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12 May 2024 08:13:51
 I have some F1 Abusemark boards going spare,,,,,,,,,,,,,    ;)    :azn
11 May 2024 22:12:29
And with oldskool parts  :D
11 May 2024 22:11:57
I must be the only one doing tricopters right now  :laugh:
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Domain has been renewed closure has been cancelled  :D
02 May 2024 08:07:52
Who are most people ??? I think the person you are referring to has put in a lot of effort to keep things moving  :rolleyes:
01 May 2024 10:16:12
Most people I have spoken to are pizzed off with the yellow peril  flooding the forum,go figure. :whistling:
23 Apr 2024 08:09:45
The Domain expires for the forum in 60 days, I'm not going to renew it this time unless I see any activity  :beer2:
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KISS Flight Controller

Started by Fletch, Sunday,December 27, 2015, 00:08:23

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Mine is buried and hardwired in the bottom of my thug frame at the moment so I have now way to access it unfortunately, otherwise I';d dig it out and have a look for you, sorry :(


Quote from: Gandhi on Wednesday,February 24, 2016, 12:55:02
Mine is buried and hardwired in the bottom of my thug frame at the moment so I have now way to access it unfortunately, otherwise I';d dig it out and have a look for you, sorry :(

No worries, you';ve been more than helpful :smiley:


Gandhi, the MMOSD has two LEDs, a green and a blue. The blue light on mine works, but I';ve never seen the green one flash. But I';ve just watched a vid of someone flashing theirs and the green light was flashing! Did your green light come on at any point? If so, mine must be dead.


Quote from: Revs on Thursday,February 25, 2016, 11:50:46
Gandhi, the MMOSD has two LEDs, a green and a blue. The blue light on mine works, but I';ve never seen the green one flash. But I';ve just watched a vid of someone flashing theirs and the green light was flashing! Did your green light come on at any point? If so, mine must be dead.
The green light indicates data transfer mate, if will flash when you are flashing the osd and when it is talking to something like the FC. If it isn';t flashing and the board is working then I would suggest the LED is duff and wouldn';t fret about it


It isn';t working though dude. It has never displayed an overlay, just vid feed.


As far as I can remember, yes it did flash when it was talking to the FTDI....


So I';ve been pissing in to the wind, as it were :laugh: OK, new ones coming soon. Thanks again guys!



Yeah seen that, cheers bud. Unfortunately I';ve no idea how to make perl script executable, or run the perl script on the Kiss OSD font file. I don';t even know what a perl script is :laugh: I';ve asked Greg if he could make an .ino to flash the .mwm to the MMOSD, but haven';t got a reply.

Sod it, I';ve got the pre-flashed ones coming. Hopefully just plug (or solder) and play


Thanks to all for the info so far, been reading this post as well as others, watching Painless 360 (Revs, you are indeed famous!), but just wondered...can I do this;

For any of you guys that have been following this thread, or trying to connect OSD to your KISS FC, you may have noticed that the only difference between this and the image in the manual is that I have omitted the ground connection between the VTX and the OSD.

Probably a really noobish question, sorry, just not sure how important the grounding is. If it makes no difference I will leave it out, as it will be simpler for me. If it is more desirable to have it then I will find a way to incorporate it.

Any advice appreciated :)



Wiring it that way would probably result in issues. Not having the negs wire sharing the same pads does odd stuff, like excess noise. Also I';d avoid running the vtx/cam directly from the lipo feed even if it does support the voltage on paper. It puts the reg under a lot of load, which can again result in noise but more importantly subjects the reg to voltage spikes from the ESCs which they might not be able to handle. Losing FPV feed mid flight isn';t fun.

I got a bunch or cheap adjustable regs offov eBay (10 for £3.49 delivered), I have one powering the OSD at 5v and another powering the cam and vtx at 12v. I need to add a capacitor to the regs though as the ESC spikes keep causing my OSD to drop out.


Thanks for the advice Revs. The PDB is a Matek board (here). It has 12v and 5v regs, so I';ll be powering the VTX from the 12v feed. Does that make a difference?

The reason I posted the question is that the VTX I am using (Lumenier TX5GA) has 5 connections - 7-19v in, ground, audio in, video in and 5v out. So no ground connection going out with the 5v out. To get a ground connection to the OSD do I just split the ground coming from the 12v reg on the PDB that goes into the VTX?

Hope that makes some kind of sense?? I can draw another diagram if not. Appreciate your help :) , bit stuck at the moment :(


Hmm I see what you';re saying, the vtx has no video neg. I';d probably try it as you said then and see how you go. I didn';t realise the 12v PDB feed was regulated, I thought it was direct to lipo.


Yeah, it';s weird. The other vtx I am running (Immersion 600mw) has two grounds, one along with the voltage in to power the board and one going out with the 5v out.

