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12 May 2024 08:13:51
 I have some F1 Abusemark boards going spare,,,,,,,,,,,,,    ;)    :azn
11 May 2024 22:12:29
And with oldskool parts  :D
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I must be the only one doing tricopters right now  :laugh:
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Domain has been renewed closure has been cancelled  :D
02 May 2024 08:07:52
Who are most people ??? I think the person you are referring to has put in a lot of effort to keep things moving  :rolleyes:
01 May 2024 10:16:12
Most people I have spoken to are pizzed off with the yellow peril  flooding the forum,go figure. :whistling:
23 Apr 2024 08:09:45
The Domain expires for the forum in 60 days, I'm not going to renew it this time unless I see any activity  :beer2:
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FatShark Teleporter 4 - using with a PC

Started by Gavster29, Thursday,March 08, 2018, 09:22:49

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Hey folks  ::)

In my mission to become a better pilot I am fully intending to to get my time on the sim again!  I have DRL flightsim working with my QX7.

I really would like to get more FPV time and looking at a screen isn't quite the same so I was thinking about using the FatShark Teleporter V4 which I already have.

So I am after some experiences is it worth using the goggles on a sim?  I will need to adapt it from HDMI to Analogue I have seen a few cheap boxes to do that, again will it give me a decent enough image, given the screens are small in the goggles I doubt it will be much of an issue?

Has anyone done it, do you still do it?  I know the newer FatShark goggles have HDMI input to make it easier


This is what I have used to go from my win10 tablet to my Quanum v2 box goggles.
It takes hdmi in from my tablet, requires usb mini power, and outputs composite video and audio. It's s bit messy wires wise but works great. I haven't found a better solution.
I try :-)


Thanks Ched that is exactly what I was looking at!

I've ordered 1 and a DVI to hdmi so I can keep it plugged in, I also plan on using a voltage regulator and connector so I can plug the goggles in to mains power!

Looking forward to trying it, what's 5he picture like on it?

Sent from my TA-1033 using Tapatalk


Picy is good. I was impressed considering it's only £10. Probably a better picture than when quad is flying behind trees etc..  :smiley:
It does the sound from the sim as well if you plug headphones into the audio sockets via an adapter.
I try :-)


Thanks Ched :)

All ordered plus I've been researching the QX7 a bit more, looking forward to practicing on the sim and the E011!

Sent from my TA-1033 using Tapatalk


How do you plan on powering the headset as you said above?

Is it possible to do this through the computers USB port? Needs a 2S power output equivalent so that's 7V also would be nice to have the fan running as well which needs the same power supply again.

Would like to know this myself


Quote from: mitchell.atheis on Friday,March 09, 2018, 03:31:07
How do you plan on powering the headset as you said above?

Is it possible to do this through the computers USB port? Needs a 2S power output equivalent so that's 7V also would be nice to have the fan running as well which needs the same power supply again.

Would like to know this myself

My plan is to use a 12v DC adaptor, similar to a laptop power supply, I will then use an DC-DC converter I will be using an LM2596 board which you can adjust the output voltage on, that will supply up to 3A, the FatSharks won't pull anywhere near that, the voltage will be set to 8v to mimic a charged 2S cell.

I wouldn't try and use the USB it won't put out enough current even if you use a DC-DC voltage step up to get the right voltage.


I use the same converter connected to an old VTX

and then use this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6RsGqLJqsD4 to connect my tx wirelessly (using a broken frsky beecore)

then I can fly anywhere in the house really :P

Quote from: ched999uk on Thursday,March 08, 2018, 21:02:15
This is what I have used to go from my win10 tablet to my Quanum v2 box goggles.
It takes hdmi in from my tablet, requires usb mini power, and outputs composite video and audio. It's s bit messy wires wise but works great. I haven't found a better solution.


A bit of an update, a good haul from the postman today :D

DVI to HDMI cable, audio is supported through DVI on my PC

HDMI2AV adaptor this works great it's powered from usb port

4 pole AV Cable for the Fatshark V4s now all is not simple here, I'll explain.....

The Fatshark Teleporter V4 has an input for AV but in Fatshark's wisdom they made the input non-standard!  I picked up a £2 AV lead as I couldn't find a FatShark version and the out of stock were up at around £10!

So what did I do, FatShark instructions show which points on the 4 pole do what, so I cut it open and re-soldered all the wires back on in the correct order, a bit of heatshrink and voila it works!

Sent from my TA-1033 using Tapatalk