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Bad Raven:
12 May 2024 08:13:51
 I have some F1 Abusemark boards going spare,,,,,,,,,,,,,    ;)    :azn
11 May 2024 22:12:29
And with oldskool parts  :D
11 May 2024 22:11:57
I must be the only one doing tricopters right now  :laugh:
11 May 2024 22:09:30
11 May 2024 21:15:16
Domain has been renewed closure has been cancelled  :D
02 May 2024 08:07:52
Who are most people ??? I think the person you are referring to has put in a lot of effort to keep things moving  :rolleyes:
01 May 2024 10:16:12
Most people I have spoken to are pizzed off with the yellow peril  flooding the forum,go figure. :whistling:
23 Apr 2024 08:09:45
The Domain expires for the forum in 60 days, I'm not going to renew it this time unless I see any activity  :beer2:
20 Apr 2024 18:02:50
Is there anyone who would like to see this forum stay open ? :shrug:
17 Apr 2024 17:15:13
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My new scratch build 'Odd copter'

Started by guest325, Saturday,February 01, 2014, 19:56:47

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I';ve been thinking about this one for a while now and finally I';ve got to build it (nearly!).
Why ';Odd'; well take a look at it and you';ll see why ::) ::) ::)
It';s sort of ar5e about face.
I';ve designed the motor deck to be strong and hopefully vibration free - we shall see! But it';s held on by just four cable ties, also the esc wires are deliberately long so in the event of a mishap the whole deck can come free and be easily put back with new cable ties!
The motor plates are ply at the moment but like everything else can be replaced with lighter and better materials if it turns out to be a good one!


Nice one, I love to see peoples own design copters, Nub and Teslahead inspired me to build my own h-quad which is now my favourite quad to fly.

Let us know what the vibration is like with some vids.

LF 330 with naza & GPS,
Hubsan X4 & Q4
Mini H-quad with naza m lite.
F550 with naza m lite
Diatone Silverline racing 250 (cc3d)


some good thought gone into this one :cool: should be tough
I did something similar using the 450 plates when I first got into quads,i';ll see if I can find some old photos.


Thanks folks, there has a lot of thought gone in to it, I didn';t say its size - it';s 360mm diagonally across motors, the motors are ntm prop drive 2826 1100kv and I';m going to use a kk2 fc with 1.6++ firmware.
Using my 450 plates was me being me (waste not want not ::) ) but in the proper job it will be a 4 in 1 esc and kept as light as possible. I will replace as much as I can with cf tube or sheet and hold it together with nylon rivets - see, I do have a plan ::) ::) ::)
For me this model when I';ve got it sorted is to be a 100% fun machine, if it';s good for aerial photography / fpv great, but that';s not my prime aim.
I';m hoping it';s going to be a great beginers model that won';t disappoint when they get more experience.


A nice looking design there, it looks as strong as a very strong thing  :smiley: A nice lot of space to mount stuff, especially once you';ve gone for the 4:1 ESC (which was a great find I must say).

Looking forward to seeing it airborne.  :popcorn:
"Its better than bad, its good"

Current FCs: Pixhawk, APM 2.6, Naza M V2, Naze32, Flip32+ CC3D, KK2.1.5
Aircraft: miniMax Hex, DJI 550 (clone) TBS Disco, 450 Firefly, 250 Pro, ZMR250, Hubsan X4, Bixler 2


That looks very solid,love the way you have used the 450 plate,great work


Well, it flies - had a couple of minutes in the dark and windy back garden; got blown into the clothes airer and sustained minor damage.
Works just the way I wanted it to, can';t wait to have a proper go!
Hovers on less than half throttle and weighs in at about 850gm, which I';m happy with - lighter materials should take 100gm out of that.


Whoopsie.  :o  Looking good though. Appears like it will go back together again easily enough.  Hope can see video of it up in the air f';real soon  :popcorn:
"Its better than bad, its good"

Current FCs: Pixhawk, APM 2.6, Naza M V2, Naze32, Flip32+ CC3D, KK2.1.5
Aircraft: miniMax Hex, DJI 550 (clone) TBS Disco, 450 Firefly, 250 Pro, ZMR250, Hubsan X4, Bixler 2


Quote from: Hands0n on Monday,February 03, 2014, 23:03:45
Whoopsie.  :o  Looking good though. Appears like it will go back together again easily enough.  Hope can see video of it up in the air f';real soon  :popcorn:
The motor plates are only held on with cyano at the moment, this being the weakest link - when I get to the ';proper'; version they will be held on with plastic push rivets. The other thing was that me in my excitement to get it off the ground forgot that my default mode on that FC was Acro  :o so it was a bit lively especially with the amount of wind in my garden  :laugh:
Hope to get it in the air this weekend, meanwhile pricing up Carbon square tube and some G10 to make better designed (lighter) bits with!


Nice home brew airframe you';ve made there, matey.  I can see why you';re happy with it and you say it hovers at less than half stick, yeah just the job!  Shame about the washing airer incident lol  all good fun though


Quote from: Gav on Tuesday,February 04, 2014, 20:52:08
Shame about the washing airer incident lol  all good fun though
Thanks, it';s encouraging to have these comments - after all I';m trying to design a beginners model that will not disappoint when they';ve got a few hours under their belt!
It really wasn';t a problem, the intact pic is after I fixed it - about 5 mins after the event - it worked exactly to plan, just earlier than intended.
I need to make sure that the push rivets do the same thing!


Just an update on this one, I';ve given it a bit of a trial and think it needs to loose some weight but without compromising it';s strength - time to use SolidWorks FEA to optimise some of the bits I think.....watch this space but it may be a while - other things brewing up!!!