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Bad Raven:
12 May 2024 08:13:51
 I have some F1 Abusemark boards going spare,,,,,,,,,,,,,    ;)    :azn
11 May 2024 22:12:29
And with oldskool parts  :D
11 May 2024 22:11:57
I must be the only one doing tricopters right now  :laugh:
11 May 2024 22:09:30
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Domain has been renewed closure has been cancelled  :D
02 May 2024 08:07:52
Who are most people ??? I think the person you are referring to has put in a lot of effort to keep things moving  :rolleyes:
01 May 2024 10:16:12
Most people I have spoken to are pizzed off with the yellow peril  flooding the forum,go figure. :whistling:
23 Apr 2024 08:09:45
The Domain expires for the forum in 60 days, I'm not going to renew it this time unless I see any activity  :beer2:
20 Apr 2024 18:02:50
Is there anyone who would like to see this forum stay open ? :shrug:
17 Apr 2024 17:15:13
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feeling negative

Started by apollo7, Sunday,November 06, 2016, 12:36:52

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Getting some negative feelings toward my flying hobby.......... :banghead:

Lots of machines sitting about, always waiting for a gap in weather/work/other life, grabbing a chance to fly because fed up waiting for right weather then stuffing it to the ground because i should have waited (Hex this morning)
Really starting to think i should sell the blinking lot and have just one multi and a big pile of lipo`s

rant of sorts over
Volantex Ranger 1600/2000, Ranger 1200 G2, Phoenix S 1600 AR900 Miniskyhunter, ZOHD Dart 635 and a few 680 batwings plus old faithful C1 chaser and a lot of eagletree guardians



I think i should sell the lot and buy just one flying machine...........but what to have
Volantex Ranger 1600/2000, Ranger 1200 G2, Phoenix S 1600 AR900 Miniskyhunter, ZOHD Dart 635 and a few 680 batwings plus old faithful C1 chaser and a lot of eagletree guardians


Quote from: apollo7 on Sunday,November 06, 2016, 12:50:21
I think i should sell the lot and buy just one flying machine...........but what to have

DJI Mavic Pro?


Oh dear.  I would say, give up until Spring when the sun comes back.  By then you will have forgotten all the crap negative feelings accumulated over the summer and be all enthusiastic again hopefully.
Nighthawk Pro, Trex 450 L Dominator 6 cell *FLOWN*, Blade 450-3D, MCPX-BL, MCPX-V2, Hubsan X4, Seagull Boomerang IC .40 trainer, HK Bixler, AXN Clouds fly,, Spektrum DX7, Taranis, AccuRC


Quote from: Hozza on Sunday,November 06, 2016, 12:57:55
DJI Mavic Pro?

I would not even consider the Mavic untill it has been tested by lots of people for about a year, its all new and time will tell if it has nasty gremlins like flyaways
At the mo i would think the best bet would be sell up and get a P3 advance
Volantex Ranger 1600/2000, Ranger 1200 G2, Phoenix S 1600 AR900 Miniskyhunter, ZOHD Dart 635 and a few 680 batwings plus old faithful C1 chaser and a lot of eagletree guardians


Quote from: apollo7 on Sunday,November 06, 2016, 13:01:50
I would not even consider the Mavic untill it has been tested by lots of people for about a year, its all new and time will tell if it has nasty gremlins like flyaways
At the mo i would think the best bet would be sell up and get a P3 advance

I totally recommend the P3 Advanced or even the P3 Pro if want 4K video ~~
Why use 4 motors when you can use 6?

YouTube channel


When you started out you probably thought the same thing "just one" now look where you are!

I got my big flyer for park,210.i got a flyer for out front thats not a toy,122 atom,i got a park/out front flyer,150 diatone but thats a work in progress as i need a 5v reg and a cam as i stole its cam fir the 210 (parts on way from banggood) and i got an indoors eachine 010 but,its gonna be weird flying in this little flat i live in so i will have to go out the windows and back in etc but already i am upgrading it as i have a brushed f3 fc on way now and a cam/tx all in one,then more likely new powerfull motors and battery upgrade then i can fly that on the i6 tx.

