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Bad Raven:
12 May 2024 08:13:51
 I have some F1 Abusemark boards going spare,,,,,,,,,,,,,    ;)    :azn
11 May 2024 22:12:29
And with oldskool parts  :D
11 May 2024 22:11:57
I must be the only one doing tricopters right now  :laugh:
11 May 2024 22:09:30
11 May 2024 21:15:16
Domain has been renewed closure has been cancelled  :D
02 May 2024 08:07:52
Who are most people ??? I think the person you are referring to has put in a lot of effort to keep things moving  :rolleyes:
01 May 2024 10:16:12
Most people I have spoken to are pizzed off with the yellow peril  flooding the forum,go figure. :whistling:
23 Apr 2024 08:09:45
The Domain expires for the forum in 60 days, I'm not going to renew it this time unless I see any activity  :beer2:
20 Apr 2024 18:02:50
Is there anyone who would like to see this forum stay open ? :shrug:
17 Apr 2024 17:15:13
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eashine TX02

Started by apollo7, Monday,December 18, 2017, 18:17:55

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so i have a TX02 on route, but what antennae should i use on my 7" screen it has a boscam  on it, i really know nothing about all this but want to put the camera on the Nano talon
Volantex Ranger 1600/2000, Ranger 1200 G2, Phoenix S 1600 AR900 Miniskyhunter, ZOHD Dart 635 and a few 680 batwings plus old faithful C1 chaser and a lot of eagletree guardians


RH clover on your receiver iirc....least Im pretty sure thats whats on all my receivers and I have tx02's on atleast 2 of my frames.

then again even the stock dipole that your Boscam likely has will still pick up a signal from the Cam you just wont get the benefits of the increased range from the cams clover.
550 custom H-copter (redesigned)
250 Twinboard
Project Sparkie


if you run mixed cloverleaf with a linear antenna like the stock boscam one you'll get a 3db drop which is roughly half the distance you would get if your run the same type of antenna

If this is a micro and you're just flying around a small field it's probably fine.  Order a cloverleaf (rhcp to match the tx02) and keep flying on your mixed setup no problem. You'll learn to enjoy the improvements you'll get when the new antenna comes.


thats handy, ordered both types of RHCP as i am not sure what plug i needed
Volantex Ranger 1600/2000, Ranger 1200 G2, Phoenix S 1600 AR900 Miniskyhunter, ZOHD Dart 635 and a few 680 batwings plus old faithful C1 chaser and a lot of eagletree guardians


going by previous attempts with this setup does it make a difference what channel you use for range, i just played about till i got a good picture, but had no range
Volantex Ranger 1600/2000, Ranger 1200 G2, Phoenix S 1600 AR900 Miniskyhunter, ZOHD Dart 635 and a few 680 batwings plus old faithful C1 chaser and a lot of eagletree guardians


You need to make sure both the Rx and Tx are on the same channel, you can get a good picture but be on the wrong channel and you will lose signal almost instantly on take-off.


Quote from: Hozza on Sunday,December 24, 2017, 10:25:44
You need to make sure both the Rx and Tx are on the same channel, you can get a good picture but be on the wrong channel and you will lose signal almost instantly on take-off.

oops, that sounds like the problem last time, maybe i will get it right next time
Volantex Ranger 1600/2000, Ranger 1200 G2, Phoenix S 1600 AR900 Miniskyhunter, ZOHD Dart 635 and a few 680 batwings plus old faithful C1 chaser and a lot of eagletree guardians


note that channel letters are not always the same... one model may be "E" but the same band may be "C" on another model... make sure the frequencies match on the band by looking at the Frequency table for each device

Bad Raven

The only way to be reasonably sure as to frequency is to use the four figure frequency number.  I insist on pilots knowing and using this for my events and school club. For example, A7 can be C2 depending on the attention span and fancy of the person setting the units up at that particular factory, there is NO standard.  However, 5745 is 5745 (mostly!!)

The problem with so many frequency bands being available is that channel separation is often insufficient to avoid interference, or as said here, you are transmitting and receiving on differing frequencies that are close enough to look OK until you push the range or fly into a low signal area (behind trees, etc, and then someone else turns on and runs the gap under that safe as theri expectation is that you are 10mW further away than you are.

For example, you might be "off" by as much as 10mW and still think you are OK, but not only are you that 10mW off, you have moved one of your pair 10mW closer to the next pilots frequency, and then they turn on!

In my usual group(s) I have arranged "home" frequencies that keep pilots far enough apart to fly safely with decent gaps.

And don't assume that an "experienced" or "qualified" pilot knows or cares what his frequency is, back to my experience with the year plus CAA certificated commercial drone pilot that had NO clue what he was transmitting on and was happily turning up and turning on everywhere he went!

Check your known frequency is clear (and also check either side) before YOU turn your VTX on and fly


Thanks for the replies, my receiver does not have digital frequency readout, just dip switches to set channel, but i have a card that shows what channel is what, i dont tend to fly around other fpv craft, i am billy no mates
Volantex Ranger 1600/2000, Ranger 1200 G2, Phoenix S 1600 AR900 Miniskyhunter, ZOHD Dart 635 and a few 680 batwings plus old faithful C1 chaser and a lot of eagletree guardians