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 I have some F1 Abusemark boards going spare,,,,,,,,,,,,,    ;)    :azn
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Fc suggestion for round £40?

Started by Saleem, Thursday,December 08, 2016, 23:03:21

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Dont know if this is correct place,so forgive me.

I looked at the dtfc and am wanting to get a fc with pdb for my 150 lizard,sick of daisy chaining.so need one with pdb and one that can take 4s,dont need too much in way of bells and whistles only going to have a flytron led hooked to either 3v/5v and the usual,cam,tx and rx so dont need to go overboard.one i can flash with cleanflight/betaflight.

Whats the choices for round £40ish delivered?

Thought i would ask before pulling trigger on a dtfc,is there anything i should know,any catchs?will be using 1306 red bottoms with lb';s 20a blheli.a good solid robust fc,f3 or higher,good solid solder points,nicely laid out,will more likely solder the esc signal wires in so not too bothered about pins.

Thanks in advance.


I love the dtfc, really nice flight controller. Only 4 points you need to be aware of:
1. It doesn';t take PWM input, ppm or serial protocols like sbus or ibus
2 it doesn';t have a 12v reg, (see 3 below) so if you need to run the cam or vtx off 12v it is a Nono
3. It is at its best when paired with an osdoge, this is not, I think, what you are after
4. It is quite tight, particularly the xt60 pads if you use heavy gauge wires, you can use the end of the component to the left of the + pad to add extra strength to the + lead, it is directly connected anyway

Most of that really doesn';t matter to you I think,
But the other board you should consider is the kombini. If anything a tighter build than the dtfc

Personally I have 2 dtfc and 0 kombini, perfectly happy with dtfc so not really looked at the other but felt I should point it out


I have never used ibus,i looked at dtfc pic,i see the ppm points on the board,i just wire in the rx to 5v,gnd,ppm and activate ppm on the tx,i dont need to mess with ibus?i didnt have to do anything in betaflight that was special with naze,just select rx ppm then turn ppm on?

Is dtfc this simple or are we getting scientific with ppm rx?


No you should be fine with ppm on pretty much any FC, it is only PWM you will struggle with


Ok thanks for that,a dtfc i shall buy,didnt want to pull trigger to find out i missed out on latest craze. :laugh:


:) latest craze is dshot, dtfc runs it fine



If you can use iBus then use it.

It is far better than PPM
Wasdale X, Ow that hurt


Quote from: atomiclama on Friday,December 09, 2016, 13:42:06
If you can use iBus then use it.

It is far better than PPM

Out of interest.. why is it better?


Quote from: motomvk on Friday,December 09, 2016, 16:22:18
Out of interest.. why is it better?
Proper serial protocols are less suceptable to electrical interference and timing mismatch than PWM or PPM.
Essentially they are more stable and accurate

When a parity check is included in the bit stream this makes them even more stable

This is also why dshot is better than PWM protocols like oneshot or multishot


Is there anything i need to know about this fc and connecting to an imac?issues with drivers maybe,i never encountered any with naze.

Reading up about it,to get 5v to the esc i just solder a bridge to the side of the esc row,i assume its that thing that has 5v at the side of it,like 2 little pads?

Just better to know beforehand before i get the fc,then i am prepared.



Like most modern flight controllers (infact anything but an f1) it uses vcp rather than uart for USB connection
This can be a problem for windows, dunno about macOS

Why would you want to provide 5amps to the escs? It has power pads for the escs providing battery voltage

The oars runs off battery voltage, you solder the xt60 pigtail to it, it has a built in 5v reg to power its self


Running osx,recieved board today and this is gonna be ass!


Quote from: Cheredanine on Friday,December 09, 2016, 19:07:04

Why would you want to provide 5amps to the escs? It has power pads for the escs providing battery voltage

The oars runs off battery voltage, you solder the xt60 pigtail to it, it has a built in 5v reg to power its self

I jumpered the 5v point next to the esc rail,it supplied the esc with 5v so i can power the camera and the tx.if you metre the esc 5v pad theres no voltage till you connect the 5v jumper at the esc side.

On side note,theres no need for any drivers at all for this dtfc,stm vcp,its native to osx,all thats required is for person to read the pdf official instructions that available through google,its a good guide on how to connect to betaflight.

Hopefully i take the fc out for its maiden,its fitted in a 150,if it flys well i will buy another for my 250.



If i wanted to flash cleanflight to the dtfc what am i supposed to select as target firmware in flasher,i cant see doge there.


I don';t think there has been a stable cf release since the dtfc was released, I would check the Dev release, but TBH why you wanna go back to cf?


Am getting lots of noise From tx its this one:

Have replaced with a 5823 but not tried it as i maidened the quad earlier,just couldnt do what i realy wanted as the tx is creating black bands in picture,so unflyable as not safe.

5823 can take 7v up to 12v,is there any prob with connecting to the esc rail for the 12v,can you see any probs cherads as theres no 12v reg on the fc?


Quote from: Saleem on Friday,December 16, 2016, 16:49:19
5823 can take 7v up to 12v,is there any prob with connecting to the esc rail for the 12v,can you see any probs cherads as theres no 12v reg on the fc?

If you connect direct to the ESC power outputs then this will be unfiltered (essentially connected straight to battery), and you will invite noise.


Quote from: Skynet on Sunday,December 18, 2016, 13:07:24
If you connect direct to the ESC power outputs then this will be unfiltered (essentially connected straight to battery), and you will invite noise.


I sussed out most of my problem,i just needed to change frequency on the tx and it cleared it up a lot more,i agree about the 12v and a filter,i used one on my 250 until i swapped it to a 210,problem is them filters i got here are tad bit too big for this 150 i got here.gonna look and shop for a smaller one,if you got any suggestions on a good 12v rated lc filter then shoot,i got a christmas shopping list to put together.

New 1407 motors,rcx,tornados??
2 sets of racestar esc,blhelis or maybe an equivant manufacturer?is there any benefits buying different manufacturers esc,i use at mo,littlebee,dys and racestar.
Going to buy another dtfc for my 250 i am rebuilding,its got new racestar 2206 2300 and new racestar 30a blhelis on it at mo.

Am going to upgrade motors on my 150 to 1407,use its 1306 red bottoms on my rotorx atom,take it to a 4s set up.

And  build a 1104 brushless micro with the rotorx 1104 of the atom.

So i will try find and add a micro lc filter if i can buy one.


Only got a couple of 4 inch quads, tend to stick to 5 inch, my 4 inch run e.g. 2205 2700kv, can';t really comment on smaller motors, even though an Orem makes a good 2200 motor doesn';t necessarily follow the 1400 or 1100 is good

The dtfc works best with an osdoge as it gives 12/5v filtered supplies for both vtx and cam as well as an osd but that may be a bit big for your quad


Saleem, have a look at the kombini flight controller from furious fpv

its one i stock, and is a very neat all in one (PDB/F3 FC)
Many Thanks


I will buy a kombini later tonight phil,hope its quality is good as i read the earlier ones have quality issues with parts falling off.



I just ordered the kombini,that will hopefully go nicely in my 210 and make the rebuild less cluttered and lighter,if it flys great and impress';s me i will be glad.

I looked at that fc on banggood i just thought it was a bit tight on the pads but it does look like a great product all the same.