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Bad Raven:
12 May 2024 08:13:51
 I have some F1 Abusemark boards going spare,,,,,,,,,,,,,    ;)    :azn
11 May 2024 22:12:29
And with oldskool parts  :D
11 May 2024 22:11:57
I must be the only one doing tricopters right now  :laugh:
11 May 2024 22:09:30
11 May 2024 21:15:16
Domain has been renewed closure has been cancelled  :D
02 May 2024 08:07:52
Who are most people ??? I think the person you are referring to has put in a lot of effort to keep things moving  :rolleyes:
01 May 2024 10:16:12
Most people I have spoken to are pizzed off with the yellow peril  flooding the forum,go figure. :whistling:
23 Apr 2024 08:09:45
The Domain expires for the forum in 60 days, I'm not going to renew it this time unless I see any activity  :beer2:
20 Apr 2024 18:02:50
Is there anyone who would like to see this forum stay open ? :shrug:
17 Apr 2024 17:15:13
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Lessons in Love (or how much i annoyed the mrs today :S)

Started by Slayer23, Sunday,July 31, 2016, 14:26:37

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I originally posted this on the end of my first ever post on this forum but decided that seeing as this is going to be a lot of effort and heartache I would move it to a new topic so please feel free to join in with comments and suggestions.

post 1 sunday 31/7 11am

I would like to take this opportunity to thank hoverfly for sending me this wonderful little CX-31 UFO it has entertained me all morning. It arrived with the postman yesterday but I was in the middle of one of the worst bouts of panic attacks I have ever suffered so I spent my Saturday on meds up to the eyeballs. I awoke this morning feeling a whole lot better and decided to see what had arrived in the post yesterday and there it was this little piece of Rosswell. I quickly plugged in the battery to get it charging and sent she who must be obayed off to the shop too get me some decent AA';s. I plug the battery in and this thing glows it is amazing how bright these little chip led';s are and I switch on the radio to this amazing beep as it binds or as the Chinese interpreted manual say';s "DI". I am nervous as I push the throttle stick forward slowly "or at least what I class as slowly" and whoosh bang it hits the ceiling hmmmmmmm this needs some rethinking so I pick it up and put it back the right way up and SLOWLY apply the throttle and yayyyyy I get it to go up in the air about 18 inches oh I am so proud until the dog takes offence to something hovering just above its eye level (hand bag Chihuahua NOT MINE!!!!!) and decides tyo attack it of course I panic and once again push sticks in every direction and manage to hit 2 walls a tv and the ceiling before it drops to earth in another successful landing at least I got it down out of the air that';s my thinking it could still be up thera and I would be unable to reach it :). So I am now charging the battery for my second attempt all this fly nose in nose out figure 8s blurgh I will be happy just to be able to get the thing to go up and down without hitting walls ceiling or floor to hard. Any advice ??????
Mr,Mr, Can I have a go
please, please, please
oh did you want to hit that tree
shoulda let me have a go Mr I wouldn't have let it go that far I cant see it past 30m
bet you wish you had let me have a go no Mr
EH ??? Don't You ? Mr


Ok so I have flown another 2 batteries and well apart from the dog trying to eat the quad and the mrs threatening to we do several unsavoury things both to me and the quad I thought I better stop for a little while (20 mins to charge battery)
My first question is does anyone think that when she is threatening to insert the radio and quad rectally it is physically possible ??

second question anyone want a Chihuahua and used owner going cheap might even consider and trade :S
(thank god she don';t know how to get on here)

Third been following the 10 lesson plan as suggested by Cheredanine here
Painless360 is your friend :)

and believe me it is not painless!!!!!!
(until today I did not even know the wife could throw and that quads cant carry pillows)

well I think I am going to have to move this all into the bedroom rather than the living room and avoid either divorce or decapitation.
so my plan for the week is to move everything upstairs out of she who must be obeyed line of sight, get a few more li-pos so I don';t have to keep stopping and charging (like a crack addict awaiting his next fix).

