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Bad Raven:
12 May 2024 08:13:51
 I have some F1 Abusemark boards going spare,,,,,,,,,,,,,    ;)    :azn
11 May 2024 22:12:29
And with oldskool parts  :D
11 May 2024 22:11:57
I must be the only one doing tricopters right now  :laugh:
11 May 2024 22:09:30
11 May 2024 21:15:16
Domain has been renewed closure has been cancelled  :D
02 May 2024 08:07:52
Who are most people ??? I think the person you are referring to has put in a lot of effort to keep things moving  :rolleyes:
01 May 2024 10:16:12
Most people I have spoken to are pizzed off with the yellow peril  flooding the forum,go figure. :whistling:
23 Apr 2024 08:09:45
The Domain expires for the forum in 60 days, I'm not going to renew it this time unless I see any activity  :beer2:
20 Apr 2024 18:02:50
Is there anyone who would like to see this forum stay open ? :shrug:
17 Apr 2024 17:15:13
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Started by insx, Sunday,September 25, 2016, 22:08:31

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To those who fly over fields (especially FPV), do you bother about permission? Do you only go onto fields if there';s a footpath?


I tend to stick to paths/fields where the public go even if there is not an official footpath.
I have permission from the farmer in the main place I fly during the day but I do use one or more other fields where I don';t have specific permission but many other people takes their dogs to crap (and leave in small bags hanging from the hedge...).
(this is the bit I go on about ever other post ... sorry)
On those fields I have put in a fair bit of time cleaning up the hedgerow of rubbish, I figure if the guy trying to make living from the land sees my access as something that reduces his problems he';s less likely to object.
He has seen me and driven past without complaint or comment but that is not permission.
I asked another but he refused permission (can understand it they don';t understand the hobby or any advantage to them). See if from their point of view, many townies just want to leave crap and bother the livestock by ignorance, assuming you want to go more then once work on the exchange side, don';t hesitate to pick up rubbish and never leave props or quad bits behind.


Alot of land isn';t farmed by a "farmer" it';s  run by a farm manager who';s bottom line is profit , they have no real connection with the land. I did pest control on a couple of farmers land  and they were only to glad to have someone wandering around to keep an eye on things. I still made sure they got a couple of bottles at xmas time though. Farms these days are run by accountants.
Reptile folder , alien 500 , F/ Shark Attitudes,
 .Tarot 650, Air-rio Kinetic.. DX9  Various wings and planks.. Taranis x9D+..Mavic..Armattan.. Chameleion...
Massive over draught.....


If I can get into a field without damage then I';ll have a fly.
But I keep away from fields with cattle, horses or crops in them, sheep don';t seem to be a problem.

Like mentioned above I clean up others rubbish if any around.

But I';m lucky there is quite a bit of open access land around and first thing in the morning it is usually quiet.

If I see a farmer about I';ll have a chat but it';s usually just someone who works there and they don';t give a stuff.
Wasdale X, Ow that hurt


My childhood home is sat amongst miles of fields mostly owned by the farmer across the road - and the original occupant of my parents house. We have a non verbal understanding. He';s a slightly naughty chap who bends the rules whenever possible in the name of profit, so he doesn';t mind friendly neighbours (who don';t oppose him) using his space as long as it';s not causing nuisance or damage. I only fly in fields that are empty of crop and don';t cause any problems. Plus we know his manager who is a really nice guy. Another local farmer is a tit and wouldn';t allow you on his land for any reason whatsoever.

If you';re using a piece of land frequently and it feels a bit uncomfortable I';d go ask for permission. But don';t be surprised if they say no. There are many agricultural and legal reasons why they could say no. If the land seems open, welcoming and had others using it I';d probably use it with caution but be prepared to befriend the owner if they ever turned up.


Its probably best to try to find the farmer/land owner and ask if possible.  Better getting permission than having a confrontation.  Not that you be breaking any laws however that';s not really something you can argue over.. 

I once pulled over into a farm track just of the road near me to empty the camper van';s tanks into the side of the track.  It was clean water with a bit of cleaning fluid in it...Still that wouldn';t be apparent to any observers.  It might have  looked like raw sewage pouring out the van to Jane/Joe public...

So this guy, a farm worker motored over to me in a little jeep and told me to get the heck out of there now because as he put it "I REALLY DIDN';T WANT TO MEET THE BOSS"

Anyway, I tried to argue that it was just clean water but was on a hiding to nothing and I really didn';t want to meet the boss, the farm worker was nasty enough....

