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12 May 2024 08:13:51
 I have some F1 Abusemark boards going spare,,,,,,,,,,,,,    ;)    :azn
11 May 2024 22:12:29
And with oldskool parts  :D
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I must be the only one doing tricopters right now  :laugh:
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Domain has been renewed closure has been cancelled  :D
02 May 2024 08:07:52
Who are most people ??? I think the person you are referring to has put in a lot of effort to keep things moving  :rolleyes:
01 May 2024 10:16:12
Most people I have spoken to are pizzed off with the yellow peril  flooding the forum,go figure. :whistling:
23 Apr 2024 08:09:45
The Domain expires for the forum in 60 days, I'm not going to renew it this time unless I see any activity  :beer2:
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My drone just flew off at high speed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Started by nichannigan, Tuesday,August 30, 2016, 19:40:58

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Hi there, after nearly finishing my first battery, the drone tapped the floor for landing and suddenly changed direction and flew off at high speed in to the distance!!!!!! I';m quite scared about what has happened here,,,

It';s a nighthawk 280 so fairly heavy and quick.

Why has this happened? Did I loose a connection when it tapped the floor or is this interference???

Many thanks for you help!!!


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No it';s a ready to fly version...

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The fail safe has cut in when it';s reached certain angles as I';m in easy mode still!

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Power the quad,power up the radio set,arm your quad (do it in what you know is a safe area) then just turn your radio set off.your quad should shut down after a few seconds.


Thanks! I don';t have any idea what county the quad is in right now, but I will remember that!

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So is it most likely that the impact with the ground dislodged the receiver?

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Yes, exactly
And to correct Salem (sorry mate)
If you are using frsky such as d4r, x4r or xsr receives, set failsafe on the reciever as per the manual
Then (and for other receivers) connect your PC to your flight controller, set failsafe in whatever FC software you are using (probably cleanflight)

Take your props off
Power up your radio
Plug your battery in
Use the radio to spin the motors a little
With the motors spinning turn the radio off
The motors should stop

(You were lucky, the nighthawk doesn';t come with fail safe set correctly, seen people lose them on this forum)


Quote from: nichannigan on Tuesday,August 30, 2016, 20:07:52
Thanks! I don';t have any idea what county the quad is in right now, but I will remember that!

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Am I incorrect when I assumed your quad flew off but you managed to still get it or iy actually did fly off and it';s gone!


Firstly thank you for your perfect response! I';ve learnt a lot!

But! I';m sure the fail safe as kicked in before where my battery dislodged and pulled out the connector for the receiver and cut the motors... So I assumed it worked then. How often must I reset the fail safe?


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Flew off at great speed into the distance! I';m quite stressed!!!!!

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It is a RTF, would fail safes not already be set??

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So lest deal with it in bits:
If the battery dislodges its own connection then there is no power.

Failsafe can be set a number of ways, different failsafe have different options.

Typically out the box, failsafe is either not set, or set to continue doing whatever it was doing before the signal was lost.

You should always set failsafe to what you want and test it when you get a quad and at least every time you flash software

Failsafe can be set on the flight controller, for some radio systems such as frsky it can also be set on the Rx.  Best not to skimp, set both if you can.

For 250 class quads you want failsafe to cut the motors immediately.



Firstly sorry for my bad English but I meant the battery dislodged and pulled on the receiver connection, not the power supply, which I thought killed the motors.

But thank you very much for the info, very much appreciated!

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So you lost the quad,so now you either need to try to recover/find it or back to square one.

If you get another one ask or find the info so you know the things you should do,it could save your quad & money.

Sorry for your loss.


There';s a slim chance I will find it! It went over the tree line and then I have literally no idea,, many fields!!!

But definitely I will!!! Scared of quads right now but I';m sure it will give way to the addiction soon!

Many thanks!!!

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Fly below tree level,use loc8tor,don';t go fpv straight away,learn to fly back and forth,you should know the crack,there';s many YouTube vids for learners and forums but come back hopefully with good news.

If you have to get another try building it if you can';t get cheap one,then check its up to the job by asking in places like these.

Some times saying where in world you are can help,are you British?add it to your profile so people can see your flag,members might live on your doorstep and could help you.


very unlucky a little strange that it flew off though, hope you find it.
Point and click.

Monkey see, Monkey do.


****** man. That';s appaling. I heard some kiss FC on some firmware had an issue with minor knocks sending them into a massive uncontrollable yaw spin. But yeah sounds like your lead to reciever unplugged during the little impact. Set failsafe and check it works with props off. Always with props off.


Sucks to hear matey hope you have luck tracking it down now.

need to set my failsafe on my nighthawk now,had a radio lock out a few weeks ago luckily managed to kill the throttle and let it tumble down  :shrug:
Emax nighthawk 280,Emax x4,Blade 350qx3,dx6 (gen2),fatshark doms v2.


Gutted for you buddy, my advice now to get your confidence back is to get something like a Hubsan X4 107C - https://www.amazon.co.uk/Hubsan-H107C-Quadcopter-Camera-Version/dp/B00FIEXVN6/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1472624359&sr=8-1&keywords=hubsan+x4+h107c
and learn to fly it close in, you may have jumped too far in at the deep end with that particular model - it';s very fast and unforgiving.
The Hubsan is very agile and you can only really fly it close in, it';s not going to do what the other did unless you let it get too far away from you.
Hope that you find it but in the meantime practice with something like above will help you loads to get to learn to fly.


Would suggest keeping an eye on eBay and whatever your common online buy & sell websites are as it isn';t unusual for people to find a machine and try selling it online.

As has been said before always set up your failsafe on the radio or transmitter (if available) and the flight controller.

Both switching off your radio and disconnecting the receiver from the flight controller should trigger fail safe (most people don';t check the disconnected receiver business)

There is some disagreement with how failsafe should be configured

Some say set it to cut all motor output immediately

Others say go into a stability mode and run on low power for a couple of seconds to have a less severe fall
Not much kit, but what I have I like
Armattan Tilt 2, Morphite 180, Quark 150, Decapitated NanoQX