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12 May 2024 08:13:51
 I have some F1 Abusemark boards going spare,,,,,,,,,,,,,    ;)    :azn
11 May 2024 22:12:29
And with oldskool parts  :D
11 May 2024 22:11:57
I must be the only one doing tricopters right now  :laugh:
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Domain has been renewed closure has been cancelled  :D
02 May 2024 08:07:52
Who are most people ??? I think the person you are referring to has put in a lot of effort to keep things moving  :rolleyes:
01 May 2024 10:16:12
Most people I have spoken to are pizzed off with the yellow peril  flooding the forum,go figure. :whistling:
23 Apr 2024 08:09:45
The Domain expires for the forum in 60 days, I'm not going to renew it this time unless I see any activity  :beer2:
20 Apr 2024 18:02:50
Is there anyone who would like to see this forum stay open ? :shrug:
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Mobius light 95g cnc gimbal with micro motors

Started by Coptercentre UK, Thursday,October 30, 2014, 12:22:09

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Coptercentre UK

Our mobius cnc gimbal prototype is READY...still 106.5 around 107 g RTF..but we will go down in next week made some modification...this version is compatible also with 2208 2206 size motors and with our ultralight micro motor 1806 (18g) so we will reduce weight and focus on to sepcialize for our micro motor. The overall weight without mobius will be around 90g ~~

Any questions or ideas please share with us ;D



That looks very good. I';m quite tempted to put together a mini Hex with 5 or 6 inch props at some point for fitting with a mini brushless gimbal - you could get great shots indoors and in tight spaces.

Have you considered replacing the top flat plate with fibreglass? That';d save a bit of weight.
One circlip short of a quadcopter.
 1 lobe short of an antenna.

Coptercentre UK

Quote from: teslahed on Thursday,October 30, 2014, 12:57:39
That looks very good. I';m quite tempted to put together a mini Hex with 5 or 6 inch props at some point for fitting with a mini brushless gimbal - you could get great shots indoors and in tight spaces.

Have you considered replacing the top flat plate with fibreglass? That';d save a bit of weight.

Yes probably later fiberglass can be an option or optional part of it. Now, we will use thinner CNC plate where the structure not need to strong materials...and we will give reshaped arms for pitch for small motor. As you see this version very rigid and robust for the small motors.
So we can go down in weight ;D

I will make shots of course, I have racing 300 size mini quad with naze 32 and a 550 size deadcat copter with naza. Both bird use to fly with gimbals. This version can be handled by mini quads too. I use 6x4 APC props with 2300kv rctimer motors which has lot of thrust for that size. with this gimbal  I can keep weight within 770 g with all fpv setup and 2 cameras...ccd for fpv, and mobius for hd onboard on gimbal

Coptercentre UK

I have mad some maiden test flight with new frame to test vibration and jello. I use lower PID values for smooth movement, thatswhy I need some fine tunning to keep it stronger during fast forward and side movement.

here we are now: :popcorn:


Quote from: Coptercentre UK on Sunday,November 02, 2014, 12:49:11
I have mad some maiden test flight with new frame to test vibration and jello. I use lower PID values for smooth movement, thatswhy I need some fine tunning to keep it stronger during fast forward and side movement.

here we are now: :popcorn:

This looks great!

Will it fit an F450??

I am impressed!

How much and where can we buy?  ~~
******* Retired*******
E300 Propulsion System
Naza M V2
Mobius on 3d Printed Gimbal

Multistar Elite 2204-2300KV
Naze32 Acro
5" Gemfan Props

TBS Discovery
E300 Propulsion System
Naza M V2
600mW Immersion vTx


any plans on bringing a forward facing mobius gimbal like the tbs pro style? maybe one to fit mini';s and one for bigger quads, not that i would fly a mini with a gimbal but if you going down that route, think i forward facing one would do better than a under slung one


+1 I';d be very interested in one I could fit to my tbs discovery

Coptercentre UK

Thanks for your questions and suggestions!  ;D

I think there are 3 different mounting ways for TBS discover or other tbs style copter.
1. You can use the TBS standard gimbal front mounting method, and you can use the back side of our gimbal'; roll motor. In this case you may need some spacer to bring the motor a little bit to the front to provide free movement for gimbal arm. Because our motor is 5mm shorter than standard 2208 size motors.

We plan also to make a small adapter to do this easily.

2. The second method is the classic gimbal mount hanging on the bottom of the TBS...in this case you need 11-12 cm ground clearance , e.g extend the copter legs or like this

I used this typ of leg on daeadcat SK450 which is similar to tbs:

3. The third opportunity to mount our gimbal up side down, and screw the upper plate to the upper plate of TBS, where there are enough space for such a small gimbal

It will be available at our store: http://stores.ebay.co.uk/coptercentreuk/
We are now testing and reshaping the arms for our special 18g gimbal motors..so the overall weight will be around 90g RTF with controller motors and frame and rubber balls (without mobius)

Coptercentre UK

We are ready with a new prototype version of reshaped mobius gimbal...compatible mount holes for phantom 1 and also for 2 and vision. Adjustable mounting point for perfect balance of mobius with 6mm screw.
Free space for usb port to connect your fpv cable.

