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 I have some F1 Abusemark boards going spare,,,,,,,,,,,,,    ;)    :azn
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Who are most people ??? I think the person you are referring to has put in a lot of effort to keep things moving  :rolleyes:
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What batteries to upgrade on FatShark?

Started by Gavster29, Monday,February 19, 2018, 11:22:32

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Hey folks,

As title really, I am concerned that my FatShark goggle batteries are rubbish and although it's 2S it's in LiPo form! So given if you are not using them for a while and the fact they are low capacity is it possible and worthwhile upgrading to a large capacity LiFe battery instead like I have in my transmitter?

Sent from my TA-1033 using Tapatalk


What batteries\goggles are you using? I have Dom v2 and attitude v4 are, the standard fat shark 1800mah batteries last me a day at the flight line (the 1000mah that came with the attitudes frequently does depending on how many lipos I fly)

May be teaching you to suck eggs, but you need to be careful with goggles, don’t let the sun shine on the lenses, that means you don’t just leave them lying around (the sun is a sneaky git, it moves on you). It becomes second nature to unplug goggles when you are not actually in the air.


Quote from: Cheredanine on Monday,February 19, 2018, 11:36:06
What batteries\goggles are you using? I have Dom v2 and attitude v4 are, the standard fat shark 1800mah batteries last me a day at the flight line (the 1000mah that came with the attitudes frequently does depending on how many lipos I fly)

May be teaching you to suck eggs, but you need to be careful with goggles, don’t let the sun shine on the lenses, that means you don’t just leave them lying around (the sun is a sneaky git, it moves on you). It becomes second nature to unplug goggles when you are not actually in the air.
They are not top end I just have the Teleporter V4s with 760mah battery, it's not really up to the job, my thoughts were if I switched to a LiFe battery it wouldn't matter if I didn't use it for a while where as the LiPo I have to keep it at storage charge and charge it on the day or the night before flying which means I can't charge my quad battery at the same time.

Sent from my TA-1033 using Tapatalk


You could try 7.4V 1600mAh Li-po Battery Pack with LED Indicator for Fatshark It says its 1600mAh £10.24 and it comes with a charger so you can charge your goggle battery with out using your main charger.
There is also this one 2S 7.4V 1000mah LiPo Battery DC 2.1mm*5mm that is same as my ev100 battery but I believe it fits the Fatshark goggles it's 1000mAh but can be charged by normal micro usb it is £9.51.
There is also this Fatshark 7.4V 18650 Li-ion Cell Battery Case which is a holder for 2 x 18650 Li-ion batteries but you need to buy the batteries and use a suitable charger. So not a cheap version.
I try :-)


Thanks Ched,

So is it not worth going for LiFe batteries, the one for my radio was only around £10 and it's 2100mah the downside is they weigh more

Sent from my TA-1033 using Tapatalk


Quote from: Gavster29 on Monday,February 19, 2018, 19:43:24
Thanks Ched,

So is it not worth going for LiFe batteries, the one for my radio was only around £10 and it's 2100mah the downside is they weigh more

Sent from my TA-1033 using Tapatalk
I think LiFe batteries are 3.3v per cell and LiPos are 4.2v full charged dropping to 3.7v ish when discharged. You could add a regulator to get the voltage more like a 2S Lipo, in fact Fatshark may have a wide input tolerance but I don't know off hand. Just had a quick check and seems like they can take 2S-3S (7-13V). So 3S LiFe would be OK but how heavy would it be? You could use a dc-dc step up regulator to take a 2S LiFe from 6.6 v to say 8V.
I try :-)


Yes that is also a good point about cell voltage!

I'll.have a rethink, maybe Li-ion are the answer

Sent from my TA-1033 using Tapatalk


Don’t worry too much about storage voltage with the goggle batteries. The discharge rate goggles use is so low that the batteries don’t sag much. I don’t think I’ve ever storage charged a goggle Lipo and they’re all still going strong

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