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 I have some F1 Abusemark boards going spare,,,,,,,,,,,,,    ;)    :azn
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And with oldskool parts  :D
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I must be the only one doing tricopters right now  :laugh:
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Who are most people ??? I think the person you are referring to has put in a lot of effort to keep things moving  :rolleyes:
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Not more 680 pro recommendations

Started by miniconverter, Thursday,August 07, 2014, 22:16:25

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Sorry as this has been asked more than once but am looking for recommendations for motors and ESCs for my Tarot 680 pro and the more I read the more confused I get.

First the motors are these any good

And ESCs

If not simple recommendations please.

Will be using it for a bit of FPV and carrying a go-pro (most likely a clone) hopefully on a 3D gimbal

4s battery and Naza fc


I would be more inclined to go for these:
The esc';s should be fine, the only other thing I would say is that Sunnysky equivalent motors would possibly be more reliable.


I';m currently building one and i went for these -

Sunnysky V3508 700KV
HobbyWing Plat Pro 30A

I wanted the ESC';s on the motor plates and all wires tucked away neatly, if you get the ESC';s with the bullet connectors on the board (bit harder to find), then you don';t have any wires hanging.


Look very tidy, will air flow be removed in that senareo, to help cool the electronics?

Only when one looses sight of your toy does FPV become fun and against legislation already in place.


The ESC';s are open to the air, and they are 30a but i think i could have got away with using 20a.
So the 30a shouldnt get that hot anyway


Only when one looses sight of your toy does FPV become fun and against legislation already in place.


Having now rear a few reviews  about the Multistar motors not sure they are the right way to go, looked at the Sunnyskys but don';t seem as plentiful and a bit dearer so what about these.


These are what Tarot recommend but then they would recommended there own product.


Quote from: miniconverter on Friday,August 08, 2014, 22:48:32
Having now rear a few reviews  about the Multistar motors not sure they are the right way to go, looked at the Sunnyskys but don';t seem as plentiful and a bit dearer so what about these.


These are what Tarot recommend but then they would recommended there own product.

I too have these motors lined up for 680 but be careful how you build your setup. Basically the figures quoted by Tarot are way off the mark. If you ran them as they suggest they';d burn up in a matter of minutes if not seconds. They';re a good motor for a great price providing you ignore their suggestions. Some guys over on RC Groups have done some extensive testing on these and have found the best way to run them.


I';m still going to use mine but only as they suggest. If you want or need any more info there are tons of threads all over the internet on the 680. Enjoy your build. ~~
DJI Phantom 2
Zenmuse H3-3D
DJI Groundstation/Datalink
Black Pearl Diversity Monitor
Mini iOSD
GoPro Hero 3+ BE
Hubsan X4


Quote from: miniconverter on Friday,August 08, 2014, 22:48:32
Having now rear a few reviews  about the Multistar motors not sure they are the right way to go, looked at the Sunnyskys but don';t seem as plentiful and a bit dearer so what about these.


These are what Tarot recommend but then they would recommended there own product.
You get what you pay for, depends on the value of the stuff you intend to put on it, anything expensive wait until you can afford decent motors and esc';s - Sunnysky are great for the price but if expensive gear is involved think T motor or similar.


Hopefully this will be the last time I change my mind but here goes, now have a short list of 3.

Sunnysky 3108 720KV
Sunnysky 4108 600KV
Sunnysky 3508 700KV

Leaning towards the 4108 but then I might be completely wrong. What do you all think? But then again don';t suppose the Tmotors would be that much more but again which ones?


I';m probably the least qualified person here to give advice but I personally would go with the 4108 600kv. These should create plenty of thrust to get a reasonably heavy hex off the ground.Then you have the minefield of which lipo/prop combination to go for. I reckon I';ve changed my mind half a dozen times already. :huh
DJI Phantom 2
Zenmuse H3-3D
DJI Groundstation/Datalink
Black Pearl Diversity Monitor
Mini iOSD
GoPro Hero 3+ BE
Hubsan X4


Having now decided on the Sunnysky 4108 600 KV motors it looks like no one on the planet has any, so my next question is what do you think to Emax MT 3506 650KV, also has anyone used Multicopters in this country as they have them in stock?



Those look decent enough with plenty of opt of props and battery cell count, my experience of emax for planes has been very good but alas no experience yet for multis.


Quote from: miniconverter on Sunday,August 10, 2014, 14:33:38
Having now decided on the Sunnysky 4108 600 KV motors it looks like no one on the planet has any, so my next question is what do you think to Emax MT 3506 650KV, also has anyone used Multicopters in this country as they have them in stock?


I';m using the 3510 600kv';s on a couple of other peoples recommendations
but have only had about 8 flights with them so far so can';t say what their long term usage is like. I#m running 12 x 4.5';s and get 12 mins with a 4s 5800 carrying DYS 3 axis gimbal with gopro, I';ve literally just swapped to 13 x 4.5';s but haven';t been able to test it yet.
I also used emax motors on planes and was happy with them.


Have managed to find some Sunnysky 4108 600 KV so have ordered them this morning.

So the next question is which ESC was thinking about the Afros from Hobbyking but have read they con cause problems with juddering and cutting out with high pole count motors.

I am know considering the Turnigy Multistar cheap at only £8 and in stock in the UK or should I be going with something else.


I understand that a lot of people are using the 30A Afro ESC';s.
F450 Clone KK2.0 General Batting around!

FPV550 KK2.0 FPV No gear on it yet!

DJI F350 Naza Lite Naza Experience

FPV 250 With RCTimer Power kit. Pocket Rocket!

Wishlist - Tarot FY680 Pro


Using SunnySky X3508S 580Kv (14x5 props) and Afro 30A with no issues. Just ensure to upgrade the out of the box firmware.


I think that probably Turnigy plush would be ok, there is the option then of getting them flashed with bl heli firmware if you want to.


Thanks for all the help so far but how do I flash the firmware?




Quote from: DarrellW on Wednesday,August 13, 2014, 07:40:25
I thought that';s only suitable for Afro esc';s???
It is only suitable for Afro ESCs :D