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Bad Raven:
12 May 2024 08:13:51
 I have some F1 Abusemark boards going spare,,,,,,,,,,,,,    ;)    :azn
11 May 2024 22:12:29
And with oldskool parts  :D
11 May 2024 22:11:57
I must be the only one doing tricopters right now  :laugh:
11 May 2024 22:09:30
11 May 2024 21:15:16
Domain has been renewed closure has been cancelled  :D
02 May 2024 08:07:52
Who are most people ??? I think the person you are referring to has put in a lot of effort to keep things moving  :rolleyes:
01 May 2024 10:16:12
Most people I have spoken to are pizzed off with the yellow peril  flooding the forum,go figure. :whistling:
23 Apr 2024 08:09:45
The Domain expires for the forum in 60 days, I'm not going to renew it this time unless I see any activity  :beer2:
20 Apr 2024 18:02:50
Is there anyone who would like to see this forum stay open ? :shrug:
17 Apr 2024 17:15:13
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another of my scratch built quads

Started by brod, Monday,January 27, 2014, 11:45:17

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this ones 340 size
Xmotor 1100kv
Blue series flashed 12a escs,bec disconnected
HK 3a bec
APCe 7-5 props
1800 4s lipo
KK2,1.5 Acro firmware
all up weight rtf including lipowith full FPV gear..743Grams
this one has a 4-1 thrust/weight ratio :cool:

unbelievably solid in the air,tracks like its on rails :smiley:


Not a criticism - just a suggestion - when I';ve used aluminium tubing arms I turn the motors till the wires are pretty much level with the ends then feed the three wires down the tube and they then appear down where they are needed... inboard...

It looks neater - to me - and the wires are protected - and it saves cable tieing.

If you are worried about having the wires exposed outboard before they go down the tube I';ve also drilled a hole in the side of the arm ...and fed the wires down that  :azn

Just a thought  ::)

Nice simple build though - my kinda style  ~~

PS - I made the mistake once of feeding the wires down before I drilled the motor mount holes and drilled through the wires in the tube  :whistling: :embarrassed ...  feed them down last   :rolleyes:
David :)


cheers,know what you saying but I bolt the motors right through the tubes using the screw holes in the motors,which unfortunaly are offset with the arms,so cant line wires up with tubes.

on the arms I use one strong steel bolt with washers right at the frame end of the 10mm tubes then cable tie it at edge of frame,in a crash cable tie snaps saving the tube from bending,happened lots of times and always worked.
tightening the steel bolt would prolly be enough as ali tends to grip on the GF well but cable tiewraps add no weight so use em :smiley:
instead of using tiewraps on my first few frames I drilled a hole where the tiewraps now go and used a thin bolt through arm and frame,and every crash was bending the arms at the weak point where the hole was.


Aha .... that inboard single bolt at the end and a cable tie ';snap'; point is a good idea - I hadn';t noticed that ...I like it ~~

That would have saved a recent build of mine where I used 4 bolts on flat aluminium tube (taking my cue from DJI plastic arms) attached to my ply plates...

On an unscheduled arrival at an angle the 4 bolts in one corner held TOO well and the ply just splintered all around them and scrapped the entire plate  :rolleyes: :azn ...your cable tie idea would have just snapped and probably saved the corner  :whistling:

In the past I have threaded the motor wires down the tube inside past the motor mounting bolts - fiddly but it works  ;)
My reasoning is not weight saving and not using cable ties and the like  - I just like aesthetically pleasing looks  :rolleyes:
David :)


aye,everyone crashes,so best try keep damage as minimal as possible :frantic:
nowt worse than driving for an hr. to a good spot and turning a quad into an unrepairable mess after about 5 mins. :banghead:
my first scratch build was destroyed within about 15 seconds,straight into nearest tree,built it just too solid,so thought long and hard about the tiewrap thingy,it does work even on my heavier 8" prop jobbie.bends arm right back,kinda soaking up the impact.
started planning another(I like building :smiley:)this time a 9" APCe propped 6S monster,so prolly use same tie wrap idea but will use 15mm tubing this time so can conceal wires inside the tubes :smiley:


Quote from: brod on Monday,January 27, 2014, 15:29:36
(I like building :smiley:)

Me too ... 80% designing, building and tinkering - 20% flying  :rolleyes: :azn
David :)


Quote from: XH558 on Monday,January 27, 2014, 21:25:21
Me too ... 80% designing, building and tinkering - 20% flying  :rolleyes: :azn


I am the same as you.

DIY H Quadcopter with mobius camera  DJI F550 hexacopterwith naza V2 and Firefly camera
DIY Tricopter with kk2.1.5 board
DJI 450 with APM 2.8 and Mobius camera



That looks like a great FPV stunt quad and is making me want to get back to work on my own larger 8 inch prop quad.

I just need to save up for some nice sunnysky motors now... I';m thinking i';ll go with 1100kv and 4 cells myself since it seems to be working so well for you.
One circlip short of a quadcopter.
 1 lobe short of an antenna.


Quote from: brod on Friday,January 31, 2014, 15:51:36
about 50-50 for me :beer2:
I think you';ve got it right, to me no real point in designing something for everyone else - how do you know how good or bad it is unless you are it';s main critic?
I really enjoy designing things, it';s my job and I love it - to the point that I don';t want to retire in 3 years from now!


Quote from: DarrellW on Friday,January 31, 2014, 19:10:44
I think you';ve got it right, to me no real point in designing something for everyone else - how do you know how good or bad it is unless you are it';s main critic?
I really enjoy designing things, it';s my job and I love it - to the point that I don';t want to retire in 3 years from now!

The thing with me is that I';ve actually built planes from scratch and - because of the windy weather we get down here - or not having a suitable place to fly - and sometimes time constraints - I';ve never actually got round to flying them  :blink
But that didn';t detract one iota from the pleasure I got from building them :azn
They hang in the workshop - not eating anything - and one day they';ll fly ... but that';s not at all important to me  ;)
I even built one and never flew it - then dismantled it to use the bits on something else - so got twice the pleasure from the same bits  ::)

Strange man  :shrug:
David :)


Not strange at all, I love designing things - most do nothing but the ones that do make up for it! In your position I would be looking at slope soarers, I really love flying my Wildthing but know it can be improved on. Sloping is one of the best things I';ve taken an interest in because if I had mind (and the cost of fuel for my car) I can fly almost any day of the week!


Quote from: DarrellW on Friday,January 31, 2014, 22:45:45
In your position I would be looking at slope soarers,

Do you know I';ve never thought of that  :rolleyes:

I might start researching that as a possibility ... food for thought   :hmm:
David :)


I';m with the scratch builders, I love razzing the disco around, but my real pleasure is flying my scratch built h-quad (230 mm), yes I crash it, but that';s all part of the fun, I designed it, built it, have fettled for hours with it, but it';s mine no one else has one like it, we';ll not exactly. (Currently waiting on parts).

But the best thing ever is someone seeing it and saying where can I get one of those? That tells you what you have built was worth while.

So for me it';s probably 60% building 40% flying.

As an after thought, I now try to buy only from the UK (where possible), if all the local model shops disappear we';re screwed, they do have to pay business taxes which gets passed on to you and me as VAT, support your local hobby store, if you need help they will bend over backwards, and they speak English!

LF 330 with naza & GPS,
Hubsan X4 & Q4
Mini H-quad with naza m lite.
F550 with naza m lite
Diatone Silverline racing 250 (cc3d)


Quote from: XH558 on Friday,January 31, 2014, 22:56:53
Do you know I';ve never thought of that  :rolleyes:

I might start researching that as a possibility ... food for thought   :hmm:
it';s a bit alien to you flinging your pride and joy off into 30mph + winds but once you get used to the idea it';s amazing; when I do eventually retire I think me against the elements will figure big time in my agenda!


One of my buddies off rcmf lives near St Austell, he flies mainly slopers and has a great time, it';s well worth a look see!