Then i am done!

No other quads i want and i aint kidding.i got spare parts and then theres still a few things i still need in case of failures like a couple of red bottoms would be nice as spares but thats that!!!

As for time of year,its blowy,its cold and its wet but there will be breaks,i am eyeing up the weather today but its actad bit windy but when the weather is ok for safe flying i will be up the park or out front,to hell with being lazy!

I will make my neighbours jealous as hell once i get the eachine 010 out and they watch it,they will all want one!

you will just do the exact same again if your gonna keep a couple you will more likely get more,so make do with what you got or even do what you think you want to do,slim down your fleet and be strict with yourself and just have your park flyer,your cam quad and the little one you fly in your back garden.

I have what i wanted to get and thats that,no ap quads for me as i aint into photography and i dont want any other race type quads.

Realy i dont!

Now my rants over too!!!


I have just listed the big 550 hex, if that sells i will then sell the P3 standard and look for a P3 advanced, maybe a nearly new one with a second lipo, i have a little 501s quad on the way, and think i should keep the tricopter to play about with, getting it set up right
Volantex Ranger 1600/2000, Ranger 1200 G2, Phoenix S 1600 AR900 Miniskyhunter, ZOHD Dart 635 and a few 680 batwings plus old faithful C1 chaser and a lot of eagletree guardians


Quote from: apollo7 on Sunday,November 06, 2016, 13:20:14
......and think i should keep the tricopter to play about with, getting it set up right
Definitely, until you have tried a Tricopter you won';t know what you are missing. David Widenstall doesn';t really fly any other configuration multirotor - there must be a good reason - I know what it is, but I still choose to fly other configurations.


Quote from: DarrellW on Sunday,November 06, 2016, 13:43:38
Definitely, until you have tried a Tricopter you won';t know what you are missing. David Widenstall doesn';t really fly any other configuration multirotor - there must be a good reason - I know what it is, but I still choose to fly other configurations.

Yes, i really do feel a tricopter is where i want to be for pure fun flying, i hope i get the titus in the air soon
Volantex Ranger 1600/2000, Ranger 1200 G2, Phoenix S 1600 AR900 Miniskyhunter, ZOHD Dart 635 and a few 680 batwings plus old faithful C1 chaser and a lot of eagletree guardians


I';ve been in a slump for almost 18 months, first it was weather, then a flyaway.

I have 2 finished small machines and a larger one which I am avoiding the final 30 minutes work to get it ready.

However last Sunday the weather was perfect (except a little cold) and I regretted not having any machines with me.

I can only conclude the slump is finally leaving, so don';t give up.

Sent from my Nexus 5X using Tapatalk

Not much kit, but what I have I like
Armattan Tilt 2, Morphite 180, Quark 150, Decapitated NanoQX


Like i said in a a previous post, i have listed the HEX on drone junk yard, i will be sorry to see it go if it sells but i still have other things to fly, and it takes up a lot of room so if it sells so be it, i think it makes sense to get a P3 advanced but this wont be much of a step up from my P3 standard
Volantex Ranger 1600/2000, Ranger 1200 G2, Phoenix S 1600 AR900 Miniskyhunter, ZOHD Dart 635 and a few 680 batwings plus old faithful C1 chaser and a lot of eagletree guardians

Bad Raven

I have the "too many builds" doldrums currently. Not by any means all MRs, there';s three of three metre gliders, an 80" Barnstormer, a Zlin 50 Aerobat, three Heli';s, a 250 quad part fitted a new camera, a BeeBrain Inductrix that is refusing to set the motors right, a foam Cutlass, etc, etc.    The Model Room is a nightmare, can hardly move :help:

Never, mind, the weather';s carp here in the SE today, so Indoor flying this morning.................   ;)



So .....

I';m in the same boat!

