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 I have some F1 Abusemark boards going spare,,,,,,,,,,,,,    ;)    :azn
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Who are most people ??? I think the person you are referring to has put in a lot of effort to keep things moving  :rolleyes:
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O.S.D Module or new flight controller ?

Started by aburn09, Tuesday,November 28, 2017, 07:23:55

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 I've just updated my two 220mm fpv quads to betaflight 3.2 which both have the SP Racing Evo F3 flight controller

Now you have loads more options with osd I want to include some displays through my goggles.......As my flight controllers don't have built in osd my two options are adding a osd module in which case can anyone recommend a small easy to wire/solder up one please ?
I was thinking of replacing both boards with this ?
Unless the board is worse than my current ones ?
Just seeing what you guys would do in my situation ?
Thanks for any replies  ~~


I’ve been using the matek f4 board which is really good. It’s available as an all in one or stand alone F.C. (with osd) which can have a current sensor and pdb attached. If you’re going to get an osd, get a current sensing one to show how much battery you have used.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


For osd modules you can get the micro minim osd, but to be honest that is probably at least 12 months out of date now BetaFlight has integrated osd control. And it’s a mess to wire up compared to a built in one.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


depends on what your after OSD wise.

for the whole thing then you'd have to lean towards a minimOSD board (whether that be the small fiddly version or its slightly larger brother), this'll give you options for gps related displays, orientation guides, etc

If your just after battery voltage, timer and maybe Rssi then you can just go with a "super simple" OSD which in terms of wiring is.....well...... super simple?

550 custom H-copter (redesigned)
250 Twinboard
Project Sparkie


Hi aburn09,

MW OSD does not have all the features and ease of use of Betaflights built in OSD imo.

I would highly recommend the Matek F405 with Hub6s PDB, I have this in two builds and it works flawlessly, as for the AIO version I've heard it suffers from YAW jitter with certain setups!


I have a Flycolor S-Tower setup that has integrated MW OSD and I can't say really rate it, as it has much less options, and it's a pain to configured compared to the interface of the betaflight's built in OSD, also the Matek F405 is one of the few boards recommended for iNav if you wanted to go down that route.

TBS Tango 2
FatShark Dominator V3 with RapidFire Module
Armattan Chameleon-BF3.5.7
TBS Source One, KL100 Micro, Mobula7 HD
DJI Mavic Pro


To be honest all I want is flight time battery voltage and craft name.......So the Ominbus f4 is a no no ?
Shawdreamer do you have a link for the 'super simple' osd  or is that what I look up ?


Quote from: aburn09 on Tuesday,November 28, 2017, 11:00:19
So the Ominbus f4 is a no no ?

Never used the Ominbus F4 so can'y comment either way, whoever the Matek F4 is cheaper and very good.
TBS Tango 2
FatShark Dominator V3 with RapidFire Module
Armattan Chameleon-BF3.5.7
TBS Source One, KL100 Micro, Mobula7 HD
DJI Mavic Pro


Quote from: aburn09 on Tuesday,November 28, 2017, 11:00:19
To be honest all I want is flight time battery voltage and craft name.......So the Ominbus f4 is a no no ?

I use that FC it'll do what you want no problems.

But you cannot rely on the build quality, it may or may not be any good for a clone.
Wasdale X, Ow that hurt


Stupid question where on the Matek do the motors soldet too ?


Quote from: aburn09 on Tuesday,November 28, 2017, 11:00:19
To be honest all I want is flight time battery voltage and craft name.......So the Ominbus f4 is a no no ?
Shawdreamer do you have a link for the 'super simple' osd  or is that what I look up ?

thats literally it name aswell as its function :laugh:


theres also the super simple E-osd which pretty much works the same way, plug in the osd board between the video out from cam and video in to vtx and then plug in a +/- direct from the battery and presto you have osd timer and batt voltage, there are two batt inputs on the SSosd which allows you to plug in another voltage feed so you can monitor voltage going to your FC etc if you want, alternatively theres a little mod that removes a resistor on the board which then allows you to use the second batt input as a adhoc Rssi feed. (thats upto you though obviously)
550 custom H-copter (redesigned)
250 Twinboard
Project Sparkie


Quote from: aburn09 on Tuesday,November 28, 2017, 12:10:43
Stupid question where on the Matek do the motors soldet too ?

Motors solder to the corners of the Hub6 PDB and FC is connected via a ribbon cable.
TBS Tango 2
FatShark Dominator V3 with RapidFire Module
Armattan Chameleon-BF3.5.7
TBS Source One, KL100 Micro, Mobula7 HD
DJI Mavic Pro


1.external OSDs are old school, overly complex etc if you want an osd use the bf one
2. With what you want for this type of craft, the decent fpv cams can do that, you don’t even need any osd (a lot of my craft just use the cam to display voltage and timer)
3.the omnibus board is excellent, it is the ongoing development of the flip32 from several years ago. Many boards, including I think the matek, use the omnibus target or a clone of it.  Personnaly havingused both I would take the omnibus over the matek, not that there is anything wrong with matek, but they do tend to build at the budget, that means for example regs that can 24v input, fail if your esc spike takes it to 24.1v


I recently had one of my SP F3 boards fail on me which had a Minim OSD connected so I decided to bring it up to date with a Matek F450 AIO. I am really pleased with the results and now just have a single board in the quad, much better wiring and it flies really nice. I feel that the FPV image feed with OSD is much better now than it was before.
Diatone GT R-349
Snapper 7
BoltRC Kraken 2206 2350kv
KC250 RS2205 2300kv SPF3 DAL 5 x 4.5 BN
EMAX MT2204 2300kv SPF3 DAL 5 x 4.5 BN
Gravity 250 DYS 1806 2300kv SPF3 DAL 5 x 4.5BN

Controlled by FrSky Taranis


Thanks for the advice I've decided to buy two new Omnibus f4 boards rather than add a separate osd to my current SP racing boards......hopefully this will keep the quad as a neat build rather than having extra wires that I don't need.  ~~


also in case anyone else reads this, many SP Racing Evo F3 copies are missing UART connections and the external osd boards needs one to work properly.
I've had one with no uarts besides one receive pad for the rx and I've had another with headers for two uarts but one didn't work because it was used by the usb - for this board i had to choose between smartport or osd