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 I have some F1 Abusemark boards going spare,,,,,,,,,,,,,    ;)    :azn
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And with oldskool parts  :D
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Who are most people ??? I think the person you are referring to has put in a lot of effort to keep things moving  :rolleyes:
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Tri-Trooper 750mm Build

Started by Jumpy07, Tuesday,November 25, 2014, 19:28:55

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These are my current gains on Naza v2 for Tri-Trooper 750mm.

BNUC-S Pilot with PfCo /PFAW.
UAQ / CAA PfCo Instructor / Flight Assessor

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"


Hello this is my first post here!
I write from NE Italy.
I';m going to build this same hexa but with some differences on the electronic part (Pixhawk or VrBrain instead of Naza..)

Can you please tell me what are those led on ECS for?
Are they used for navigation or do they indicate esc status?
On the RCTimer site they say:
"The LED';s with flash untill approximately 30% throttle."
So if you are in hovering at 50% they turn off??

On the RCTimer website they also suggest to use HVSK-40A (OPTO) that is 17$ each insead of T40A SimonK that is 24$/each.
Do you think T40A  is much better than HVSK-40A? The addition of a led add a sort of BEC/step down circuit to the esc,right?

In some place I read about weakness of the Motor frame and the substitution with the Sky-Hero SPY one (the original frame kit..)



Once you go over 30% throttle the LED';s stop flashing and are permanently on..  I have mine set up the same was as my DJi frames..  red to front.. green to back..

You def need 40a ESC';s..I just wanted the ones with the LED';s.. but not a necessity if you want to save some cash... just make sure the ESC will fit inside the arms.

The only weak part is the motor mounts if running powerful motors.. some people fit large washers to spread the load.. which is what I have done.. no issues yet.. or you can buy some cheap Sky Hero mounts and replace them.. or if you want to spend the money the ali mounts are nice.
BNUC-S Pilot with PfCo /PFAW.
UAQ / CAA PfCo Instructor / Flight Assessor

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"


Quote from: Jumpy07 on Friday,January 23, 2015, 13:54:27
Once you go over 30% throttle the LED';s stop flashing and are permanently on..  I have mine set up the same was as my DJi frames..  red to front.. green to back..
You def need 40a ESC';s..I just wanted the ones with the LED';s.. but not a necessity if you want to save some cash... just make sure the ESC will fit inside the arms.

Yes, I';ll go for leds, but I think to use some more powerfull, like the 3W ones from HK. So I don';t think that ESC can handle 1A (2x500mAh in parallel) absorption on its led output.. So I will use the ked output on the integrated PDB.
Green-Right, red-left, white-back. Don';t need any other visual info because my Taranis can give me all information I need and I can connect Mission Planner by 433mHz radio modem with my tablet.

Quote from: Jumpy07 on Friday,January 23, 2015, 13:54:27 The only weak part is the motor mounts if running powerful motors.. some people fit large washers to spread the load.. which is what I have done.. no issues yet.. or you can buy some cheap Sky Hero mounts and replace them.. or if you want to spend the money the ali mounts are nice.
Ok, this is what I read around the web..
Also, do you have any idea on why they sell il bundled with X6 motors??


Quote from: pieri70 on Friday,January 23, 2015, 19:25:19

Also, do you have any idea on why they sell il bundled with X6 motors??

No idea.. X6 are just too heavy and powerful for the frame..  no need for them.. I tried to get them to do an X5 bundle.. which they said they would do.. but no sign yet..
BNUC-S Pilot with PfCo /PFAW.
UAQ / CAA PfCo Instructor / Flight Assessor

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"


very nice build, very clean looking, thanks for the share
In the hanger: Husban X4, Syma X3, 
DIY wooden H quad 450
Emax night hawk 250 low rider, 4s
Qav 250 4s
Fat bee 180 4s


Here in my region there is one company saying they reach 25-30'; flying time with 12Ah battery..
With a nex5 and a gopro on board.
I';m wondering how can it be possible. I';m planning to mount maximum 7-800 g of equipment.
Maximum is tetracam mini mca6.


thanks for this build thread!

How would you say this Y6 compares to your S900?


Quote from: truemobile on Friday,January 30, 2015, 16:17:58
thanks for this build thread!

How would you say this Y6 compares to your S900?

Yaw lock is not as good as flat hex.. and flight times @12% less for same amount of battery.. but I prefer the Y6 is its a bit windy...  Y6 is also more sporty to fly..
BNUC-S Pilot with PfCo /PFAW.
UAQ / CAA PfCo Instructor / Flight Assessor

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"


Quote from: Jumpy07 on Friday,January 30, 2015, 17:21:23

Yaw lock is not as good as flat hex.. and flight times @12% less for same amount of battery.. but I prefer the Y6 is its a bit windy...  Y6 is also more sporty to fly..
I thought it would be the opposite, because of 3 arms less than the flat hex...
Do you think Y6 is more secure in a motor fault event?



Congratulations for your Y6!   ~~
(I';m a new member in this forum)
I would like to build this Y6 too, of course with Naza V2.