I have a hex i built as my first ever machine - Its really never flown
I have the 450 that has had various incarnations over its life (i was told it was a good base to start)
i have a 6" mini and a 3" mini
an rcexploer tri
(a hubsan and an E010)

I also have a X6 still in the box waiting for parts (bought in hobbykings cheap sale last year)

if i';m honest i don';t get time to fly one machine, never mind all them!

I put feelers on here recently for my hex and my 450 which would have freed up some money.  There was no interest, so ... they will continue to sit and gather dust!

I keep smacking the minis i do fly into things which costs me more money .... it is very much a vicious cycle and an expensive hobby!!


I think that there is a simple answer to this happening, don';t get suckered into the hype - it';s all too easy to ';keep up'; and follow what the masses are doing and loose sight of what you originally started out to do.
I am guilty of it myself, I';ve got loads of stuff that';s awaiting my attention but will possibly never get done; and most of my built stuff doesn';t get enough use to really justify its existence but that';s what hobbies can get to be. No point beating yourselves up about it, just take the best way forward and make time to do the things you wanted to when you got the stuff that';s now sitting unused; that';s what I';m going to do.


I find flying a little cheerson cx10 indoors keeps the bad weather blues away.


I know what you';re going through. I think when I sold up I had 8 or 9 rotorcraft and my z-84 wing. Really enjoyed the builds but had no hope of ever flying them all, especially with limited time.

So I sold nearly all of them (needed the cash too, mind you)

Feel much better in myself as I';m not angsting about not flying them and also not skint from repairing them all the time :)

I would say though - probably have 2 flying things, one will inevitably be in the repair shop so you *should* always have something to fly when you get the chance.


I always feel negative and yes time out does not help but if I have learnt one thing over the last few months that is never !!!!never give in!!!! take a step back, a deep breath, count to whatever number, say your mantra, have a sleep and look at it with fresh eyes, put it away till another day or just plain throw a few f!*ks at it but never give in.

:D Neil
Mr,Mr, Can I have a go
please, please, please
oh did you want to hit that tree
shoulda let me have a go Mr I wouldn't have let it go that far I cant see it past 30m
bet you wish you had let me have a go no Mr
EH ??? Don't You ? Mr


I got 2 flyers,1 indoor quad 010,1 project nearly finished like i posted earlier,not intetested in any more,if i came across a bargain that i could buy tart up and pass on for a profit then maybe but i told myself no more and i mean no more.

They should be easy to maintain,as long as i dont lose them thats what matters rather than having 6 i dont flybi have 3 workers i do fly!

Love this hobby,i do have the time though,might not have in future but will always make time for a fly.

Its as expensive as you make it and i learned the hard way coming off plastic model making that was expensive and i was never happy with the results,now i am!


You can';t sell your Hex, apollo!! It';s the spiritual sibling to my S550...  :cry

But I do see your point. I';ve not even flown indoors for about a month now, due to all manner of stuff (mainly a new job and a 6-month old daughter..). The weather is also rubbish, but I';m not waiting for Spring... I';m waiting for those clear, frosty mornings, where there';s just a bit of mist, making a 2-foot deep lake of cloud over a pristine white field. Where even the dog-walkers won';t venture, and there';s nobody about to tell you to stop. Then, I';ll flick the camera on and lift the ';550 upwards, swooshing the mist into 6 perfect smokey helter-skelters. Watching it silhouette itself against the low sun, casting a 20-foot long shadow. So what if the packs only give about 75% because of the cold. I';ll be smiling w-a-y too much to care  :smiley:

...and when the weather is too bad, I';ll finish building my Ghost LED and Robocat projects  ;)
Potensic F181DH  -  Ghost 250 (blue)  -  Cheerson CX-10/A  -  Syma X11C  -  FQ777-FQ17W  -  Eachine E57  -  BetaFPV 65S  -  Robocat 280 (in build)  -  Ghost 250 LED (in build) - And lots of broken stuff!


