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 I have some F1 Abusemark boards going spare,,,,,,,,,,,,,    ;)    :azn
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And with oldskool parts  :D
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Fatshark goggles?

Started by pete678, Tuesday,November 06, 2018, 11:29:10

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Money no object your choice of goggles?

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Total Members Voted: 4

Voting closed: Thursday,December 06, 2018, 11:29:10


I know this is a very diverse topic and all faces are different and opinions are various but im looking at putting down alot of money to get a decent set of goggles for the foreseeable future. i currently own a set of fatshark transformers with the binocular viewer giving 55 degrees view and a great experience but they are getting on my nerves as the nose cut is getting to be uncomfortable and were im flying more and further id like something more comfortable. I'm not all that bothered too much by the fov but id like at least 37. DVR quality would be nice. I don't fly with anyone else at the moment and i don't live anywhere i can try goggles on so it's going to be a blind purchase!
If money were no object what would you go for?
thanks alot for the input in advance as it will help me no end :)


Sweet Pickle

Sold my HD3’s on eBay to some poor soul.
Only owned 4 sets of goggles so you couldn’t class me as an expert, but the HD3’s were awful.
Got me some Skyzone Sky03 (rev 2) and couldn’t be happier. From a comfort and optics point of view they are considerably better.
Such a personal thing though, I think you have to make your own mind up rather than be swayed by opinion.


My hd3 goggles have been great and I'm pleased to bits with them. If I was buying new now I'd probably consider a set of hdos. The reviews on the screens has been positive in everything I have read, but it sounds like fatsharks may not be for you on ergonomic ground.

Sent from my VTR-L09 using Tapatalk


Quote from: Lamaule on Tuesday,November 06, 2018, 18:02:38
My hd3 goggles have been great and I'm pleased to bits with them. If I was buying new now I'd probably consider a set of hdos. The reviews on the screens has been positive in everything I have read, but it sounds like fatsharks may not be for you on ergonomic ground.

Sent from my VTR-L09 using Tapatalk

the fatsharks im using at the mo are the box style but with the binocular viewer for a more immersive feel and they do work great but the nose cuts in so i was wondering about the fatshark style goggle with dual screens as im hoping they'd be more comfy. Im really swaying towards the hdo's as the reaction of people when they see the quality is overall quite good :)


Quote from: Sweet Pickle on Tuesday,November 06, 2018, 17:53:57
Sold my HD3’s on eBay to some poor soul.
Only owned 4 sets of goggles so you couldn’t class me as an expert, but the HD3’s were awful.
Got me some Skyzone Sky03 (rev 2) and couldn’t be happier. From a comfort and optics point of view they are considerably better.
Such a personal thing though, I think you have to make your own mind up rather than be swayed by opinion.

i saw the sky03's and thought they look the danglies as they sorted out all the problems of the first revision. One of the main reasons i've got more fatshark than other brand is i've dealt with the customer services and it was second to none. I'm just a bit worried about these new companies and there after service otherwise i'd of bit the bullet and bought one of the competitors. Shame about the hd3's as they are my second choice at the moment. seems there plagued wit the same issues of the hd2's?!
thanks for the advice sweet pickle. Just wish there were more hobby shops that stock the goggles as it would make choosing them sooo much easier, but i suppose it's still in it's infancy with regard to r&d on goggles and it just seems to be a case of buy fatshark and put up with the little problems or take a punt on another company and try your luck. Just wish they wern't so bloody expensive! Not that i mind spending the money but i expect a certain standard  when i'm spending that much :(


I've never been a fan of Fatshark.
In the early days of FPV there where better goggles available for less money.
Fatshark had a 'cool' name and good marketing. They soon became known as 'the best' but in my opinion they never have been. I much prefer the fit of Skyzone, and Boscam's optics have always been far superior.

Obviously this is all my opinion, based on my experience and I'm sure lots of people would argue.

If you are old enough to remember its very much like the VHS vs Betamax thing.


Quote from: pete678 on Wednesday,November 07, 2018, 09:35:54
i saw the sky03's and thought they look the danglies as they sorted out all the problems of the first revision. One of the main reasons i've got more fatshark than other brand is i've dealt with the customer services and it was second to none. I'm just a bit worried about these new companies and there after service otherwise i'd of bit the bullet and bought one of the competitors. Shame about the hd3's as they are my second choice at the moment. seems there plagued wit the same issues of the hd2's?!
thanks for the advice sweet pickle. Just wish there were more hobby shops that stock the goggles as it would make choosing them sooo much easier, but i suppose it's still in it's infancy with regard to r&d on goggles and it just seems to be a case of buy fatshark and put up with the little problems or take a punt on another company and try your luck. Just wish they wern't so bloody expensive! Not that i mind spending the money but i expect a certain standard  when i'm spending that much :(
I've not heard any widespread reports of issues with the hd3s. I know a number of people with them and they've all had very good experiences.

I own a pair and have been really pleased with them and see no reason to upgrade from them for the forseeable future.

If I was to be dissatisfied with the performance of a pair of hd3s I would deal directly with fatsharks as it is likely a warranty issue!

That being said if I was buying from scratch now I would go straight to hdos.  Setting the reported increase in screen quality aside, having accessory bays that can provide more power without modification is worth it on its own!

At the end of the day your fpv vision is by far the most important element to achieving a good flight experience. As such it is an area to invest in - especially as they won't get smashed each time you crash! Lol

Sent from my VTR-L09 using Tapatalk