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12 May 2024 08:13:51
 I have some F1 Abusemark boards going spare,,,,,,,,,,,,,    ;)    :azn
11 May 2024 22:12:29
And with oldskool parts  :D
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I must be the only one doing tricopters right now  :laugh:
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02 May 2024 08:07:52
Who are most people ??? I think the person you are referring to has put in a lot of effort to keep things moving  :rolleyes:
01 May 2024 10:16:12
Most people I have spoken to are pizzed off with the yellow peril  flooding the forum,go figure. :whistling:
23 Apr 2024 08:09:45
The Domain expires for the forum in 60 days, I'm not going to renew it this time unless I see any activity  :beer2:
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KISS Flight Controller

Started by Fletch, Sunday,December 27, 2015, 00:08:23

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Yeah there';s definitely room for improvement, but it';s early days, it is brand new code from a one man dev team. I';d like a different setup for switch options too but it';ll do for now.

The I term build up or whatever it';s called isn';t too much of a concern. To test, I just armed mine with the props on and left it. After 30 sec+ there was nowhere near enough thrust to move the frame. Plus you can actually counter it with the sticks :p

As for the settings; AFAIK you shouldn';t be basing them on CF/MW settings. New FW new settigs. I think even the rates are different but I';m not 100% sure.


Quote from: Revs on Sunday,January 10, 2016, 01:09:27
As for the settings; AFAIK you shouldn';t be basing them on CF/MW settings. New FW new settigs. I think even the rates are different but I';m not 100% sure.

From a human factors point of view he should have adopted different names ... he even refers to them differently when he/they posts on RCG.

I think its going to be superb, and i';ve only test hovered in the garage but it was so slick!
I';ve sorted all my switches out but it would have been far simpler if the options in arm - low, arm - mid, arm - high

I look forward to flying when i get time!


they way air mode is currently set is by setting min command to 1000 and arm switch high.

I found the same yesterday, it starts spooling up immediately.

In its current state its basically a case of arm and take off immediately, I know Boris B has been helping them with the air mode implementation, I sure they';re be some improvements coming soon.
Granite City FPV Racing


It';s the same as the original implementation on clean flight ... Don';t stay in the ground!

The PID scaling must be very different in the kiss flight control


I know Boris has been helping Felix with the Airmode code so as one develops, so should the other.

I got my maiden in this aft but I had an FPV cam problem so it was an LOS flight. Seems to fly well on stock PIDs but the rates were pretty low. I';ll do a full tune next time I';m out. Seems very solid though, I tried to unsettle it with full stick inputs and it just did what it was told.


Yeah its good to have them working together!

I';m not gonna get near mine for another 10 days .... Urgh


Got mine in and all soldered up last night, including OSD.....

Only to find I';d wired up the Video to the wrong pads on the osd, so had to pull it all apart again. The only problem I';ve found with trying to make everything as light and tidy as possible is it makes disassembly difficult. Especially when you';ve buried the OSD right at the bottom of the stack.

Still, it all works now, no maiden today as too busy at work but will try and get out tomorrow.

Only small issue is for some reason, the font hasn';t uploaded properly to the micro minimOSD so all I';m getting is weird arrows where the text should be  :banghead: The numbers display ok. I can live with it for now and will reflash it next time I have to pull it all apart to clean or repair something.


Sounds like you have the wrong charset installed on the OSD. Glad you';ve got it all up and running though. Don';t forget the vids tomorrow if you get out ;)

Also, just to confirm, the rates are different to CF. I had mine on the defualt 0.7 roll/pitch and it was nothing like as fast as CF on 0.6. Then again the RC rate might have an effect in this regard, I';ve not played with that yet.

EDIT: Gandhi, which software are you using for the OSD? There is a link to it on the KISS FC page.. http://flyduino.net/KISS-FC-32bit-Flight-Controller_1

QuoteNote: Please extract the KISS_OSD.ZIP and copy the "MAX7456" folder into the "libraries" folder of your Arduino IDE.


