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 I have some F1 Abusemark boards going spare,,,,,,,,,,,,,    ;)    :azn
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And with oldskool parts  :D
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I must be the only one doing tricopters right now  :laugh:
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Who are most people ??? I think the person you are referring to has put in a lot of effort to keep things moving  :rolleyes:
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Most people I have spoken to are pizzed off with the yellow peril  flooding the forum,go figure. :whistling:
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Monocular Micro LCD Display - FPV - No Spotter Required!!

Started by ched, Monday,October 16, 2017, 20:39:38

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Just spotted this on BangGood: https://goo.gl/Mh94qA Basically it looks like a single fpv screen that is 854×480 resolution that goes straight on to your eye with an elastic strap to hold it there!
So you can see the FPV view with one eye and LOS with other!

Resolution: 854×480 (WQVGA)
Screen Ratio: 4:3
Color Depth: 24-bit input
Viewing Angle: 26° diagonal
Image Input: Composite AV/CVBS
Video Signal: NTSC/PAL/SECAM automatic selection
Working voltage : 3.7-5V
Working current : 120MA
Display frame frequency : 120HZ(NTSC),100HZ(PAL)

The price is £69.40. Not sure it';s cheap enough to take a chance on but certainly interesting. Can';t see any reviews at moment.
Any thoughts?

Forgot to say no DVR or vrx!
I try :-)


Bruce reviewed one a while back, I don't think it would avoid the requirement for a spotter mind


Quote from: Cheredanine on Monday,October 16, 2017, 22:09:55
Bruce reviewed one a while back, I don't think it would avoid the requirement for a spotter mind
I will see if I can find Bruce';s review.
I thought as long as you had unaided view of quad you were good? I had not seen anything that said with both eyes  ::)
I try :-)


Your eyes don't operate independently so you are not using the unaided view when you use the monocle. He difference is between the capability to do something and actually doing it, you don't get put in prison because you are capable of killing Piers Morgan for example (in reverse though)


Good point.

I think there might be quite a few people who are not keen on  Mr Morgan  ::)
I try :-)


Quote from: ched999uk on Monday,October 16, 2017, 20:39:38
Resolution: 854×480 (WQVGA)
Screen Ratio: 4:3
Color Depth: 24-bit input
Viewing Angle: 26° diagonal
Image Input: Composite AV/CVBS
Video Signal: NTSC/PAL/SECAM automatic selection
Working voltage : 3.7-5V
Working current : 120MA
Display frame frequency : 120HZ(NTSC),100HZ(PAL)

seems great and all then...

Brand name: GTeng artifact
Item name: 5.8G Watch Reciever
Battery: Built-in 350mAh Li-Po
Charge current: 350mA
Charge time: About 70mins
Service time: About 60mins
Channel: 32CH
LCD screen: 2.6 inch
LCD screen resolution: 960*240
Antenna: Built-in 3dBi copper tube 5.8G antenna

for want of a slight difference in resolution (which from personal experience I can say still gives a passable fpv image with the right focal lenses) you get inbuilt battery, inbuilt 32ch vtx.

and half the cost ::)

again no dvr but you can always do what I do and shove your dvr on its own battery with the rx you used to use for fpv on your gogg';s and leave it happily recording off to one side~~
550 custom H-copter (redesigned)
250 Twinboard
Project Sparkie


Quote from: shawdreamer on Monday,October 16, 2017, 22:57:23
seems great and all then...

Brand name: GTeng artifact
Item name: 5.8G Watch Reciever
Battery: Built-in 350mAh Li-Po
Charge current: 350mA
Charge time: About 70mins
Service time: About 60mins
Channel: 32CH
LCD screen: 2.6 inch
LCD screen resolution: 960*240
Antenna: Built-in 3dBi copper tube 5.8G antenna

for want of a slight difference in resolution (which from personal experience I can say still gives a passable fpv image with the right focal lenses) you get inbuilt battery, inbuilt 32ch vtx.

and half the cost ::)

again no dvr but you can always do what I do and shove your dvr on its own battery with the rx you used to use for fpv on your gogg';s and leave it happily recording off to one side~~
Only problem is I don';t have a 3d printer!
Your one looked great, how are you doing with it?
I try :-)


Mine does the job pretty well, you can get away with using a DSLR view finder adapter instead, just need to do some creative duct taping ::)
They usually have a adjustable lens built in that saves messing about with a Fresnel type, does tend to "fisheye" the image a bit though
550 custom H-copter (redesigned)
250 Twinboard
Project Sparkie


