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 I have some F1 Abusemark boards going spare,,,,,,,,,,,,,    ;)    :azn
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Who are most people ??? I think the person you are referring to has put in a lot of effort to keep things moving  :rolleyes:
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KISS Flight Controller

Started by Fletch, Sunday,December 27, 2015, 00:08:23

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£31 with shipping

Looks good!

I';ve got one on the way ... Will report back soon.



Quote from: Fletch on Sunday,December 27, 2015, 00:08:23
Looks good!

I hope it is, FC and 24A ESCs ordered. Happy xmas to me :p



I';ve ordered one as well as the ESC';s and a microminimOSD - I';m not a big fan of an OSD but live telemetry from each ESC is just too good a geekout to miss to be honest. So I can get accurate eRPM, Current, temp and MAHr consumption :D


I';m not sure where my FC and ESCs are. They left Germany on the 30th but nothing since then. I used DHL and it was supposed to be showing on the ParcelForce site by now..


hopefully its just down to the time of the year.
Point and click.

Monkey see, Monkey do.


ParcelForce appear to have real problems at moment. I dropped 2 parcels off at 2 different post offices on 29th and 30th Dec. First on express48 second express24. Both should have been delivered 31st. First made it 15 miles and is still only 15miles into its journey and it';s 4thJan (OK so some public holiday but should have been delivered before holiday) Second still not showing on system!!!

So ParcelForce not doing very well in my books and I a will be claiming for their delivery targets not being met.
I try :-)


Yeah, mine not here yet. According to the DHL tracking, it still in Koln, so I suspect holiday times for the Deutsche Postal Service!


Mine is showing as ';arrived in the UK'; as of late this morning :smiley: Fingers crossed for this week!


Gah, mine not updated since the 31st.

Will be interested to see what you think - I';m hoping mine will be here this week at some point, DHL are normally pretty good.


Quote from: Gandhi on Monday,January 04, 2016, 15:26:40
Gah, mine not updated since the 31st.

Will be interested to see what you think - I';m hoping mine will be here this week at some point, DHL are normally pretty good.

I used DHL. I gets handed over the Parcelforce once it';s left Germany, hench the delay  :rolleyes:



Quote04.01.2016 22:00
International Hub

So should hopefully be here tomorrow or Thursday. Just in time for the weather to turn  :banghead:  :rofl:


Very interested to hear what you guys think of it. :>  I guess it';s between this FC and the Lumenier Lux at the moment, for the FC I wanna use in the build I am not planning. :P


The most interesting thing about the flyduino KISS flight controller is the new firmware. I will be keen to hear how it compares to cleanflight / betaflight in terms of setup and also flying style.
One circlip short of a quadcopter.
 1 lobe short of an antenna.


Quote from: teslahed on Tuesday,January 05, 2016, 11:20:18
The most interesting thing about the flyduino KISS flight controller is the new firmware. I will be keen to hear how it compares to cleanflight / betaflight in terms of setup and also flying style.

Agreed, it';ll be nice having something other than CF to play with :smiley: Though the other thing I';m very interested in is the ESC-FC telemetry link and the ESCs which all have their own 32-bit ARM Cortex MCU.


That does look very nice - a clever use of the technology with a current meter that should just work accurately without endless tweaking first. If he could get a nice artificial horizon on his HUD to compliment the rest of it that';d be great.
One circlip short of a quadcopter.
 1 lobe short of an antenna.


Yay!  ::)


I don';t know who Flyduino are using to make these but getting the USB socket on straight would be a good start :laugh: Looks good otherwise though.

EDIT: and finally, someone has put an actual speksat socket on their FC!



:laugh: Yours can';t be far off now Gandhi.


KISS FC has now been flashed (after a bit of a driver ball-ache, solved with help from Felix@RCG) and FC and ESC are prepped for install..


I';ll get everything in tomorrow all being well  :smiley:


Nice, I';m hoping to get mine in tonight or tomorrow and weather looking dry for a fly on Sunday!

Quite excited.....



Not yet, I';m saving that joyous experience for a post yoga workout/meditation job :D

Or bottle of wine.....