Hi Revs,

Yeah, I';m using the KISS OSD software on a boggo standard micro-minimOSD. It was pre-flashed with mwosd I think (got it from HobbyRC) I did the eeprom clear sketch before I flashed the KISS sketch but I';m assuming now that this doesn';t clear the fonts.

I wonder if I can flash the OSD just through the TX/RX pins when it';s powered up, it would save me having to pull everything apart again to get to the OSD. I';m beginning to regret dumping it at the bottom of the stack now and remembering why I normally don;t bother with OSD';s. They';re more trouble than they';re worth!


Yeah they can be a PITA. I went through this with the APM. Not looking forward to messing with one again. I hoping that if I get the ';propper'; one from Flyduino there';s less chance of issue. We';ll see..


Fixed it :)

Flashed back to cleared eeprom, flashed back to mw-osd, used the gui to upload the KISS OSD font, cleared eeprom, flashed back to KISS OSD.

Was fine, but because I didn';t want to faff with pins I direct soldered the OSD, so I had to desolder it completely to do the flashing, which meant taking everything apart. again.

Still working now, so maiden tomoz.

Cameras & monitor charged, tx charged, FC checked working, bag packed.

Something will happen lol.


Well that didn';t go well, as predicted hahahaha

Somehow, when I put it all back together after the OSD shenanigans, I managed to mix up motors 3 and 4. Broke 5 props and nearly took my finger off at one point.

Still, definitely all sorted now.

I wish KISS gui had a motor test tab. Would have made wiring up the motors in the first place a lot easier too.


eek, I bet that hurt. Not too bad I hope..? I';ve been got by HQ5040s before, they';re bloody sharp :laugh: It was like a ninja attack, death by 1000 cuts!

5 props? Did you try it twice to be sure?  ::)


:laugh: was wondering that myself, 5? hehe

hopefully things go smoothly for ya from here on...
Point and click.

Monkey see, Monkey do.


Yeah, tried it twice as I thought I had the props on the wrong way round the first time. I';ve got a load of Thug props and they don';t have the direction marked on them as you would consider both normal and useful lol.

Fingers all fine, I should probably learn from previous mistakes ha.




Quote from: Gandhi on Monday,January 11, 2016, 22:12:44
Fixed it :)

Flashed back to cleared eeprom, flashed back to mw-osd, used the gui to upload the KISS OSD font, cleared eeprom, flashed back to KISS OSD.

Help me out please buddy, I';ve been at this 6 hrs and got exactly nowhere.

I flashed the micro minimosd with the KISS ino. I got a single blue light on the board and I got video through the goggles, but no overlay.

So I cleared the EEPROM, flashed it to mw-osd from here.. https://github.com/ShikOfTheRa/scarab-osd/blob/master/DOCUMENTATION/Downloads.md and updated the charset to the KISS one. Then cleared the EEPROM again and flash it to the KISS ino again, but I still don';t get the overlay.

Any ideas?


Sorry dude, only just saw this....

If you';re not getting any overlay it sounds like another issue other than a charset one. Mine produced an overlay initially when I uploaded the KISS OSD sketch, it was just garbled.

Things I would check....

1) How are you powering the OSD? I think they need at least 500ma @ 5v

2) Try setting it up for MWOSD initially - Clear the EEPROM, upload the MWOSD sketch, connect via the gui and upload the font/charset - Can you get the GUI to connect and work properly?

3) Check which version of Arduino you';re using. I';m pretty sure I had to use an older version for some reason. Poss 1.4 or earlier. I can';t check my machine as I have recently wiped/windows 10';d it, sorry.


Morning bud, cheers for the reply :smiley:

1) Powered from dedicated reg @ 5v

2) I';ll double check but I think it uploaded ok. The GUI is new to me.

3) I had to use 1.0.5 otherwise I got an error when compiling. 1.0.5 worked fine.

Do you have to do anything with the KISS FC to get it to send the data through the RX/TX pads or are they on by default?