Quote from: shawdreamer on Tuesday,October 17, 2017, 00:56:09
Mine does the job pretty well, you can get away with using a DSLR view finder adapter instead, just need to do some creative duct taping ::)
They usually have a adjustable lens built in that saves messing about with a Fresnel type, does tend to "fisheye" the image a bit though
I didn';t know they existed, interesting.....Cheers.
I try :-)


Quote from: ched999uk on Tuesday,October 17, 2017, 09:44:52
I didn';t know they existed, interesting.....Cheers.

came across them when I was doing the original design work for my own, I even bought one to see if I could work it into my own somehow but it didnt really mesh well so its ended up sat on the shelf in my workroom

and alongside my monocle design

that ones a fixed focal range one though so cant be adjusted if you have slightly iffy eyesight etc.
was gonna show how good the image magnification is through it by putting it on my DSLR';s LCD screen but the batteries totally dead :shrug:
550 custom H-copter (redesigned)
250 Twinboard
Project Sparkie


Quote from: Cheredanine on Monday,October 16, 2017, 22:09:55
Bruce reviewed one a while back, I don't think it would avoid the requirement for a spotter mind

Wondered that too matey as you still cant see behind etc
Emax nighthawk 280,Emax x4,Blade 350qx3,dx6 (gen2),fatshark doms v2.


Quote from: Bajadre on Tuesday,October 17, 2017, 15:14:02
Wondered that too matey as you still cant see behind etc

technically it shouldnt BUT the wording of the regs is so vague in regards to the differences and stipulations between LOS and FPV that there';s still room to play in the gray area these fall into.

for example your average rozzer found you flying fpv with one of these and made note you didnt have a spotter you';d be very likely able to talk your way out of it by playing on the "my vision is not obscured, I can still clearly see my frame LOS" approach while obviously leaving out any reference to having your LOS eye closed while you was flying for the most part obviously.

however a jobs worth looking to pursue the issue would probably be able to get a court to determine that using one of these is almost as restrictive as using a full cover setup like box gogg';s or fatsharks, I have no doubt sooner or later someones gonna do just that and those vague reg wordings will become alot more clearly defined..... till then tho..... game on. :laugh:
550 custom H-copter (redesigned)
250 Twinboard
Project Sparkie


I dont think using this display would be restrictive on what you can see out of your other eye, I regularly shoot air rifles, and i look through the sight with my left eye (i';m left handed!) and i use my right eye at the same time to look out for anything i shouldnt be shooting crossing my path and have done this for years with no issues, its easy to see an approaching cat or chicken crossing your bullet path with your right eye when you are lining up a rat in the cross hairs with your left eye.

Its all about what your used to and what you train your brain to work with, both eyes open whilst seeing 2 different things with each eye takes some getting used to but is no problem at all really


Quote from: topdonkey on Friday,October 20, 2017, 10:33:49
I dont think using this display would be restrictive on what you can see out of your other eye, I regularly shoot air rifles, and i look through the sight with my left eye (i';m left handed!) and i use my right eye at the same time to look out for anything i shouldnt be shooting crossing my path and have done this for years with no issues, its easy to see an approaching cat or chicken crossing your bullet path with your right eye when you are lining up a rat in the cross hairs with your left eye.

Its all about what your used to and what you train your brain to work with, both eyes open whilst seeing 2 different things with each eye takes some getting used to but is no problem at all really

ah64 apache helicopter pilots do exactly that, though it takes time to acustomise the brain to processing two forms of visual information at the same time, it isnt impossible, just takes practice.

after a while your brain starts treating it as a sort of HUD overlay rather than a separate image..... sorta a OSD for your noggin :laugh:
550 custom H-copter (redesigned)
250 Twinboard
Project Sparkie


DJI Inspire 2 X5s
DJI Mavic 2 Pro
GEPRC CineLog20
iFlight Nazgul 5 HD
iFlight Nazgul Evoque F6D V2
iFlight Chimera 7 HD
QAV-Pro Whoop 5

Portfolio Site: \www.JoshForwood.co.uk
Online Store: \www.ByteTech.co.uk


Quote from: PropsToYou on Friday,October 20, 2017, 11:39:04
The photoshopping on the product page made my day!

I know, Banggood, Gearbest and the like all do that on just about every gadget like product they advertise.

I was looking at security camera';s the other week and on every one there was the same stereotype balaclava type criminal photoshop';ed into countless "caught in the act" situ';s and all I could think was....

"I dont want any of these cams now.... they all captured images of this c*nt and not one of them was decent enough to get him knicked" :laugh:
550 custom H-copter (redesigned)
250 Twinboard
Project Sparkie