This one, the Lumenier TX5GA, has a weird loom that comes with it with a bunch of different connectors (actually it';s just an extra connector for a mic), but it splits the ground from the ';power in'; connector to all the other connections, which makes me think I can maybe connect the  ground on the OSD (which I was trying to omit) to the 12v ground on the PDB?

Weird loom:

Total guess though. Wish I knew more about electronics and the need/value of grounding things correctly. Tbh I was really hoping you were going to say ';nah mate, you don';t need that silly little wire there'; and save me a load of bother, but...c';est la vie.

Thanks for all your help though. The guide you posted on RCGroups was invaluable. An if you, or anyone else, have any ideas on how to proceed the help would be gratefully received :)

Big Ginger Jim

I';m a newbie and this is my first build, just received a KISS FC and can';t get it to connect to my MBP. I';m running Windows 7 in Bootcamp, and have downloaded the KISS app and the DfuseDemo tool, but when I plug in the FC into a USB port the FC shows all the correct lights in normal mode and bootloader mode when button pressed, but computer doesn';t see or acknowledge any device being connected or disconnected, nothing shows in device manager, and in KISS app and FfuseDemo it';s blank and shows "no port"
Getting very frustrated! Any help in idiot language much appreciated.


I can';t help you directly and I know this is a pita, but have a look at the thread over on rcg. I don';t think the software pays very nicely with apple stuff, even when it';s running Windows of some description.

I don';t know how your set up handles drivers but most people';s issues with connecting and flashing this fc is down to driver issues.

Do you have the correct drivers installed?

Big Ginger Jim

That';s what I';m trying to work out how to do, install drivers that is. I have downloaded the Dfuse Demo with driver file but if computer can';t notice anything is connected, how do I install driver? Or have I got this wrong? Sorry, all new.


Its the stm32 virtual com port driver that you need. There';s a link to it on the kiss fc page on the flyduino site!

Big Ginger Jim

I had just done that, and still no joy, when I connect the FC in either mode, computer still doesn';t notice anything has been plugged in to USB socket.

andi mack

When you install it, you then have to go to the directory it unpacks to and run it again from there to install it. Found that out when I had to set it up in parallels to flash with blheli.

Big Ginger Jim

I just double checked, but I had installed it correctly, when I tried again it gave me the option to repair or uninstall, I tried repair, but still no change. I see others on RCG have had the same problem, but haven';t found a fix, and there';s over 400 pages of the topic to wade through! Maybe time to try a different FC bit frustrating now the weathers here.


I';ve found flashing the firmware fiddly and frustrating ....

If you want to let somebody else give it a bash I will

Or I could swap you for a seriously dodo that';s in my 130mm quad.

Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk


Weirdly, I';ve not had a problem with flashing/updating and now there is an android app for tweaking at the field it';s all gravy.

Sorry, I know this doesn';t help btw.

I';m not on a mac and don';t have access to to one to help you troubleshoot I';m afraid. 

Big Ginger Jim

Quote from: Fletch on Monday,May 09, 2016, 09:49:12
I';ve found flashing the firmware fiddly and frustrating ....

If you want to let somebody else give it a bash I will

Or I could swap you for a seriously dodo that';s in my 130mm quad.

Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk

That';s a kind offer. I';m going to try and see if I can get it to connect to a friends PC first, I';ve tried two macs, both can';t see it, if the PC can';t see it either I';ll assume it';s the FC and see if Flyduino will swap it or I';ll get something else. Would you recommend the dodo?


Big Ginger Jim

I have watched that when I worked my way through page 1 on RCG. My problem is that the computer can';t even notice anything has been plugged in to the USB, even after installing the drivers, which I';ve tried two or three virtual port drivers, so it';s not that the flashing process isn';t working, I can';t even start to try it, or even connect without flashing to the KISS app.


Do you have the bootloader pins soldered closed?

Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk

Big Ginger Jim

My FC, v1.03 has the button fitted, I';ve tried it pushed temporarily just to enter bootloader mode, pushed all the time and not pushed at all so it';s just in normal mode, and computer can';t see it at all. Pushed pulled, rebooted whilst plugged in, OS X and Windows Bootcamp. I';m trying a friend';s PC in an hours time and see what happens.


When you plug it in with the bootloader button pressed ... What do the LEDs do?

Try disconnecting it, powering down the Mac.

Reboot the MAC with the board plugged in and the bootloader button pressed.

I';m not sure where I got that from ... I';m sure I';ve read it in RCG.

Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk

Big Ginger Jim

I';ve had a go on the desk top PC and downloaded the virtual port driver and KISS app, but as on my macs the PC couldn';t see or even notice anything had been plugged in. I';ve borrowed my mother in laws laptop to try that as a final attempt, loaded the driver, and app, but her lap top is so slow I can';t take anymore tonight without losing the will to live! 😖 I';m going to have a drink and try again tomorrow. I think the USB socket on the board is soldered wrong, I read on RCG that a couple of others found that the case, I';ll contact Flyduino and see what they offer.