Also I';ve read conflicting info of whether you power the OSD from the two power pads and FTDI while flashing the charset. I didn';t, should I have?

Also also, I think the KISS OSD FW is set to PAL by default, is that right? The cam is a PAL version HS1177.


Nothing to set on the the KISS configurator, they should be on by default. I did all the flashing etc on my micro minimosd just off the 5v power from the FTDI so it should be fine.

You have got the tx/rx wires from the OSD to the FC crossed over? So tx goes to rx etc etc. Stupid I know, but the first time I wired mine up I managed to get the camera and vtx swapped over so I had no picture, despite checking more than once! Having said that though, I would still expect the OSD to display the characters if it wasn';t getting any data in.

I didn';t connect the earth from the OSD to the FC, as shown in PDF manual btw. the OSD is earthed via the 5v in and shares a common ground with the FC, so I didn';t think it was necessary.

I would try clearing the eeprom again, upping all the mwosd stuff and see if that works first.

Sorry I can';t be more help. I';ve never had a great time with any iteration of mwOSD so I feel your pain.


I';ve checked the wiring so many times that I wondered if I had OCD :laugh: RX/TX definitely going to TX/RX, plus neg fitted as per the KISS manual.

I';ll double check with the MW-OSD GUI this evening. Thanks for your help mate :smiley:


Maybe worth trying without the neg lead? I don';t know if the KISS micro osd is built slightly differently to the standard micro minimOSD?


I';ve read a few comments about people having issues when things aren';t grounded properly. As for the KISS OSD, they function exactly the same despite looking different, but at least they come pre-flashed.

TBH this is going to be a waste of time if they don';t address the SpekSat issue soon. Loads of people having the same issue as me and Felix is AWOL, Flyduino aren';t responding to any of the many posts asking about it. A few more days and I';ll be ditching the KISS FC and going back to the TornadoF3/BF.

EDIT: I resorted to PMing Felix about this, he replied, I did some testing of a couple of RC';s and he';s now sorted the speksat issue. Version 1.02 is due out soon :smiley:


Smooth. Good Work.

Did you get the OSD working yet?


Quote from: Gandhi on Tuesday,February 23, 2016, 14:39:53
Smooth. Good Work.

Did you get the OSD working yet?

I had a few mates round last night so I didn';t get chance. Deffo this eve though.. I may need to pick your brain if I get stuck!  ~~


Still not having much luck. I cleared EEPROM, flashed MW, loaded the GUI and it connected and it worked fine. I loaded the KISS mcm and it showed on the screen, so I uploaded it. But if I close the GUI and reopen it, the characters are back to the MW ones. I';m not sure if that';s because the upload didn';t work or the GUI just doesn';t read the charset from the OSD when it connects.

So anyway I cleared the EEPROM again and uploaded the KISS ino. Again it seemed fine, but still no OSD. Video feed, yes, but still no overlay. I';m starting to wonder if I should try another KISS FC. What would happen if the OSD wasn';t receiving data through TX/RX I wonder...?


If it was me, I';d want to rule out the OSD being knackered so I';d upload mwosd and it';s font, connect it all up and see if you get any OSD overlay. Even if it isn';t getting a signal from the fc board it should still display, it just wont update.

You are using the GUI to upload the charset aren';t you?

Might also be worth checking that mwosd is set to PAL in the gui and try changing it?


I was thinking about trying it with the MW FW on there but wasn';t sure if it would work with the data coming from the FC. As you say it';s worth trying though.

Yes that';s what I used for uploading the charset :smiley: I ';selected'; it first and it showed on the screen, then uploaded. Does yours still show the KISS charset if you close and reopen the GUI?

I ordered a couple of the Flyduino OSD last night as I';ll be needing a couple more anyhow. They now come pre-flashed so it should be plug and play.

Thanks for your continued help buddy :smiley:

EDIT: Oh btw, apparently you generally need to supply power through FTDI and 5v pads when flashing the charset, but not the FW. I tried both and it was the same.