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 I have some F1 Abusemark boards going spare,,,,,,,,,,,,,    ;)    :azn
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And with oldskool parts  :D
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I must be the only one doing tricopters right now  :laugh:
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Who are most people ??? I think the person you are referring to has put in a lot of effort to keep things moving  :rolleyes:
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Most people I have spoken to are pizzed off with the yellow peril  flooding the forum,go figure. :whistling:
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X8 frames for large props?

Started by james, Saturday,March 07, 2015, 17:00:54

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So I';m looking around for off-the-shelf octo coaxial frames that I can swing pretty large props on. Looking at T-Motor CF props, probably 29"x9.5 with U8 Pro motors. Any recommendations from people who';ve built similar monsters?

(Going for high endurance - ~45 minute - and heavy payload (6-7kg), hence the silly props/motors/etc - advice in general on this front appreciated, I';ve never done anything quite as big, putting together some proposals for work to fly quite chunky experimental camera payloads)


be very hard to find off the shelf frames for 29" props I imagine. That would be a monster.
My disco swings 15" props and that';s huge at the min
Check out RCmungo - new site just getting ready to be launched for all your RC needs
Bit like ebay but for RC
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I believe Foxtech do an RTF low KV tmotor U9 large prop UAS, might be worth looking at.
UAS Pilot at SKYLINK with PFAW


Quote from: oakley81 on Saturday,March 07, 2015, 18:54:54
I believe Foxtech do an RTF low KV tmotor U9 large prop UAS, might be worth looking at.
That';s a great starting point - the D130 I guess you';re talking about.

Realise that 29" props are going to make this thing a bit of a monster - X8 seems the sensible approach to keeping the thing reasonably small, the other option is we self-build a frame using some CF tubing, some CF motor mounts and some (possibly custom) brackets to tie it all together, but we';ll see. Ought to be fun to put together if we end up going for this (the alternative is 15-18" propped X8 or straight octo config. Straight octo I think has the benefit of slightly improved efficiency? It would make sense, in any case, if you';ve got props running in clean air.


Was chatting to one of the guys at BYOD yesterday who tells me the foxtechfpv Kraken is an absolute monster of a machine


The Kraken K130 is a fabulous and huge piece of kit, but is an Octo rather than an X.

You want the D130 also from foxtech, here';s what it can do:

Growing old is mandatory...Growing up is optional

FPV Guru
BNUC-S qualified


Check out RCmungo - new site just getting ready to be launched for all your RC needs
Bit like ebay but for RC
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Somebody here has a kraken ... ask it the chat room!


I';d say the carbon core cortex folding X8 , not quite 29" capable but 16" certainly.

Or the Vulcan folding X8


To be honest i would go for somethin slightly smaller like the tarot X4 and run either 22" or 24" props on some low 160 - 200 kv mtrs with good 6s batts you should be able to get silly endurance times that will only be eroded with payload !!! Can you give an idea of what payload you intend on carrying ???? Just second guessing here but with no payload you should be able to get close to an hour with 2x 12000 mah batts.... This is one of my pet projects that is sat on the back burner at the mo due to other commitments, cant wait to get a large quad built for endurance work !!!

Regards rob
life is too short to worry about what others think !!!



Quote from: Cloudbuster on Tuesday,March 10, 2015, 20:19:17
To be honest i would go for somethin slightly smaller like the tarot X4 and run either 22" or 24" props on some low 160 - 200 kv mtrs with good 6s batts you should be able to get silly endurance times that will only be eroded with payload !!! Can you give an idea of what payload you intend on carrying ???? Just second guessing here but with no payload you should be able to get close to an hour with 2x 12000 mah batts.... This is one of my pet projects that is sat on the back burner at the mo due to other commitments, cant wait to get a large quad built for endurance work !!!

Quad';s a no-no because of the reliability - payload is likely to be >7kg, reasonably dynamic, and >£x, where x is a number worth some extra redundancy, at cost of endurance :sweating:


hi james,

a few points here which might help. hope so. ive got a heavy lift x4 which can spin up to 18 inch props and lift a payload of up to 8kg for approx 15 minutes. the problem you have is keeping the entire weight of the whole system below 20kg which is a legal requirement. the more you want to lift and the longer you want to lift it the bigger the frames become and the less time you get in the air. the batteries for my x4 for 15 minutes weigh 2.5kg. so, payload of 8kg and batteries of 2.5kg+ leaves 9.5kg absolute max for the frame. The motors are heavy at 255g each = 2kg. ESC 80g each = 640g. Flight controller 500g. This leaves 6.5kg for frame, props, cables, pdb, fpv cam, vtx, etc. Not much really when youre looking at a big frame. Also, not sure if you need a gimbal to carry that payload. Anyway, just food for thought!

Always smile because you never know who could be falling in love with it. :) Drone Operator in North Wales. [url="//www.aerialworx.co.uk"]www.aerialworx.co.uk[/url]


Quote from: bunnygirl80 on Thursday,March 12, 2015, 21:19:35
hi james,

a few points here which might help. hope so. ive got a heavy lift x4 which can spin up to 18 inch props and lift a payload of up to 8kg for approx 15 minutes. the problem you have is keeping the entire weight of the whole system below 20kg which is a legal requirement. the more you want to lift and the longer you want to lift it the bigger the frames become and the less time you get in the air. the batteries for my x4 for 15 minutes weigh 2.5kg. so, payload of 8kg and batteries of 2.5kg+ leaves 9.5kg absolute max for the frame. The motors are heavy at 255g each = 2kg. ESC 80g each = 640g. Flight controller 500g. This leaves 6.5kg for frame, props, cables, pdb, fpv cam, vtx, etc. Not much really when youre looking at a big frame. Also, not sure if you need a gimbal to carry that payload. Anyway, just food for thought!


Come On Stef, you can';t go bragging about your monster quad and not post some pics, (copter porn!)

LF 330 with naza & GPS,
Hubsan X4 & Q4
Mini H-quad with naza m lite.
F550 with naza m lite
Diatone Silverline racing 250 (cc3d)


CarbonCore Cortex is ace.

8x CarbonCore Motors mn 4110
8x Specially selected high quality carbon fibre propellers 15"

Mine weights in at just under 7kg with Sony a6000 on zenmuse gimbal but can fly up 8.5-9kg.



Having just completed the ground school and intending to use a Cortex X8 i am very interested in more detail of yours if you can fly it below 7kg.

I dont think mine is going to get quite that low and as i';m sure you know that is the magic number for commercial work. Life gets a lot more interesting above 7kg from a regulatory point of view.

I have 2 x 12000 MaH Tattu lipo';s @ 1580G each