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 I have some F1 Abusemark boards going spare,,,,,,,,,,,,,    ;)    :azn
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And with oldskool parts  :D
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I must be the only one doing tricopters right now  :laugh:
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Domain has been renewed closure has been cancelled  :D
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Who are most people ??? I think the person you are referring to has put in a lot of effort to keep things moving  :rolleyes:
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Most people I have spoken to are pizzed off with the yellow peril  flooding the forum,go figure. :whistling:
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Atti or GPS on take off

Started by thewhittys, Tuesday,January 05, 2016, 18:06:45

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Hi All

Hope you all had a good Christmas and wishing you a Happy New Year.

well i think i am ready to give my F550 its first flight. I';ve been having great fun with a Hubsan X4 and seem to have that mastered so going to try a small flight.

Just a quick question. Do i take off in Atti mode then once in the air change to GPS?

I thought i had read on here that you do not take off in GPS mode but cannot find the post now :(

Any help on my first flight would be appreciated



I have no problems taking off in GPS mode. Do it on both F450, F330 and the TBS clone
F330 with Naza M lite V2 for FPV - TBS carbon clone with Naza M lite V2 for use with GoPro - F450 with KK2 to learn flips....
Next project is a F550 hex with Naza M lite V2 for GoPro on gimbal.
Spektrum DX6i and TGY 9x with ER9x and FRSky DJT module


Either, sometimes manual if I forget to change it :laugh:

GPS is fine as long as you have a good lock.
Why use 4 motors when you can use 6?

YouTube channel


i would certainly get used to taking off and flying in Atti mode, GPS is something to use as a feature, safety net, but just my opinion, should not be relied on as a general flight mode.

But, there is no reason you cant take off in GPS mode, but i do prefer to take off in Attitude mode after its locked home point, never take off if it has not locked its home point.
Yuneec Q500+
Yuneec Typhoon H
Nano QX2
Nano QX3D
Blade 180QX
Blade 200QX
DJI 450 frame + Naza M V2 = GPS
ZMR 250
250 Pro - Dys 2300kv motors , Naze32 Acro
300 Folding Frame sporting a Naza Lite + GPS


To confirm a home lock, flip the IOC switch about 4/6 times until you see rapid green flashes.
Why use 4 motors when you can use 6?

YouTube channel


Quote from: DarkButterfly on Tuesday,January 05, 2016, 21:05:28
To confirm a home lock, flip the IOC switch about 4/6 times until you see rapid green flashes.

Are you sure that confirms home point ? i thought that was setting the position for POI not home point ?
Yuneec Q500+
Yuneec Typhoon H
Nano QX2
Nano QX3D
Blade 180QX
Blade 200QX
DJI 450 frame + Naza M V2 = GPS
ZMR 250
250 Pro - Dys 2300kv motors , Naze32 Acro
300 Folding Frame sporting a Naza Lite + GPS


Quote from: Friskle on Tuesday,January 05, 2016, 21:08:39
Are you sure that confirms home point ? i thought that was setting the position for POI not home point ?

yes I';m positive, it sets the home point manually.
Why use 4 motors when you can use 6?

YouTube channel



right, something i never seemed to need to do lol
Yuneec Q500+
Yuneec Typhoon H
Nano QX2
Nano QX3D
Blade 180QX
Blade 200QX
DJI 450 frame + Naza M V2 = GPS
ZMR 250
250 Pro - Dys 2300kv motors , Naze32 Acro
300 Folding Frame sporting a Naza Lite + GPS


Quote from: Friskle on Tuesday,January 05, 2016, 21:15:23
right, something i never seemed to need to do lol

I always do it, second nature now ~~
Why use 4 motors when you can use 6?

YouTube channel


Quote from: DarkButterfly on Tuesday,January 05, 2016, 21:12:15
yes I';m positive, it sets the home point manually.

Something worth knowing.  Naza will set home point wherever it attains a suitable GPS lock.  That may not be your point of lift off if you';ve plugged the battery in and then walked it across to where you want to launch from.  That can catch some out.  So its either worth getting into the routine of plugging the battery in at lift off point or setting the home point manually before arming.

I always do the former - even before I learned of this "feature" ::)
"Its better than bad, its good"

Current FCs: Pixhawk, APM 2.6, Naza M V2, Naze32, Flip32+ CC3D, KK2.1.5
Aircraft: miniMax Hex, DJI 550 (clone) TBS Disco, 450 Firefly, 250 Pro, ZMR250, Hubsan X4, Bixler 2


Thanks HandsOn didnt think of that.

Just as a side, i do not have an IOC switch as in one of my previous posts i cannot set up the IOC switches in the Naza assistant :(


If you cant, you dont need to, just always from connecting the battery, wait and be patient, until you get a succession of fast green flashes.

i dont know how many channels you have, but you would need connections to X1 and X2
Yuneec Q500+
Yuneec Typhoon H
Nano QX2
Nano QX3D
Blade 180QX
Blade 200QX
DJI 450 frame + Naza M V2 = GPS
ZMR 250
250 Pro - Dys 2300kv motors , Naze32 Acro
300 Folding Frame sporting a Naza Lite + GPS


Hi Friskle

I have 8ch turnigy 9xr with a spektrum AR10000 rx. I followed all the wires for my other post and they are wired like this

Now i can see better i can see that the lead from the x3 to the x3 on the pmu has been connected to another lead (white join in pic). This other lead goes to the battery slot on the receiver??

Followed all the wires now as below

Aux 1 on RX to X1 Naza
Aux 2  to X2
Aux 3 to IOSD
Gear to U



Hi All

Well I';ve finally had my maiden flight all be it only round the garden at about 10ft. All went well apart from 1 question.

I tested Atti and GPS mode and seemed ok. In GPS mode drone stayed virtually still. Flew it away from me in GPS mode and flicked the failsafe switch. Drone shot up over house height so i panicked and went back to Atti mode brought it down safely.

Did it do that because it was only 10ft off the ground or have i set something wrong in the Naza



The reason it shot up is because thats the height defined in the failsafe settings for return to home, this is to avoid hitting building and trees when a failsafe happens. As regards to the best mode to take off in I believe thats completely up to you as I don';t think Naza will arm without a GPS fix.
TBS Tango 2
FatShark Dominator V3 with RapidFire Module
Armattan Chameleon-BF3.5.7
TBS Source One, KL100 Micro, Mobula7 HD
DJI Mavic Pro


Thanks Paul

I just wanted to get it off the ground as it was my first ever flight so was a panic when it shot up in the air :)



yes, return altitude will be reached before naza moves. vector will not take off in GPS unless told to do so in the settings, but naza doesn';t mind which mode.
440 Y6 with vector, F330 quad with naza, hammer 240 with flip32, and watch this space.