Well, a small amount of Rioja seems to have done the trick.

That and deleting a massive amount of drivers and generally f';ing about until I realised that the reason that it wasn';t showing up as "blahblahblah in dfu mode" was because I didn';t have the boot pads shorted properly. Different tool and instant success.

I';m such an idiot.

Tomorrow is soldering. I don';t trust myself right now!


I';ve flown the kiss in the garage, its nice flying on the 30a ESCs with no tuning.

Will be a couple of weeks before I get a chance to touch it again.

It';s not the best GUI in the world, the KISS principle hasn';t yet made it into the GUI and flashing the firmware.

It';s not a great hassle (aslong as the drivers are correct) but its not simple.  Even setting modes means you have to have certain pwm outputs (high or low), you can select them like you do in cleanflight


Quote from: Fletch on Saturday,January 09, 2016, 00:00:06
It';s not the best GUI in the world, the KISS principle hasn';t yet made it into the GUI and flashing the firmware.

I';m not sure how much simpler the GUI could be without restricting functionality, but I won';t disagree about the flashing side.

Speaking of which; for people having issues getting the FC connected in bootloader mode to flash the FW....

All you should need is virtual com port drivers, and the USB drivers that come with DefuSe 3.0.5 (which is the prog used for flashing, see link in my last post). If for any reason you have previously installed the Zadig driver, you';ll need to replace it with the ST driver before it will work properly. I found that with the Zadig driver and the FC in bootloader mode, the FC just constantly disconnects/reconnect when connected to the PC, which is a problem because the FC doesn';t pop up in Device Manager long enough to update the drivers.

To remove the Zadig driver, do what is described here.. http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows-vista/remove-old-drivers-after-upgrading-to-new-hardware/

Then connect the FC again and install the ST driver in the usual way.


I managed to get a break in the weather (and home duties) this morning to take the KISS FC out for a quick 2 lipo maiden flight.

Had it running the preset PID "18cm - 25cm" with RC rate increased to 0.8 with air mode enabled. It was perfectly flyable, felt tight but with a little drift on P&R on the hard turns. Still need a bit more flight time with it to dial in, but first impressions were very good.

Set up was:
BumbleBEE 210
Motors: Lumenier 2206 2350

I';ve got high expectations of this and a nice change from the SPF3';s that keep falling apart on me
Granite City FPV Racing


Hi and welcome buddy :smiley: Glad your maiden went well. No more dodgy prop issues then?

I';ve just got mine in one piece and should get it in the air tomorrow. Ignore the speksat, it';s not staying there, I';m just about to mod it :tongue:



Cheers mate :)

Nice looking build and don';t worry i have no idea what a speksat is lol

You';ll love the set up, I was running the 24a';s for about a week before the acc/gyro chip just fell off the SPF3...hence the KISS FC upgrade.

They were my first KISS ESC';s, the difference was immediately noticeable after take off, no turning back now, got another few sets to go in my other builds. the only way i can describe it is it feels like what every other ESC is trying to imitate.

Yeah that was a weird one with the prop, never had an off balance prop give that behaviour before. all sorted now.

Decided i';m just going to do a full tune from the ground up as soon as the weather improves enough to give me a few hours outdoors, best way rather than tweaking someone else tune.

all the best with your maiden flight tomorrow bud :)
Granite City FPV Racing


She';s getting on a bit now, I think that';s her 4th FC :laugh: I';ve come from KISS30';s so I know how good they are :smiley: I put the 24s on to get the OSD with the FC.

It';s gonna be interesting seeing the difference between the KISS FW and Cleanflight. Looking forward to it.

speksat is a Spektrum Satellite Receiver ;) That thing dangling off the battery.


Quote from: Revs on Saturday,January 09, 2016, 13:42:26
I';m not sure how much simpler the GUI could be without restricting functionality, but I won';t disagree about the flashing side.

I';d like the ability to decide if it is a high or a low output to select a mode, the air mode has me a little concerned as when i armed with no props i started to get the motors winding up ... may be ok with props on!

Using the same terms as MW and CF and they do slightly different things, maybe they should have been name differently.