and hopefully eventually manage to hover like a inch off the floor rather than get to 6 inches and try to drop down then overcompensate and either hit the floor or the ceiling damn there is no happy medium with this throttle lark is there  ?
Mr,Mr, Can I have a go
please, please, please
oh did you want to hit that tree
shoulda let me have a go Mr I wouldn't have let it go that far I cant see it past 30m
bet you wish you had let me have a go no Mr
EH ??? Don't You ? Mr


Quote from: Slayer23 on Sunday,July 31, 2016, 14:37:18
and hopefully eventually manage to hover like a inch off the floor rather than get to 6 inches and try to drop down then overcompensate and either hit the floor or the ceiling damn there is no happy medium with this throttle lark is there  ?

Who ever thought they would hear a bloke being willing to trade 6 inches for a inch :S
Mr,Mr, Can I have a go
please, please, please
oh did you want to hit that tree
shoulda let me have a go Mr I wouldn't have let it go that far I cant see it past 30m
bet you wish you had let me have a go no Mr
EH ??? Don't You ? Mr


Relax,read the manual again, practice just keeping it  in the air in one spot, until you get the feel of the  sticks.  If you do lose control shut the throttle instantly, this will prevent  prop damage. Place dog in oven for safe keeping. :rofl:
Glad it arrived safely. :beer2:
Reptile folder , alien 500 , F/ Shark Attitudes,
 .Tarot 650, Air-rio Kinetic.. DX9  Various wings and planks.. Taranis x9D+..Mavic..Armattan.. Chameleion...
Massive over draught.....


Oh and I discovered what you mean by props come loose as I almost inhaled one up my left nostril during a panic throttle moment LOL

I thank you from the bottom of my heart and promise not to give mrs your details as I think she would gladly take a contract out on us both at this moment in time :)

I can see this being a expensive hobby in the end just a divorce nowday s will cost me half does that mean I better start learning to fly Bi copters as she will get 2 out of every 4 blades lol
Mr,Mr, Can I have a go
please, please, please
oh did you want to hit that tree
shoulda let me have a go Mr I wouldn't have let it go that far I cant see it past 30m
bet you wish you had let me have a go no Mr
EH ??? Don't You ? Mr


Tell the missus when she complains about the quad you are considering an upgrade, then casually ask her to confirm what her version number is

Then run


Quote from: hoverfly on Sunday,July 31, 2016, 14:40:09
Place dog in oven for safe keeping. :rofl:

20 minutes per lb and serve with rice or new potatoes!

I upset mine a couple of weeks ago when a HUGE box came with my Tali H500 in it. I really should have told her it was coming! My bad!!!!


Quote from: Cheredanine on Sunday,July 31, 2016, 15:14:37
Tell the missus when she complains about the quad you are considering an upgrade, then casually ask her to confirm what her version number is

Then run

Lol reminded me of this old one

Eighteen months ago, I upgraded to GirlFriend 1.0 from DrinkingMates 4.2, which I had used for years without any trouble. However, there are apparently conflicts between these two products and the only solution was to try and run GirlFriend 1.0 with the sound turned off. To make matters worse, GirlFriend 1.0 is incompatible with several other applications, such as LadsNightOut 3.1, Football 4.5, and Playboy 6.9.

"Successive versions of GirlFriend proved no better. I tried a shareware program, Slapper 2.1, but it had many bugs and left a virus in my system, forcing me to shut down completely for several weeks. Eventually, I tried to run GirlFriend 1.2 and Girlfriend 1.0 at the same time, only to discover that when these two systems detected each other, they caused severe damage to my hardware. I eventually upgraded to Fiancée 1.0, only to discover that this product soon had to be upgraded further to Wife 1.0. While Wife 1.0 tends to use up all my available resources, it does come bundled with FreeSexPlus and Cleanhouse2003.

"Shortly after this upgrade, however, I found that Wife 1.0 could be very unstable and costly to run. Any mistakes I made were automatically stored in Wife 1.0';s memory and could not be deleted. They then resurfaced months later when I had forgotten about them. Wife 1.0 also has an automatic Diary, Explorer and E-mail Filter, and can, without warning, launch TurboStrop and Whinge. These latter products have no Help files, and I have to try to guess what the problem is.

"Additional problems are that Wife 1.0 needs updating regularly, requiring ShoeShop Browser for new attachments and Hairstyle Express which needs to be reinstalled every other week. Wife 1.0 also spawns unwelcome child processes that drain my resources. These conflict with some of the new games I wanted to try out, warning me that they are an illegal operation.

"Also, when Wife 1.0 attaches itself to my Audi TT hard drive, it often crashes. Wife 1.0 also comes with an irritating pop-up called Mother-In-Law, which can';t be turned off. Recently I';ve been tempted to install Mistress 2003, but there could be problems. A friend of mine has alerted me to the fact that if Wife 1.0 detects Mistress 2003, it tends to delete all of your Money before uninstalling itself."
Mr,Mr, Can I have a go
please, please, please
oh did you want to hit that tree
shoulda let me have a go Mr I wouldn't have let it go that far I cant see it past 30m
bet you wish you had let me have a go no Mr
EH ??? Don't You ? Mr


Another battery and what have I learnt

flying a inch off the floor is like trying to nail jelly to the wall
flying in the living room is not a good idea hot tea in never regions hurts.

an imaginary rectangle of 3 foot by 1 meter makes no sense and soon becomes a 13 foot by 11 foot rectangle

so back on charge for round 4
They say rome was not built in a day It wouldn';t have been built at all if they relied on me with a quad
plans to continue
try to find something I can lay on floor and use as my limits maybe some old wallpaper taped together to define limits.
oh god why did I start this thought it would be oh so easy push the sticks and It would do as I wanted now have to think in 4 different axis just to make it do something simple.

Mr,Mr, Can I have a go
please, please, please
oh did you want to hit that tree
shoulda let me have a go Mr I wouldn't have let it go that far I cant see it past 30m
bet you wish you had let me have a go no Mr
EH ??? Don't You ? Mr


The problem with being too close to the ground is prop wash gets you, instead of an inch try a foot


I am actually getting better apart from the size of the rectangle increasing I feel more comfortable with the manouvering but I am having to get used to it rotating so having to alter the controls all the time
Mr,Mr, Can I have a go
please, please, please
oh did you want to hit that tree
shoulda let me have a go Mr I wouldn't have let it go that far I cant see it past 30m
bet you wish you had let me have a go no Mr
EH ??? Don't You ? Mr


Quote from: Slayer23 on Sunday,July 31, 2016, 16:33:22
I am actually getting better apart from the size of the rectangle increasing I feel more comfortable with the manouvering but I am having to get used to it rotating so having to alter the controls all the time
Stick time is your friend, practice makes perfect etc etc etc
Take your time and don';t try to push yourself too hard, it';s less expensive, less stressful and you actually progress quicker!
Can';t give advice on the other half, mine is not much different - best thing to do is wait until they are out of the way; there are subtle ways of achieving this!!!


Quote from: DarrellW on Sunday,July 31, 2016, 20:39:08
Stick time is your friend
There are things you can do to help, sometimes you progress fast and sometimes slow, but at right there is the key


well after a few more charges I can keep it where I want it and don';t tend to hit the ceiling anymore the throttle is the bit that I am now trying to master and find it hard but I can keep it a inch or two off the floor but as soon as I start going above that I cant find a happy medium it either climbs fast or drops so I guess that is tomorrows practice session sorted she is out at work so I got time lol
Mr,Mr, Can I have a go
please, please, please
oh did you want to hit that tree
shoulda let me have a go Mr I wouldn't have let it go that far I cant see it past 30m
bet you wish you had let me have a go no Mr
EH ??? Don't You ? Mr


Day 2

Well I got up this morning not sure if it is the meds or just early onset dementia but I just cant seem to get the thing to do anything I want :(

so I think I will have a few more coffees and let the battery charge and go look at some more quad porn on youtube
damn I wanted a nice cheap hobby and now I am thinking I have 2 options

1 give up and take up something else (not likely too many hours spent on this already)

2 Get rid of wife and use money saved to buy quad gadgets lol

as neither option is really viable I guess it will be go down the route of make do and mend lol
Mr,Mr, Can I have a go
please, please, please
oh did you want to hit that tree
shoulda let me have a go Mr I wouldn't have let it go that far I cant see it past 30m
bet you wish you had let me have a go no Mr
EH ??? Don't You ? Mr


Wives are expensive - mine certainly is, blo0dy horses!
Quads are more expensive!


Yup they are expensive but what would we do without them ????
Oh yeah have fun do you remember that ???
Mr,Mr, Can I have a go
please, please, please
oh did you want to hit that tree
shoulda let me have a go Mr I wouldn't have let it go that far I cant see it past 30m
bet you wish you had let me have a go no Mr
EH ??? Don't You ? Mr


Well I am hoping she who must be obeyed is going to her friends for a couple of hours so I can get the living room flying area to myself. finding that dealing with the dog trying to eat the quad is leading me to think of more and more inventive weapons systems to add to a bigger drone have gone from some type of jousting implement to now wanting u fully amiable tazer but that';s for another day lol.
add to that the wife has managed to improve her aim that much she has successfully taken down the drone from 10 foot it is like flying a bombing raid and avoiding the flak
I have tried the usual like bribery, Threats to leave(lol that did not work she even offered to pack for me) offering to make her tea (why don';t I just load the gun for her hot tea or a cup to throw why do we never learn)
So fingers crossed she pops round to her mates and I get some peace and quiet
Oh and I have learnt that trying to fly wearing my new varifocals aint no laughing matter so it will definitely be the single visions from now on.
Mr,Mr, Can I have a go
please, please, please
oh did you want to hit that tree
shoulda let me have a go Mr I wouldn't have let it go that far I cant see it past 30m
bet you wish you had let me have a go no Mr
EH ??? Don't You ? Mr


Not been too good last few days so decided it was time to kick myself up the jacksie and do some bits.
Firstly I would like to thank both Cheradanine and Orfordness for my little care packages :D at least I have something to smile about now.
So I have spent the last few days umming and ahhhing about what radio to get well am I glad I did
The new Turnigy tgy-I6s in black has been ordered and with 2 receivers what a result at least that is sorted.
I have spent the last god knows how many hours just researching various items I have on the desk and finding user manuals and diagrams for them so I at least have some idea what they do and how to get them to do it.

So the next items on my list are batteries and a charger I have a 2s li-po here which will allow me to do most of the setting up but I think nephew will want his receiver and glow plug battery back for his car soon lol

Is the Imax B5 any good ??
What GPS works with the sp racing f3 ???
should I sell a kidney to fund this lark or better still sell one of hers ???
Mr,Mr, Can I have a go
please, please, please
oh did you want to hit that tree
shoulda let me have a go Mr I wouldn't have let it go that far I cant see it past 30m
bet you wish you had let me have a go no Mr
EH ??? Don't You ? Mr



Ok her kidney it is
Any bids tell you what I will give you a discount you can have all the organs but have to take her  ;D
Mr,Mr, Can I have a go
please, please, please
oh did you want to hit that tree
shoulda let me have a go Mr I wouldn't have let it go that far I cant see it past 30m
bet you wish you had let me have a go no Mr
EH ??? Don't You ? Mr


Ok my observations and questions for today

Are li pos poisonous to dogs if so do I sacrifice the q4 and let the fu*!ing thing eat it ?

Q4 not being very good to me at the moment one of the motor mounts has been damaged and is causing the craft to yaw to the left randomly but I am still managing to keep it within the area I want it so I guess I am getting better at thinking from the crafts perspective.

hate waiting for the battery to charge so guess I will be buying loads for this hobby.

Radio has been ordered so awaiting delivery of a shiny new TGY-I6s with the TGY-iA6B 6 channel receiver and the new TGY-iA6C receiver for PPM or SBUS.

so have the radio gear for 2 models at least :D

looking into all this and know I need to get a gps unit to connect with the SPRacing F3 to allow me to use the get out of jail free cards like alt hold or RTL this interests me as if I have this right I can program a switch on my transmitter and activate one of these modes great for getting out of trouble or allowing yourself a little time to reorientate yourself (I think that is right tell me if I am wrong)
Mr,Mr, Can I have a go
please, please, please
oh did you want to hit that tree
shoulda let me have a go Mr I wouldn't have let it go that far I cant see it past 30m
bet you wish you had let me have a go no Mr
EH ??? Don't You ? Mr


Not been about for a couple of days had some ****** days so thought I would catch up .

Well after destroying the Q4s blades I had to source a crash kit thank you eBay and they were just down the road so talked she who must be obeyed to collect them for me.
Well I have christened the new soldering iron and not burnt myself .
I took the plunge and ordered a ton of stuff from the far east at least you are protected by PayPal so thought what the hell if it not here by the end of next month go for refund.

Ordered my new radio from hobbyking and topped the weight up with props for pennies so the shipping was not to hurtful.

Got the antenna through for the vtx thanks to my brother in law and his efforts on facebook I just think he wants to fly as much as me lol

So I am at home all alone today and it is so quiet and my plans for today are
Clean my ****** pit of a desk and put all the little bits into some pound shop Tommy Walsh boxes she brought me . Not bad for a quid but the mini screwdriver set is the nuts a quid lads get to local high street and get one (pic attached)

Oh that';s a question maybe someone can answer is it a standard s-video input into the vtx if so can I hook it up to a mini TV I got to set up camera ???? Then connect the box back up

OK I am going to fly the Q4 round the house without being shouted at .

Mr,Mr, Can I have a go
please, please, please
oh did you want to hit that tree
shoulda let me have a go Mr I wouldn't have let it go that far I cant see it past 30m
bet you wish you had let me have a go no Mr
EH ??? Don't You ? Mr


Fun observation for you
When I had no spare props I was getting it right keeping away from the walls as much as possible and keeping it in the place I wanted it.

now I got spares I am just chucking it around recklessly who needs the 10 point lessons I can fly it yep right in to the wall, ceiling, door and floor wow you can hit things everywhere with one of these little buggers cant you

going to have to reign myself in and get back to that hovering practice lol
anyone know how to recalibrate a Q4 this one is getting a mind of its own
Mr,Mr, Can I have a go
please, please, please
oh did you want to hit that tree
shoulda let me have a go Mr I wouldn't have let it go that far I cant see it past 30m
bet you wish you had let me have a go no Mr
EH ??? Don't You ? Mr


OK so I have managed to hover quite well nose in nose out this morning 3 batteries worth and then she walked in and this is what happened

Guess you could say it was a light landing.

Oh and what do I get ? "Don';t break my light if you break my light you will have to replace it . Ain';t you a bit old to be playing with toys? Are you goi g to clean up that ****** pit of a desk . I give up lol "
You know what they say about a untidy desk don';t you ??

Mr,Mr, Can I have a go
please, please, please
oh did you want to hit that tree
shoulda let me have a go Mr I wouldn't have let it go that far I cant see it past 30m
bet you wish you had let me have a go no Mr
EH ??? Don't You ? Mr


Now that IS a good landing. Did you manage to take off from there as well??  :cool:

One thing I did notice (being a former sparky) is the way your light fitting seems to be dangling from its wires.... Shouldn';t there be a clasp in the rose holding the outer cable sleeve to reduce the stress on the wires carrying the electricity?