So I got out of there.

I have met a few really horrible landowners and plenty of nice ones...

Its a lucky dip, you might find them to be just fine..or not....Better to find out first before you do something they perceive to be unacceptable to them.

That said, there are places where really nobody cares what you do.  Especially if other people fly there, its probably OK.  These sites are usually well know to locals.

Nighthawk Pro, Trex 450 L Dominator 6 cell *FLOWN*, Blade 450-3D, MCPX-BL, MCPX-V2, Hubsan X4, Seagull Boomerang IC .40 trainer, HK Bixler, AXN Clouds fly,, Spektrum DX7, Taranis, AccuRC

Bad Raven

Quote from: insx on Sunday,September 25, 2016, 22:08:31
To those who fly over fields (especially FPV), do you bother about permission? Do you only go onto fields if there';s a footpath?

A footpath is what is says, a provision to traverse on foot. I does not confer any rights to do anything else.

Ern Stock

Hmm , farmer who has just spent a large amount to cultivate land and seed it .
(Generally happening now and in the spring )
Rc enthusiast flies craft over it discouraging local rooks n jackdaws n pidgeons  ....
Even the grumpiest farmer is going to see the up side
( same farmer / contractor finds carbon fibre model that got lost in mature crop in his now-broken million pound combine - not so happy)

Bad Raven

I had a Mobius fall off a 280 Nighthawk quad and lost in long grass hay crop. (Hacked off as I';d put four cable ties through the rubber feet, too).  Searched but no joy.  :shrug:

Waited till it was cropped but still no sign, Farmer and gang baling thought it was funny, said a couple of years back one of their guys (he was there getting ribbed as they told the story) lost his phone climbing in and out of tractor.  It emerged from a horse feed bale in their stables about a year later, was charged up and worked.

They said if they found mine and there wasn';t any decent pron on it they';d return it..........................   ;)

Two months later.....................  :waiting:


Quote from: Ern Stock on Monday,September 26, 2016, 21:19:13
Hmm , farmer who has just spent a large amount to cultivate land and seed it .
(Generally happening now and in the spring )
Rc enthusiast flies craft over it discouraging local rooks n jackdaws n pidgeons  ....
Even the grumpiest farmer is going to see the up side
( same farmer / contractor finds carbon fibre model that got lost in mature crop in his now-broken million pound combine - not so happy)

There';s a small wood behind one of the fields I fly in that is home to a family of swallows.  Every time I go flying there I have to be very careful as the swallows leave their nest and come try attack the multicopter!  They fly a good 125 meters into the field to come say hello.  Maybe they';re a big fan of the hobby, but I';d imagine it';s more likely that they view rotors as a bird of prey and are trying to protect their family.  Either way they sure have a death wish.   :wack0

Attention: No swallow was harmed during the piloting of any multicopter.   ~~

The lazy pigeons and stubborn rooks couldn';t care less.  They just sit on the telegraph poles and ignore it.  I';ve flown within a few meters of them and they don';t move.   :laugh:


+1 for paths, gives me a point of reference so I don';t get lost (fpv flying that is). Also, short grass only for me as just don';t want to loose my quad. Finding your quad in even 4" grass on a football field 100mtr';s away sometimes takes looking for especially with no alarm or tracker !
Permission,,,,no, never ask due to mostly parks/ council owned land, so would get nowhere with that.
If I am asked to move on , I would be polite and make a sharp exit,,,,never happened so far  ;)

Bad Raven

You can never predict the reaction you will get. A slope I use regularly has a sunken road behind the slope that can easily drag you into "rotor" if you stray even a teeny bit far back.

Does not happen often but anyone can get caught out by a freak gust at the wrong time, and since the slope has a strict "no motor" policy you can';t tweak a throttle for a couple of seconds for safety.

The field opposite the sunken road usually has heifers on it, the same heifers that are allowed sometimes onto the unfenced to road slope amongst dog walkers, ramblers, and of course us, to graze it down.

The farmer';s wife goes absolutely ape really aggressively at anyone recovering a plane from that field as "it will upset the cattle". Even went to the cost of adding a second barbed wire fence to stop intrusion.

:shrug: :banghead: :shrug: :banghead: :shrug: