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12 May 2024 08:13:51
 I have some F1 Abusemark boards going spare,,,,,,,,,,,,,    ;)    :azn
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And with oldskool parts  :D
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I must be the only one doing tricopters right now  :laugh:
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Domain has been renewed closure has been cancelled  :D
02 May 2024 08:07:52
Who are most people ??? I think the person you are referring to has put in a lot of effort to keep things moving  :rolleyes:
01 May 2024 10:16:12
Most people I have spoken to are pizzed off with the yellow peril  flooding the forum,go figure. :whistling:
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The Domain expires for the forum in 60 days, I'm not going to renew it this time unless I see any activity  :beer2:
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How to connect 2 axis camera gimbal? Crius AIO pro

Started by TheEdge, Wednesday,October 23, 2013, 08:37:00

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Have a CRIUS AIO Pro flight controller. (with 2 servos output for 2-axis gimbal system)
Receiver is the standard receiver that came with the Turnigy 9x transmitter.

I would like to have some input on the best way to connect this "gimbal" to my quadcopter: http://www.aliexpress.com/item/new-and-original-1LOT-1pcs-FPV-dedicated-nylon-PTZ-2pcs-SG90-servos/1054224268.html

I want to control this one with the two pots on my turnigy 9x to pan and tilt the camera.

Can the two servos of this one be connected directly to two channels output on the receiver or on the flightcontroller, or do I need some sort of esc';s to power this?


If you';re not planning to use the AIO to level the gimbal, you';re better off connecting the servos to the receiver. No ESCs required.


Quote from: QuadBod on Wednesday,October 23, 2013, 11:16:08
If you';re not planning to use the AIO to level the gimbal, you';re better off connecting the servos to the receiver. No ESCs required.

Ok, thank you, that';s what I wanted to hear.

I guess this cheap and simple "gimbal" is not really suitable for aio leveling, more like pan and tilt.
But I guess I could also modify the mounts for leveling use. If I wanted to use the AIO outputs to level the gimbal, could I still connect the servos directly to the flight controller outputs. Any special settings involved on the flightcontroller to level the gimbal?

Edit: Tested with connecting the gimbal directly to the receiver, and that works fine, I can adjust the axis with the pots on the transmitter..


AIO levelling with a servo gimbal works pretty well but be mindful of your power consumption.
Last time I used a servo gimbal with 2 axis powered through my AIO the AIO would intermitantly ';shutdown';. Which obvs isnt cool. Make sure you have a decent uBEC.
Tunrnigy Talon Tri, TBS Discovery, TBS Discovery PRO, Spnky 250 Mini, EZUHF, EZOSD


Quote from: robshaw on Thursday,October 24, 2013, 08:37:36
AIO levelling with a servo gimbal works pretty well but be mindful of your power consumption.
Last time I used a servo gimbal with 2 axis powered through my AIO the AIO would intermitantly ';shutdown';. Which obvs isnt cool. Make sure you have a decent uBEC.

Ok, would not be cool to have the aio shutdown midair. So, what would I need to avoid that?
I don';t know how much current the servos draw, but the ubec is Henge 5v 6A.
To be safe, would I need a separate ubec for powering the gimbal?


If you';re flying FPV, levelling is of questionable value anyway, as you need a sense of your multi';s tilt and roll. It';s more useful for controlling servo gimbals for aerial photography / video. And brushless gimbals (which do require their own controller) are largely replacing servo gimbals for this purpose.

Doing it the way you are (off the receiver / transmitter knobs) makes most sense, and ultimately could be controlled by a head-tracker which feeds into the trainer port on your TX.


Im with quadbod with that response. I made the mistake of fpving first time with my servo stabilised gimbal and felt a bit detatched from what was go8ng on. It was difficult to guage angle and speed. I also set up head tracking on my attitudes. This was a case of running before I could walk. Works well tho.
If you do go down the way your talking about tho I would think a 6A ubec should be ok....
Tunrnigy Talon Tri, TBS Discovery, TBS Discovery PRO, Spnky 250 Mini, EZUHF, EZOSD


Thank you both for the replies.

I want to both fly fpv and also do arial photo and maybe at the same time. I was planning on having one camera in the front for filming, this one could be stabelized. And a second camera for the actual fpv. I also consider having a switch controlled from the transmitter to switch between the two cameras to be able to check the framing for ap..

So, I should get a ubec then to power the gimbal-servos. I guess I can connect the powerleads for the servos to the ubec and then only the "signal lead" from the servo to the gimbal outputs on the controller?


Tunrnigy Talon Tri, TBS Discovery, TBS Discovery PRO, Spnky 250 Mini, EZUHF, EZOSD