and killed  a 1800 tattu and a cobra 2206 motor

Then it was a fine day yesterday so was out flying my little 130 trying to do slow and accurate flying and get used to the new 2.1mm lens in my back garden, doing small gaps and crashing lots!

So in the evening I went to a large park and was doing a bit if speed and using the goalposts as large gates .... And then I heard the ring of the goalposts and my video feed went down .... Walked down to a motor hanging off. Threads are stripped and the motor base is warped like mad!

Both time the armattan frames were perfect t!



Cause of video loss: extreme deceleration due to sudden arrival of football fixture.


I don';t have a problem with goal posts, rugby ports on the other hand are my arch nemesis!!

Had a fight with one the other day and managed to dent the bell housing enough to seize the motor.  Now needing an elusive replacement bell for an otherwise perfectly good cobra 2204 if anyone has an idea where to find one?


Just finished building, crashed during test flight. Nothing major. Just a loose esc wire disconected, which i didn';t like in the begining.

Sent from my LG-D855 using Tapatalk


Yes,,, I did crash today  :rofl: not my quad, that flew like a dream but my wing bounced into the grass with no damage at all !
I';ve not flown anything rc for almost 3 weeks due to hols and stuff, so really enjoyed some lazy cruising with the hobbykingwing  :smiley:


And the non rc flying I got in at beautiful Cornwall....



Quote from: iRobot on Tuesday,August 30, 2016, 19:51:34
And the non rc flying I got in at beautiful Cornwall....


I suppose that';s what you call control line flying  :laugh:

Cracking bit of vid  ~~
Potensic F181DH  -  Ghost 250 (blue)  -  Cheerson CX-10/A  -  Syma X11C  -  FQ777-FQ17W  -  Eachine E57  -  BetaFPV 65S  -  Robocat 280 (in build)  -  Ghost 250 LED (in build) - And lots of broken stuff!


Quote from: LuMan on Tuesday,August 30, 2016, 22:40:05
I suppose that';s what you call control line flying  :laugh:

Cracking bit of vid  ~~

Thanks  ~~

More at stake than just breaking props,,,,, I try not to to crash my big toys  :laugh: