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Bad Raven:
12 May 2024 08:13:51
 I have some F1 Abusemark boards going spare,,,,,,,,,,,,,    ;)    :azn
11 May 2024 22:12:29
And with oldskool parts  :D
11 May 2024 22:11:57
I must be the only one doing tricopters right now  :laugh:
11 May 2024 22:09:30
11 May 2024 21:15:16
Domain has been renewed closure has been cancelled  :D
02 May 2024 08:07:52
Who are most people ??? I think the person you are referring to has put in a lot of effort to keep things moving  :rolleyes:
01 May 2024 10:16:12
Most people I have spoken to are pizzed off with the yellow peril  flooding the forum,go figure. :whistling:
23 Apr 2024 08:09:45
The Domain expires for the forum in 60 days, I'm not going to renew it this time unless I see any activity  :beer2:
20 Apr 2024 18:02:50
Is there anyone who would like to see this forum stay open ? :shrug:
17 Apr 2024 17:15:13
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Whats your preferred type of FPV video?

Started by JAB1a, Saturday,August 16, 2014, 11:14:52

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Hi All,

With all this Spanky footage I am getting I am finding it hard to sort out what';s good for a video or not, the main interest always used to be the subject I am filming (castle, ruins, river etc) but with the Spanky its more about the flying and sense of pressure and adrenaline I like.

When it comes to editing its hard to choose weather to upload a whole unedited flight or just cut the good bits up and join them up. The next issue is to have music or just the pure Spanky noise with all throttle adjustments etc in the raw.

So I would like to ask a poll of people to see what is more liked or looked forward to when you see a title. Not sure how to do this but it would be nice and much appreciated if you could just give me your thoughts or say you prefer one of the following options:

1. Raw Spanky footage, full flight (good and slow bits alike) with sound from the Mobius on the Spanky

2. Raw Spanky footage, full flight (good and slow bits alike) with music

3. Editted footage including run up to good bits (lining up a gap and then flying into it) with music

4. Short and sweet, only the crème de la crème shots (gap running etc) with music

Thank you in advance for anyones time and opinion.



i think nowadays videos need to short and sweet to keep the viewers attention, though personally i don';t mind watching the run/lining up etc etc

maybe up load 2 versions like some do with music and the raw footage.
Point and click.

Monkey see, Monkey do.


Just like a photo the good bits are not always the center of attention. It is good watching the run up to the hedge dodging and the dodgy flying between the cool moves...

I also like the video without music so I can hear the throttle and props too.

The best way is like Nub said, the pro edit and the raw for the purists!
This is getting expensive!


Im with the above Jab, take the cottage playgroun one, i would rather watch the lining up to go through the little hedge arches etc, for me it makes them them that better to watch, some edited footage that is all perfect, gets a bit boring.
Yuneec Q500+
Yuneec Typhoon H
Nano QX2
Nano QX3D
Blade 180QX
Blade 200QX
DJI 450 frame + Naza M V2 = GPS
ZMR 250
250 Pro - Dys 2300kv motors , Naze32 Acro
300 Folding Frame sporting a Naza Lite + GPS


As a pilot myself i like the full videos without too much editing but with a good soundtrack.

The motor noise is best left in at the start then faded out as the action progresses.

Uploading the totally raw video can also be interesting technically speaking but usually isn';t quite as pleasant as when you fade the motors out and add a soundtrack. It';s interesting to hear what the motors are doing from a technical perspective but the novelty soon wears off. But given it';s pretty easy just to upload the raw unedited video file there is no reason you can';t do both. I';d advertise the one with the sound track more though and leave the raw video for fellow fliers (geeks) on the multi-rotor forums who might actually be interested in hearing what the motors are doing.

Full on edited videos with the best bits from numerous flights can also be worthwhile but i know they take more effort to put together and in some ways they feel a bit faked to me compared to mostly unedited flights that show the beginning to the end.

I';d do full on edits occasionally and mostly upload full flights with added sound tracks just because it';s easier and means you';ll be able to post more videos. Save the full on edits for showing off on facebook to people that aren';t pilots themselves and the full flights for the forums where people who appreciate the more technical side of things will see the whole flight and appreciate it for what it is.

But that';s just my opinion.

Most of my videos are just a full flight with almost no editing - i just chop the beginning and ends off where i';m faffing around with the gear. On a few of my better videos i';ve stuck a couple of flights together back to back and added a sound track with the motors partially or fully faded out and i think that makes for a better viewing experience. But then i';m no video editing expert anyway so my lack of skill in that regard is a factor in the kinds of videos i upload.

