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Bad Raven:
12 May 2024 08:13:51
 I have some F1 Abusemark boards going spare,,,,,,,,,,,,,    ;)    :azn
11 May 2024 22:12:29
And with oldskool parts  :D
11 May 2024 22:11:57
I must be the only one doing tricopters right now  :laugh:
11 May 2024 22:09:30
11 May 2024 21:15:16
Domain has been renewed closure has been cancelled  :D
02 May 2024 08:07:52
Who are most people ??? I think the person you are referring to has put in a lot of effort to keep things moving  :rolleyes:
01 May 2024 10:16:12
Most people I have spoken to are pizzed off with the yellow peril  flooding the forum,go figure. :whistling:
23 Apr 2024 08:09:45
The Domain expires for the forum in 60 days, I'm not going to renew it this time unless I see any activity  :beer2:
20 Apr 2024 18:02:50
Is there anyone who would like to see this forum stay open ? :shrug:
17 Apr 2024 17:15:13
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Tarot 680 Pro

Started by Jimmer, Wednesday,December 10, 2014, 12:31:46

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I';ve just ordered my first hex, which will be a bit of a jump from my F450;

Tarot 680 Pro
6 x Tarot 4006/620kV motors
6 x Hobbywing platinum pro opto esc';s
Tarot TL2829 1355 props
APM 2.6 with GPS
3DR Telemetry 433MHz kit
APM power module

Will probably be on the slow boat from China knowing my luck, but I will be watching out for postman pat for the next couple of weeks though........


Pretty good list there!

What size Esc';s dud you get, 40 or 30 amp?

Also, have a look at some of the addons like battery tray and GPS stand!
F450 Clone KK2.0 General Batting around!

FPV550 KK2.0 FPV No gear on it yet!

DJI F350 Naza Lite Naza Experience

FPV 250 With RCTimer Power kit. Pocket Rocket!

Wishlist - Tarot FY680 Pro


I went for the 40';s - might be a tight fit on the motor  mounts, but I';ll make them fit ;)

I';ll see what actually comes with the kit, and then look at the add-ons, probably will go for the battery plate and the GPS mount though......


DJI Mavic Pro
Tarot 680 Pro Hex
450 (Flamewheel clone) x 4
Hubsan X4
CS022 Mini Quad


My stuff all arrived today .... Had the 690 frame sitting all year, but the fixhawk and all its Gubbins arrived today, 4108/720kv motors and 12" props arrived

The rctimer 40a escs sit in the arms nicely but the three motor cables are going to loop out and be exposed (the aim is not to crash)


A couple of quick snaps tonight


Quote from: Fletch on Wednesday,December 10, 2014, 21:01:36 but the three motor cables are going to loop out and be exposed (the aim is not to crash)

Maybe put some extra heat shrink on them to give more protection.


What i did with mine to keep the cables from protuding

Wrap the wires under the CF plate, through the slot at the back. They plug right into the HobbyWing ESC';s


All my ancillary items have arrived now (cable, bullets, heat shrink, woven cable sleeve, 5.8GHz video RX/TX etc) but no frame - still on the slow boat from China. Looking less likely it will be here before xmas now, so I will have to make do with drinking lots of cider and eating lots of mince pies until the remainder arrives lol!


Just got a text from DHL, got to pay import duty, VAT and handling charge before they will deliver my goods


My kit finally arrived today, so - where shall I start (and I don';t mean on the cup of tea ;) )


Absolutely recommend the approach taken by Paulham "What i did with mine to keep the cables from protuding"

I';m in the process of putting together a Tarot X6 with similar components. I found the wires from the motors (Tarot not Sunnysky) to be shorter than I would have liked. I tried soldering to the bullet connectors at right angles using the hole in the side of the connectors. That looked promising but I couldn';t get the heatshrink to cover very well. (3.5mm bullet 4mm heatshrink).
I then done them with the wire straight in to the bullet. whilst this works I found that the hobbywing ESC leaves very little room to maneuver, forcing me to bend the wires from the motor into an L shape, they wires came pre tinned and of course it is now a solid tinned wire I';m bending.
Well I had some sleepless nights over this decision and have gone back to the drawing board, I had visions of these wires snapping in flight.
So I got myself some new bullets and decided to start again, this time I';m cutting the bullet with tin snips to remove half of the sheath and again soldering at right angles. I now have more of an L shape than a hammer shape. 4mm heatshrink still doesn';t want to play the game although its better, I have just ordered some 4.8mm and 6.4mm heatshrink for a bit of experimentation.

Can';t believe how long its taken to get this far, with something that looked like it should have been simple.


I cut part of the heat shrink off, to uncover the cable connections, and then un-solder the wires off the ESC, and soldered on new cables for the FC (500mm extension cable with one end cut off and centre wire removed) and Power (16AWG Silicone). While doing so, I cut the leg from the positive side of the electrolytic cap, and bent the cap to 90 degrees from the board, and desoldered it. This makes for a perfect fit of the ESC under the motor mount.

I also put woven cable sheathing over the cables with heat shrink on the end to protect the cables from rubbing inside the arms.

I';ve put a pic below, not very good as it was taken with my phone and I am unable keep my hands very still due to a physical problem - makes it a bit more difficult when I';m soldering etc, but I cope, as you do.

I will try to add a picture of the ESC mounted later on.


Here is a before/after pic, showing how much you gain by cutting the heat shrink back - by the time I remounted the Cap I reckon I made about 13mm saving in length.


This is how mine ended up (before I redo the bullets) , what are you going to do with the cap, isn';t it a bit vulnerable. The ESC is held with velcro


Im building near enought the same Hex with parts from the same place.
One quick question. When your motors arrived was there a lot of marks on them? Good hard cases but my motors were bouncing about inside with no protecting



No marks on them, they were in the usual Tarot plastic box, with a bag containing the mounting screws and prop hub - no other protection. The mothers were pristine, and had a coating of light oil on them, I guess to prevent corrosion during storage.


Ready to fly at last - weather not playing the game though........


Quote from: Jimmer on Friday,January 30, 2015, 18:05:37
Ready to fly at last - weather not playing the game though........

I have same model except using E600 propulsion ....so good luck with your 1st flight.
Tarot x6 - 5008-340KV Turnigy Multistar
Naza mv2
E 1200 folding props.


Quote from: Jimmer on Thursday,January 15, 2015, 12:15:36
No marks on them, they were in the usual Tarot plastic box, with a bag containing the mounting screws and prop hub - no other protection. The mothers were pristine, and had a coating of light oil on them, I guess to prevent corrosion during storage.

Same with mine. Great hard cases but marked  like nothing on earth


During a build, did you ever think that something wasn';t a good idea in the way the manufacturer made something, but did it that way anyway, and then regretted it later?

I just did.......

Just maidened my Tarot 680 Pro, which started to tilt backwards on take off, so I gunned the throttle a bit to get it off the deck rather than tip. Unfortunately, this made it fly backwards towards a wall, so I dropped it to the deck and snapped both of the thin landing legs.

When I looked, they had both snapped right at the point the grub screw that holds them in place went. I thought this was a weak point during the build, but did it anyway - now I wish I had glued them as I originally thought of doing.

Now I have to find out why it wanted to tilt, and flew backwards - all the motors spin in the correct rotation, non seem tight, and all ESC calibrated properly...... Hmmmm........


Bad luck fella...
Are you sure those props are correct, not sure of your configuration but shouldn';t every second one be CCW.
When unfolded I don';t think you have that. I might be wrong it looks different every time I look at it