It';s probably a good job that you weren';t flying a Typhoon H or something indoors... That would';ve brought the ceiling down!!  :laugh:

EDIT: Actually, on closer inspection, I can see that the fitting is a normal fitting, and the jewels are part of the shade. I';ll shut up now...
Potensic F181DH  -  Ghost 250 (blue)  -  Cheerson CX-10/A  -  Syma X11C  -  FQ777-FQ17W  -  Eachine E57  -  BetaFPV 65S  -  Robocat 280 (in build)  -  Ghost 250 LED (in build) - And lots of broken stuff!


Nope there is a clasp missing and the bulb is wonky because someone who lived here a few years back fitted 2 pin flouros into 3 pin sockets I have new pendents to fit but I am too busy doing other important things like hovering and keeping to a level the pendents can wait
Mr,Mr, Can I have a go
please, please, please
oh did you want to hit that tree
shoulda let me have a go Mr I wouldn't have let it go that far I cant see it past 30m
bet you wish you had let me have a go no Mr
EH ??? Don't You ? Mr


Yep... Probably better to wait until you';ve mastered the art of not using them as landing pads before you put the new ones in...  :rofl:

I remember, many moons ago, Hobby Stores in Beeston had a new-fangled coaxial helicopter in stock. I think it was called a Llama and looked like a coaxial Impala... Anyway, as I was chatting to them about it, the bloke said, "..and they fly bloody great. There';s its landing pad, look." And above our heads, on the top of a fluorescent strip light, was an 8" square of plywood, held in place with zip ties. Those crazy fools would just land it up there and leave it until they wanted another play. Out of the way of clamouring wannabes like me  :laugh:
Potensic F181DH  -  Ghost 250 (blue)  -  Cheerson CX-10/A  -  Syma X11C  -  FQ777-FQ17W  -  Eachine E57  -  BetaFPV 65S  -  Robocat 280 (in build)  -  Ghost 250 LED (in build) - And lots of broken stuff!


I managed to aquire a dragonfly 3d helicopter and thought no problem flying this lmao 5 sets of carbon blades and 2 complete rebuilds later I sold it as a bad idea then found out that the radio switch was in wrong position that was why as it left the ground it just pitched over and dug holes lol
well I am a bit older and wiser now and think building my own will alert me to all the possible pitfalls and adding a brand new radio with manuals might be a good idea.

I am just awaiting that delivery from hobbyking and then I may start to build lol or leave it till I do not land in light fittings at least.

I have now spent my budget that I had available so I hope I have everything a few weeks waiting for stuff from hong kong and well if it was not for the generosity of some of the guys on here I would never be able to afford to even try this hobby .
Mr,Mr, Can I have a go
please, please, please
oh did you want to hit that tree
shoulda let me have a go Mr I wouldn't have let it go that far I cant see it past 30m
bet you wish you had let me have a go no Mr
EH ??? Don't You ? Mr


OK after several batteries today in the Q4 I just can';t seem to go the throttle right no matter how hard I try.
I try to raise the thing to like three foot and it goes up but no matter how little I reduce the throttle it either keeps going up or drops to the floor is it something I am doing wrong?

I hope using a full size controller will be easier !!!!

When I try to rotate the vehicle left or right I affect the throttle is there any way round this or will this also be something easier on a full size radio ?

Think when the radio arrives I will have to get the lead for the computer so I can get on the sim for a few hours a day waiting for battery do charge is killing me.

Seeing as I got to wait for the slow boat from China for a few items I have plenty of time to practice llol.

Hopefully I will get somewhere with the build before winter if not I will have even longer to practice .
Mr,Mr, Can I have a go
please, please, please
oh did you want to hit that tree
shoulda let me have a go Mr I wouldn't have let it go that far I cant see it past 30m
bet you wish you had let me have a go no Mr
EH ??? Don't You ? Mr