Have a nice flight wit it!  :beer2:
Quanum Venture FPV quadcopter


did you measure the power consumption with your prop setup?
I';m asking this because on the RCTimer site they suggest 14x4.8" props with these motors..



Yeah, I ran it through Ecalc..  further back in thread you can see the numbers..

According to my telemetry it pulls @25amps in a hover at 4.6kg AUW

I wanted to use 15x5.5 props as same as all my other frames.. makes it easier.. will be more sporty with 14".. but you will also have less flight time..

I am about to swap out the Naza V2 for a Wookong that I have spare..  will be interesting to see the difference.. if any..
BNUC-S Pilot with PfCo /PFAW.
UAQ / CAA PfCo Instructor / Flight Assessor

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"


Nice build. I';ve just bought a Sky Hero Spy 750 which is almost identical. 6 x T-Motor 2814-11 710KV, T-Motor 40A ESCs, T-Motor 13x4.4 carbon and 13x5 wood props, Naza M V2. 4S either single 8000mAh or 2 x 5000mAh. I was going to convert my Vulcan Mantis to a Y6 but decided to go with the Sky Hero and keep the Vulcan as a (not quite flat) V Hex. The Vulcan is actually pretty good in the wind but eats battery if more than 15mph, I';m hoping the Y6 will prove to be a good wind machine :)

I';ll post some pics up when I get it.

Commercial SUAS Operator CAA PfAW 1872


Quote from: Jumpy07 on Wednesday,February 18, 2015, 13:22:27
Yeah, I ran it through Ecalc..  further back in thread you can see the numbers..

According to my telemetry it pulls @25amps in a hover at 4.6kg AUW
I wanted to use 15x5.5 props as same as all my other frames.. makes it easier.. will be more sporty with 14".. but you will also have less flight time..
I am about to swap out the Naza V2 for a Wookong that I have spare..  will be interesting to see the difference.. if any..

Thanks Jumpy
I made some simulations and I think the one I';m going to buid is around 5,7 - 6.0Kg with 12Ah 6s battery and RcTimer X5 motors..

According to RCTimer These motors pull 950g @4.4A with 15x5.5" prop that is 5700g @26A that is almost 27min flight time in hover..

Is it trusty simulation??



I am interested in trying the tri-trooper for what we do at work.

We are carrying payloads up to a maximum of 3kg. Usually closer to 1.5-2kg.

We want redundancy because we will be flying over sensitive industrial sites. It would be much better if when a motor fails I can bring the aircraft back down at my feet rather than having to do an emergency landing in place or else crash the thing.

We need maximum possible duration coupled with good handling in windy conditions.

In your opinion can the tri-trooper do these things?

I am wondering if i';d get better duration with the 900mm version and the longest props those X6 motors can take (18") or if i could look at slightly lower KV motors of a similar spec to stretch things further. Obviously gust response will go up with larger props but it just needs to be flyable as we wont be aiming for smooth video footage.

What do you think the largest 6 cell LiPos are that the tri-trooper could take? I was hoping to fly with 1 or 2 10,000mAh 6 cells but that might be a bit optimistic.
One circlip short of a quadcopter.
 1 lobe short of an antenna.


Very nice build. Looks nice and stable in the air.
Interested in how it handles in windy conditions.
My original interest in multirotors was to film kitesurfing which typically means 14kts+ and in the uk its often a bit lumpy.
Curious how well it handles, was toying with a hex, or even an octo but costs seem to ramp up (and i need to stop crashing the 450 first!).
1 x Hubsan X4
1 x 450 (KK2.1HC, QBRAIN 25A ESC, SunnySky 2212 980kV, 8045, 1045, Mobius wide angle)
3 x Turnigy 3300mAh 3S
1 x Turnigy 9xR, FrSky Rx
1 x 250 WIP (Emax 12A, 5030, TBD)


Quote from: teslahed on Wednesday,April 15, 2015, 11:22:26
I am interested in trying the tri-trooper for what we do at work.

We are carrying payloads up to a maximum of 3kg. Usually closer to 1.5-2kg.

We want redundancy because we will be flying over sensitive industrial sites. It would be much better if when a motor fails I can bring the aircraft back down at my feet rather than having to do an emergency landing in place or else crash the thing.

We need maximum possible duration coupled with good handling in windy conditions.

In your opinion can the tri-trooper do these things?

I am wondering if i';d get better duration with the 900mm version and the longest props those X6 motors can take (18") or if i could look at slightly lower KV motors of a similar spec to stretch things further. Obviously gust response will go up with larger props but it just needs to be flyable as we wont be aiming for smooth video footage.

What do you think the largest 6 cell LiPos are that the tri-trooper could take? I was hoping to fly with 1 or 2 10,000mAh 6 cells but that might be a bit optimistic.

You would need the 900mm for the 18" props and X6, I would buy U6 motors as  better quality.. I have had a X5 bearing go and take and esc out as well.   Redundancy works the same as a flat hex..  I can vouch it works fine with Naza and WKM..  you

Flat hex will give better flight times, but coaxial will be better in wind and also where you are near other objects with prop wash etc.

