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Bad Raven:
12 May 2024 08:13:51
 I have some F1 Abusemark boards going spare,,,,,,,,,,,,,    ;)    :azn
11 May 2024 22:12:29
And with oldskool parts  :D
11 May 2024 22:11:57
I must be the only one doing tricopters right now  :laugh:
11 May 2024 22:09:30
11 May 2024 21:15:16
Domain has been renewed closure has been cancelled  :D
02 May 2024 08:07:52
Who are most people ??? I think the person you are referring to has put in a lot of effort to keep things moving  :rolleyes:
01 May 2024 10:16:12
Most people I have spoken to are pizzed off with the yellow peril  flooding the forum,go figure. :whistling:
23 Apr 2024 08:09:45
The Domain expires for the forum in 60 days, I'm not going to renew it this time unless I see any activity  :beer2:
20 Apr 2024 18:02:50
Is there anyone who would like to see this forum stay open ? :shrug:
17 Apr 2024 17:15:13
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Started by mackar, Tuesday,November 18, 2014, 22:55:18

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Anyone here that uses the STorM32 BGC? I';m tired of struggling with Alexmos configuration and decided to test a new controller, Received mine STorM32 a couple of days ago. The controller is made by a german guy on his spare time as a hobby project. I';ve only done some initial configuration but I';m already impressed with how the configuration software works compared with Alexmos.

My Tarot T810 build



Got a description fromthe  STorM32 developer today, I missed some steps in my calibration so I';ll do another video later today or tomorrow that shows the exact method.
My Tarot T810 build



Ordered my board a few weeks ago and should be getting it soon to use on a DYS 3 axis gimbal!  ::)
Frames: Daya 550, TBS Discovery & BAH Nemesis 250 Mini H Quad
FC: Naze 32 Acro. Pixhawk
Motors: Emax 600Kv, Sunnysky 980Kv, Sunnysky 2206 2300Kv
FrSky Taranis with TBS Crossfire Modules
Dominator FPV Goggles FG58U VRx, TS5823 VTx, TS5800 VTx


Quote from: shazzy on Wednesday,November 19, 2014, 11:29:51
Ordered my board a few weeks ago and should be getting it soon to use on a DYS 3 axis gimbal!  ::)

Please do keep us upto date!! I have the same gimbal and loosing my patience with the Alexmos board ha


Quote from: jimmybonsaville on Wednesday,November 19, 2014, 13:12:14
Please do keep us upto date!! I have the same gimbal and loosing my patience with the Alexmos board ha
My DYS with Alexmos was working quite ok before I sold my Quad with it but it took a lot of testing.

Observatoriet Saltsjöbaden - DJI F450 with DYS 3-axis SMART gimbal

Bought a RCTimer gimbal with Alexmos 32 since it supported Autotune but the autotune didn';t work that good so I will start testing with the STorM32 soon, waiting for some cables and a secondary IMU sonce on of the IMUs I had was broken.

My Tarot T810 build



Cant seem to get it working on my dys 3 axis. Motors dont respond to changes.
Cant figure out if its my board or my gimbal motors (they have been knocked about pretty badly)

Frames: Daya 550, TBS Discovery & BAH Nemesis 250 Mini H Quad
FC: Naze 32 Acro. Pixhawk
Motors: Emax 600Kv, Sunnysky 980Kv, Sunnysky 2206 2300Kv
FrSky Taranis with TBS Crossfire Modules
Dominator FPV Goggles FG58U VRx, TS5823 VTx, TS5800 VTx


My Tarot T810 build



I have now mounted the BGC on my RCTimer ASP gimbal and done a quick PID tuning.

STorM32 BGC - First test on RCTimer ASP 3-axis gimbal

Looking forward to test it on my hexa when it is ready.
My Tarot T810 build



I am having a hell of a time trying to get this to work on my dys smart gimbal.  :banghead:

Mackar any tips or advice on getting this to work?
Frames: Daya 550, TBS Discovery & BAH Nemesis 250 Mini H Quad
FC: Naze 32 Acro. Pixhawk
Motors: Emax 600Kv, Sunnysky 980Kv, Sunnysky 2206 2300Kv
FrSky Taranis with TBS Crossfire Modules
Dominator FPV Goggles FG58U VRx, TS5823 VTx, TS5800 VTx


Quote from: shazzy on Monday,December 08, 2014, 14:46:48
I am having a hell of a time trying to get this to work on my dys smart gimbal.  :banghead:

Mackar any tips or advice on getting this to work?
one or two IMUs, 1 or 6 point calibration? Have you configured the motors correct?
What isn';t working?
My Tarot T810 build



One imu. 1 point calibration.  Default pids. Don';t have anything to run a 6 point calibration with. Have used the gimbal setup tool and configured the board that way. Motors are on auto direction.

