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12 May 2024 08:13:51
 I have some F1 Abusemark boards going spare,,,,,,,,,,,,,    ;)    :azn
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And with oldskool parts  :D
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Who are most people ??? I think the person you are referring to has put in a lot of effort to keep things moving  :rolleyes:
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Nex on a 680??

Started by Theflyingfreak, Wednesday,August 06, 2014, 23:16:01

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Are many people using a Nex on a 680 or is it really too small and if you are what gimbals are people having success with ????


tried it !! and it just did not work !!! the 680 really is limited to smaller stuff like gopro ... i have a 960 with a nex5 on and its a big ole bird to haul around !!! all this video stuff seems to have compromises regardless of what setup you have unless you have bottomless pockets and can invest in the topline stuff.... gonna be going back the other way now and want to buid a really good small hex with a dji v+ camera and gimbal... have been using a phantom2 vision + in the last week and the camera is really really good !!

regards rob  :smiley: :smiley:
life is too short to worry about what others think !!!



Thanks for that, I think you';ve re-iterated what I feared!!! I bought this just very recently thinking it';d carry a Nex size camera, already regretting it as I now know it';ll be struggle, just really pee';d off as if I had of realised would have gone for an 810 instead!!!!

I could take the ESC';s and Naza off and use it but I';d still have to upgrade motors, batteries and props, all of which are brand new .......  GGGnnnhhhhh  :banghead:  :banghead:  :banghead: this past time drives me absolutely nuts sometimes !!!!


ahhhh how the money gets spent LOL !!! i know how you feel.... i have spent a small fortune over the last couple of years just wanting to build the best i could, big is not always nessesarily better as i have found out !!! the 680 frame is very good and much better at getting into confined spaces over the larger tarot frames !!! the large tarot stuff is great for long hovers and big sweeping pans etc, where as well set up 680 with a gopro is much much nimbler !!! its a bloody minefield when its for filming and just like the old days you almost need a different multi just like you need different lenses LOL ... good luck !!! as i said before the vision+ camera is very very good


regards rob  :smiley: :smiley:
life is too short to worry about what others think !!!



I plan on flying a Sony a6000 underneath my Tarot 680 and I chose that option because of the success others have had with similar size cameras and bigger under theirs. The gimbal I';ll be using is the DYS BLG3SN which looks to be one of the lightest 3 axis gimbals out their for a camera that size. It will be a two 3S lipo battery setup, possibly 5000mah or similar which will hopefully yield 10+ minutes flight time per pair. Not long I know but a trade off had to be made somewhere. I';ll be running Tarots own 4006/620kv motors with 13x5.5 props. I';m basing all this on the success of others but don';t expect to get it right first time. Once everything is assembled and I find out its AUW I should know more. It could all end in a puff of magic smoke yet but we';ll see.  :shrug: :smiley:
DJI Phantom 2
Zenmuse H3-3D
DJI Groundstation/Datalink
Black Pearl Diversity Monitor
Mini iOSD
GoPro Hero 3+ BE
Hubsan X4


Yes you';re right about the money side, bottomless pit, I guess the 680 isn';t wasted money as I';ll use it with a 3 axis gopro gimbal but would rather have done it in a different order.
Ideally I';d like a number of different set ups, I';ve been using a 450 with a non fish eye gopro lens for stills and it';s so pick up and go it';s not true, although i have just put a canon S 100 on it as teh gopro with that lens was so subject to lighting conditions it isn';t true but I think it';s going to be a lot more hassle.
The 680';d be great for as mentioned 3 axis gopro gimbal and then much better camera on a 810 or S800 or similar, I guess the ultimate has got to be the GH4

Keep us up to date with how you get on - certainly that was the gimbal I';d been looking at but have heard very mixed reports on it. I';ve been waiting for the new center piece controller to come out and see if anyone uses it with one of those and what sort of results they get, to save a bit of weight was possibly thinking about the RX 100 iii as an alternative as it';d be about 160 g less which may make a bit of difference as well.


Quote from: Cloudbuster on Thursday,August 07, 2014, 16:26:01
l... have been using a phantom2 vision + in the last week and the camera is really really good !!

regards rob  :smiley: :smiley:

The vision 2+ camera you mention is good, have you been using it for stills mainly or video and if used for stills does it have the dreaded fish eye???