The 900 with U5';s will have more than enough payload capability....   one downside of this frame is that there is not a lot of room for electronics.. and lipos attach to inertic plate..
BNUC-S Pilot with PfCo /PFAW.
UAQ / CAA PfCo Instructor / Flight Assessor

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"


Quote from: shaun on Wednesday,April 15, 2015, 22:23:39
Very nice build. Looks nice and stable in the air.
Interested in how it handles in windy conditions.
My original interest in multirotors was to film kitesurfing which typically means 14kts+ and in the uk its often a bit lumpy.
Curious how well it handles, was toying with a hex, or even an octo but costs seem to ramp up (and i need to stop crashing the 450 first!).

Shaun, its amazing in the wind.. being in Scotland its the frame I fly the most, also copes well in gusty wind....     not a frame for a beginner though.. as bottom props are very vulnerable when landing etc.. and its a mass of whirling bladed :-)
BNUC-S Pilot with PfCo /PFAW.
UAQ / CAA PfCo Instructor / Flight Assessor

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"


Quote from: Jumpy07 on Thursday,April 16, 2015, 09:15:38
You would need the 900mm for the 18" props and X6, I would buy U6 motors as  better quality.. I have had a X5 bearing go and take and esc out as well.   Redundancy works the same as a flat hex..  I can vouch it works fine with Naza and WKM..  you

Thanks for that Craig, useful info there.

The U5 motor only supports up to a 16" props on 6 cells judging by the specs here;


Do you think i';d get the duration i need out of a setup like that? I suppose i could always drop to 4 cells and run a larger prop but i';m not sure how dropping cells helps with efficiency once you start doing that.
One circlip short of a quadcopter.
 1 lobe short of an antenna.


X6 is the same as U6, so would thing U6 would support 18" props as well... might be better with U5 though.

Even on U5, there is enough power to lift a decent gimbal and GH4 etc..    if you want best flight times.. then Hex is best way to go though.... X8 will offer less flight time than a hex.. but better lifting capability etc.



X8 Coaxial
BNUC-S Pilot with PfCo /PFAW.
UAQ / CAA PfCo Instructor / Flight Assessor

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"


Rctimer have some really neat S900 style isolated motor mounts for this frame now...  the original mounts were very brittle...

Have ordered a set.. will update when the arrive..


BNUC-S Pilot with PfCo /PFAW.
UAQ / CAA PfCo Instructor / Flight Assessor

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"


Quanum Venture FPV quadcopter


Well I am now the proud owner of a 750mm Tri-Trooper frame.

It will be a few months before i can also afford things like motors and ESCs though :tongue:
One circlip short of a quadcopter.
 1 lobe short of an antenna.



what are you planning to install on it
Not much kit, but what I have I like
Armattan Tilt 2, Morphite 180, Quark 150, Decapitated NanoQX


15" props, pixhawk, some kind of brushless gimbal, 400kv motors (or thereabouts), 6 cell.
One circlip short of a quadcopter.
 1 lobe short of an antenna.


Well that should stay in the air for a while
Not much kit, but what I have I like
Armattan Tilt 2, Morphite 180, Quark 150, Decapitated NanoQX


I';ve just ordered the ESCs and motors.

In the end I went for;

SUNNYSKY X4112S 400KV Outrunner Brushless Motor for Multi-rotor Aircraft
Model: X4112S 400KV
KV (rpm/v): 400
Weight: 153g
Diameter: 46.4mm
Length: 32.5mm (excluding motor shaft)

HOBBYWING X-Rotor Series 40A Speed Control for Multicopter XRotor-40A
Power input: 2-6S Lip
Continuous current: 40A
Peak current: 60A ( for 10 seconds)
Dimension: 68 x 25 x 8.7mm
Weight: 26g
BEC output: NO

I would have liked T-Motor U5';s but I can';t afford them at more than twice the price of the Sunnyskys.

Hope it flies ok.
One circlip short of a quadcopter.
 1 lobe short of an antenna.


I am thinking of a 750mm build like this to fly a sony a6000 and rctimer asp 3 axis gimbal.  I have been messing with ecalc and am getting at best 13min hover with 15" on 6s.  I have tried a bunch of sunnysky, tmotor, and rctimer motors and end up with the best hover time from X5 motors.  Any idea why my flight times are so terrible.

I calculated all my weight, using the specs on manufactures web page.  I added up my pixhawk (telem/gps), ts832 VTx, sony 600tvl, minimosd, video switch, a6000, gimbal, 16mm lens, etc), and get 2555g without motors/props/battery.  Spread sheet:


Post to ecalc if you have an account:


Any suggestions on how to get better flight time?  Could I be over estimating the flight time capabilities of this design with my camera and gimbal?

I speced it with a multistar 6s 16000mAh, but I am not sure of the 10c would be a problem.  Any idea where to get better large batteries which are not crazy expensive? 


I have heard ecalc is quite tough on co-axial performance drop relative to flat setups and that you might get better flight times than calculated as a result.
One circlip short of a quadcopter.
 1 lobe short of an antenna.