Here are my two best video edits from recent flights;



In the second one i';ve just left the motors going very quietly in the background and i think that works quite well. Most of my videos are just raw uploads though so i can';t criticise!
One circlip short of a quadcopter.
 1 lobe short of an antenna.


I watch rotor movies for two reasons:

  • To see the skills
  • To see the location
For the skills I prefer the raw unedited footage with sounds of the aircraft as it shows me not only how to line up targets but also how the pilot applies inputs to do it.  Music would be a distraction, and if I don';t like the song I';ll stop watching altogether. I don';t mind editing to show off different target runs.

For the location I prefer edited footage cut to a good soundtrack. These are ideally a collection of "money shots" with little faff in between, e.g. I don';t care how you got there, I just want to see las vistas!  :popcorn:
-rw-rw-rw-  –  The Number of the Beast


for me,
It';s what would not be otherwise seen, birds eye view,
The music, not always thump but chosen music that aid';s my enjoyment of the clip';s.

As mentioned earlier, the garden was great and with 2 vies! wow the little cut away';s to 2ft off the ground from r to l and then l to r, awesome in my opinion.

What you have achieved to date, that i have seen, only encourages me to get my fpv and floats going. I am waiting for the 2ltr bottles to come back refilled with hard foam to cut up the pylons....

you won';t please all your viewers all the time spanky but keep taking you pilot where ever you shoot!

I think short is good for exciting stuff, think if fast keep it short. more relaxing to see what around a little longer.....

Do not give up JAB1a, your audience want';s more! :bravo: :thankyou:


Only when one looses sight of your toy does FPV become fun and against legislation already in place.


I would vote for both videos to be posted.

I tend to link interesting videos on Facebook and they';re usually the edited highlights as I have a few friends that are plank flyers or small indoor quads, they find those more entertaining.

I like the raw footage but I do have to say that I find motor noise irritating in less the volume is mixed way down (don';t mind it being there but just not really loud)

Music is an awkward one unless the music really fits I tend to find it distracting.

But then again I';m  probably just awkward
Not much kit, but what I have I like
Armattan Tilt 2, Morphite 180, Quark 150, Decapitated NanoQX


Much of what has already been said. ~~

Quote3. Edited footage including run up to good bits (lining up a gap and then flying into it) with music

Is always good to see, particularly where it may have been a long flight, or a combination of several at that one location.

But then one or more raw reels of the stuff wouldn';t go amiss. As others have said, it can be useful to hear what you are doing as you navigate difficult terrain or hazards.  The raw footage puts the viewer in the passenger seat next to you  :smiley:  And people can learn a lot from that.

All that said, your cut reels with music are fantastic viewing, and people I have shown them to who are not necessarily fliers are quite impressed at what can be achieved with these aircraft. It also gives them some really unusual perspectives of everyday things and places. All very positive for the hobby in general and their appreciation of your skills in particular.  ~~


"Its better than bad, its good"

Current FCs: Pixhawk, APM 2.6, Naza M V2, Naze32, Flip32+ CC3D, KK2.1.5
Aircraft: miniMax Hex, DJI 550 (clone) TBS Disco, 450 Firefly, 250 Pro, ZMR250, Hubsan X4, Bixler 2

John A


For FPV, "straight between the eyes" please....but easy on the audio ;D

I am, ah, rather a "pedestrian" pilot so I marvel at the skills of a good FPV pilot. Raw footage with reduced audio volume from the aircraft makes the flight feel more alive, more spontaneous. I love the "Holy cr@p!!! How did he/she do that???" when watching a low, fast flight.

For aerial videography, as smooth as you can please, with a good soundtrack but please keep the takeoff and approach to subject footage as (for me) it places the subject in context.

Truth is, I enjoy all the posted videos, they show amazing skills and creative ability. One day, I might have something worth posting... :embarrassed

Ground Engineer

I like fast steep dives towards the pilot, so the pilot comes into view.  But I think at least 30% of the video should be filmed from the ground with the Spanky in view as it flies past, Including take off and landing.
Frames: Blackout Mini H V2, TBS Disco, TBS Caipirinha,Tarot Ironman 650, Q450, Tricopter D.W design.
FC's: Naze 32 GPS, Naza M Lite GPS, APM2.5 GPS, KK2.1, KK
FPV: Skyzone FPV Goggles, GoPro Hero 3+ Black, Sony Super HAD 600 TVL