I have a 680 that flies really well with a Nex5n, if you put big enough motors in it there is no problem lifting (see signature for spec) it I get 15 mins flying out of mine it is really stable. I use it for stills and video with no problems if you look at the quality of the Nex 5N or later models I don';t think you would even consider a GoPro with its fish eye pics and videos, my secondhand Nex cost £275 including 2 lenses, much cheaper than the GoPro.
I have built a F550 with 2216 motors for a professional photographer flying a Richo GR bridge camera, it flies really well and is getting as good if not better results from it as people flying in full sized helis with DSLRs
Tarot FY680,TMotor 2814/770 Tarot 13x5.5 carbon props dji30 amp/sc,2x5000ma 3S Turnigy lipos, Naza v1GPS updated,DJIIosdmini,5.8GHz 600ma 32ch AV T/X HKing brushless  gimbal Sony nex5N


What';s your video like using that gimbal, it';s servo as opposed to brushless. If you compare the weight to the DYS Nex which is about the lightest you save about 350g on that alone!!!
The photographer as well I guess he';s using it mainly for stills, any idea again what gimbal he';s using and if he does any video / what it';s like, those cameras are getting extremely good results from what I hear and are quite good for connectivity / AV out as well!!

steve fh

Quote from: johnth on Monday,August 11, 2014, 09:13:21
I have a 680 that flies really well with a Nex5n, if you put big enough motors in it there is no problem lifting (see signature for spec) it I get 15 mins flying out of mine it is really stable.

Hi John.  What is your take off weight with the nex5 and the 2x5000mah lipos ?
BNUC-S Pilot with PFAW.



 What is your take off weight with the nex5 and the 2x5000mah lipos ?

3.5kg it was 3.6 but I have now wired the AV t/x into the power dist. board and saved 100grams of battery.
Tarot FY680,TMotor 2814/770 Tarot 13x5.5 carbon props dji30 amp/sc,2x5000ma 3S Turnigy lipos, Naza v1GPS updated,DJIIosdmini,5.8GHz 600ma 32ch AV T/X HKing brushless  gimbal Sony nex5N


What';s your video like using that gimbal, it';s servo as opposed to brushless. If you compare the weight to the DYS Nex which is about the lightest you save about 350g on that alone!!!
The photographer as well I guess he';s using it mainly for stills, any idea again what gimbal he';s using and if he does any video / what it';s like, those cameras are getting extremely good results from what I hear and are quite good for connectivity / AV out as well!!

Video is good I use the Naza to control it. It did take a while to tune it to be steady. I tend to take more stills now and use the video to set up the shot. Be aware you do need to make some mods to the gimbal hangers as they are 12mm and the Tarot is 10mm so I purchased 2 Tarot GoPro hangers and used them.
Re the photographer he only does stills, I used a cheap gimbal and reduced it to single axis with 85degrees of motion again servo controlled and controlled by the rotary switch on his T/x, it produced terrible blurred pics at first but in the end I found this on Goodluckbuy web site http://www.goodluckbuy.com/carbon-fiber-anti-vibration-load-hanger-set-for-fpv-brushless-camera-gimbal-w-8-shock-absorber-ball-1987-gimbal.html it works a treat. He takes one frame a second with the focus at infinity, its the only camera in that range that allows you to set up continuous shot till the SD card is full if you wish, and its light at 227 grams. Hope this helps
Tarot FY680,TMotor 2814/770 Tarot 13x5.5 carbon props dji30 amp/sc,2x5000ma 3S Turnigy lipos, Naza v1GPS updated,DJIIosdmini,5.8GHz 600ma 32ch AV T/X HKing brushless  gimbal Sony nex5N


You can get a wire for the Ricoh so you can trigger shots via you transmitter rather than having to use constant time lapse.
I';ve just bought a canon S110 which allows you to take continual until the card';s full, I';ve only had one short flight in the garden as the back end of Hurricane Bertha is here, my 1st set of shots were a bit blurred and then I upped the shutter speed for the 2nd and thy were good!!

Just using a cheap gimbal for that with way too much play, for stills with a high shutter speed it';s OK but you would never want to video with it.