Quote from: LuMan on Monday,November 07, 2016, 16:43:01
I';m waiting for those clear, frosty mornings, where there';s just a bit of mist, making a 2-foot deep lake of cloud over a pristine white field. Where even the dog-walkers won';t venture, and there';s nobody about to tell you to stop. Then, I';ll flick the camera on and lift the ';550 upwards, swooshing the mist into 6 perfect smokey helter-skelters. Watching it silhouette itself against the low sun, casting a 20-foot long shadow. So what if the packs only give about 75% because of the cold. I';ll be smiling w-a-y too much to care  :smiley:

...and when the weather is too bad, I';ll finish building my Ghost LED and Robocat projects  ;)

How elequant,soo poetic!

And if you crash?


Quote from: LuMan on Monday,November 07, 2016, 16:43:01
You can';t sell your Hex, apollo!! It';s the spiritual sibling to my S550...  :cry

But I do see your point. I';ve not even flown indoors for about a month now, due to all manner of stuff (mainly a new job and a 6-month old daughter..). The weather is also rubbish, but I';m not waiting for Spring... I';m waiting for those clear, frosty mornings, where there';s just a bit of mist, making a 2-foot deep lake of cloud over a pristine white field. Where even the dog-walkers won';t venture, and there';s nobody about to tell you to stop. Then, I';ll flick the camera on and lift the ';550 upwards, swooshing the mist into 6 perfect smokey helter-skelters. Watching it silhouette itself against the low sun, casting a 20-foot long shadow. So what if the packs only give about 75% because of the cold. I';ll be smiling w-a-y too much to care  :smiley:

Nicely put, TBH yes i have the sibling up for sale but i wont let it go for a low price so doubt if it will sell....I do have some thing rather interesting that i MIGHT buy, but its not in the shops yet and need more info (not a mavic)

...and when the weather is too bad, I';ll finish building my Ghost LED and Robocat projects  ;)
Volantex Ranger 1600/2000, Ranger 1200 G2, Phoenix S 1600 AR900 Miniskyhunter, ZOHD Dart 635 and a few 680 batwings plus old faithful C1 chaser and a lot of eagletree guardians


Quote from: Saleem on Monday,November 07, 2016, 16:48:00
And if you crash?

Exactly - even if there is someone there, they won';t see the impact (or mess) because it';ll be hidden under 2-foot of mist!!  :rofl:
Potensic F181DH  -  Ghost 250 (blue)  -  Cheerson CX-10/A  -  Syma X11C  -  FQ777-FQ17W  -  Eachine E57  -  BetaFPV 65S  -  Robocat 280 (in build)  -  Ghost 250 LED (in build) - And lots of broken stuff!


Quote from: LuMan on Monday,November 07, 2016, 16:43:01
You can';t sell your Hex, apollo!! It';s the spiritual sibling to my S550...  :cry

But I do see your point. I';ve not even flown indoors for about a month now, due to all manner of stuff (mainly a new job and a 6-month old daughter..). The weather is also rubbish, but I';m not waiting for Spring... I';m waiting for those clear, frosty mornings, where there';s just a bit of mist, making a 2-foot deep lake of cloud over a pristine white field. Where even the dog-walkers won';t venture, and there';s nobody about to tell you to stop. Then, I';ll flick the camera on and lift the ';550 upwards, swooshing the mist into 6 perfect smokey helter-skelters. Watching it silhouette itself against the low sun, casting a 20-foot long shadow. So what if the packs only give about 75% because of the cold. I';ll be smiling w-a-y too much to care  :smiley:

You will be pleased to hear i have just pulled the add for the S550, looks like i will be keeping her a while, will tidy up the lights and wires over winter and might trim the legs down a bit

...and when the weather is too bad, I';ll finish building my Ghost LED and Robocat projects  ;)
Volantex Ranger 1600/2000, Ranger 1200 G2, Phoenix S 1600 AR900 Miniskyhunter, ZOHD Dart 635 and a few 680 batwings plus old faithful C1 chaser and a lot of eagletree guardians