Longer pitch arm...more space for video/charging cable
Adjustable holder plate mount ...so pitch can be balanced also perfectly for A and B lens version of mobius
Strenghten shape and structure for roll back mount

34g frame + 36g motors+2-4 g vibration balls+9g controller= 82 +/- 2g (without mobius)


Looks good

Just a wee note , when I made my mobius gimbal I had to have the tilt motor on the opposite side so I could have a better run on the usb cable on the mobius. Ie the cable was hitting the bracket behind it , flipped it over and it was in free space.

when u selling them?

Coptercentre UK

Yes..good view! you can easily flip 180 degrees to opposite site (see pics below) or you can mount up side down as you like...to make free space for AV cable. We increased roll to pitch arm to provide more free space different typ of 90 degrees mini usb connector of FPV cables.

development phases, flying videos from page 60-65 and news can be found also here....(voting about colours, and mod suggestions :smiley:)

We plan to reales it for selling around mid dececember before X-mas. 

Quote from: dirtyharry on Tuesday,November 25, 2014, 11:50:28
Looks good

Just a wee note , when I made my mobius gimbal I had to have the tilt motor on the opposite side so I could have a better run on the usb cable on the mobius. Ie the cable was hitting the bracket behind it , flipped it over and it was in free space.

when u selling them?


Hi, This looks like just what I am after to mount on to my 300 Frame! Will be a push weight wise but reckon I should be ok as I dont have FPV. Couple of queries:

Is this the item - http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/ULTRA-Light-SJ4000-NEW-160g-RTF-2-Axis-CNC-calibrated-DJI-Gimbal-Gopro-UK-stock-/291307171364
I want to forward face it - From your previous posts I take it this is possible it will just need a bit of adjusting to get it mounted?
It seems a mega price - how come it is so cheap compared to other models?!

Many thanks,


Coptercentre UK

Hi Crhis!
I ve sent you pm about front mountin our existing gopro size gimbal using the back of the roll motor.
In case of the 300 size or under, mini quads our classic hanging style mini gimbal is a good solution for front and up side down mounting on the top of the quad frame.
The mini gimbals are ready just need to assemble , and after one or two weeks it will be sell in our shop.
In case of front mount we are developing a front mount adapter t. Its our first vision for using our mini gimbal motors see attached. Its only a plan and will be redesign to prevent vibration caused by the weight of the front mounted parts.

Quote from: Crob203 on Wednesday,December 17, 2014, 20:12:37
Hi, This looks like just what I am after to mount on to my 300 Frame! Will be a push weight wise but reckon I should be ok as I dont have FPV. Couple of queries:

Is this the item - http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/ULTRA-Light-SJ4000-NEW-160g-RTF-2-Axis-CNC-calibrated-DJI-Gimbal-Gopro-UK-stock-/291307171364
I want to forward face it - From your previous posts I take it this is possible it will just need a bit of adjusting to get it mounted?
It seems a mega price - how come it is so cheap compared to other models?!

Many thanks,


Coptercentre UK

we are ready with final versions...they will be released soon.

Make a short clip for upside down or top mount movement:;)

Coptercentre UK

Coptercentre UK

Thanks to adjustabel roll and pitch arms ..it can handle a GOPRO size camera also :smiley:



Coptercentre UK

Made a few pic to show our gimbal with normal size controller...provide option to mount the most widely used controllers...
The frame is 82g with two motors and rubber dampeners.... ;)



Carbon Tricopter with KK2 mini because you have to own a Tri and Falcon Evo FPV (rebuild again) with fatshark 600mw vtx & pz2040 cam. New addition (hidden from the missus!) 250 quad.

Coptercentre UK

Quote from: GdLookinMingeR on Tuesday,March 17, 2015, 23:33:18
how does your compair to the hk offering  ?


Hk gimbal is 162 g (look that brick at attachments)....our are between 94-99g depends on controller type.
We use much more user friendly alexmos firmware on board.
We will have front adapater mount to CS-1 will be soon released CS-2 for racing and TBS style copters.
CS-1 All parts made from aluminium CNC...hk using mixtore of plastic carbon and cnc
Cs-1 has option to use mini boards, and also normal size boards
Cs-1 has compatible mounting holes for the most common copters phantom..nova, cheerson..walkera and so on

you can find more details about the development and buyer experiences with out gimbal


Coptercentre UK

Quote from: Coptercentre UK on Tuesday,March 31, 2015, 13:46:49
Hk gimbal is 162 g (look that brick at attachments)....our are between 94-99g depends on controller type.
We use much more user friendly alexmos firmware on board.
We will have front adapater mount to CS-1 will be soon released CS-2 for racing and TBS style copters.
CS-1 All parts made from aluminium CNC...hk using mixtore of plastic carbon and cnc
Cs-1 has option to use mini boards, and also normal size boards
Cs-1 has compatible mounting holes for the most common copters phantom..nova, cheerson..walkera and so on

you can find more details about the development and buyer experiences with out gimbal