So when I plug my board in I let it for its thing. I either get a error and it the led boards keep flashing red and green really quickly. 

If it somehow does get past the initiation phase as soon as more the gimbal it will shake violently and the motors will lock up or release all tension so the gimbal goes all floppy.

Any ideas?

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk

Frames: Daya 550, TBS Discovery & BAH Nemesis 250 Mini H Quad
FC: Naze 32 Acro. Pixhawk
Motors: Emax 600Kv, Sunnysky 980Kv, Sunnysky 2206 2300Kv
FrSky Taranis with TBS Crossfire Modules
Dominator FPV Goggles FG58U VRx, TS5823 VTx, TS5800 VTx


The red/green flashing LEDs are not an error.
It won';t work with default PIDs you need to tune them. Have you checked the STorM32 page for info how to configure the PIDs?

Which firmware are you running?
My Tarot T810 build



Latest firmware - 0.56.

I read somewhere that the red and green flashing really quickly (at a rate if 2hz) was a error.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk

Frames: Daya 550, TBS Discovery & BAH Nemesis 250 Mini H Quad
FC: Naze 32 Acro. Pixhawk
Motors: Emax 600Kv, Sunnysky 980Kv, Sunnysky 2206 2300Kv
FrSky Taranis with TBS Crossfire Modules
Dominator FPV Goggles FG58U VRx, TS5823 VTx, TS5800 VTx


Quote from: shazzy on Wednesday,December 10, 2014, 12:29:40
Latest firmware - 0.56.

I read somewhere that the red and green flashing really quickly (at a rate if 2hz) was a error.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk
Here is a description of the leds

1.7hz is normal
My Tarot T810 build



I hope to be able to do a first test flight with the STorM32 based gimbal the coming weekend. I';ve also ordered a second controller and a Bluetooth module for it.

Have started writing a little about the controller om my homepage, will try to write every change I do and the results.
My Tarot T810 build



First flight with the gimbal, some tuning left but I think it will work fine when it';s ready


Some more description of today';s test
My Tarot T810 build



My Tarot T810 build



I just ordered mine today from RTF quads in the US

And a 3 axis gimbal fro RCtimer


Quote from: Fletch on Thursday,March 05, 2015, 20:17:33
I just ordered mine today from RTF quads in the US

And a 3 axis gimbal fro RCtimer
nice, I hope to be able to test mine again on sunday. If it works fine I';ll share my settings.
My Tarot T810 build




Quote from: Fletch on Friday,March 06, 2015, 18:42:39
Perfect ... cheers
No flight today, my hexa wouldn';t arm because of high HDOP value so I hope to be able to test on Tuesday instead...

I managed also to short the controller today but it seems as it';s still working as it should...
My Tarot T810 build



2nd test flight today, it performed much better than the first time, much less jello but there is still some (will check motor/propeller balance) it holds horizon very well but there is  a problem with yaw, that worked actually better last time and it could be the board that is broken. I managed to short circuit the battery cables a couple of days ago. I ting I will use my other board on next test.


My Tarot T810 build



Added a bluetooth module to my second controller, this one is without the backplane

My Tarot T810 build



How did you get it to connect to your PC

i KNOW i have had this problem with the Naze32 before and i was linked to a wee program that sorted the issue, but for the life of me i cannot find it again!!

When i connect it after installing the silabs drivers it connects and shows at STM32 Virtual COM port but its not assigned a COM port number!


OK I did the first firmware flash using a FTDI32 adapter then ran the Driver installer NOT from the SiLabs website (i will link shortly when i find it again)

That sorted me out!


My Tarot T810 build



gimbal arrived today, appears nicely balanced!

on the stormbgc which way round are the MOT pins??




Yeah i wasn';t thinking ... the 3 wires are the 3 phases of the motor .. not a power and signal!

Doesn';t matter ... when i put the 3s on to it today this happened