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Problems with Naze32 and Ublox Neo-6M

Started by louisdelooze, Thursday,July 23, 2015, 21:48:34

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When I enable the GPS in Cleanflight, my CPPM receiver does not work anymore, It blocks at 1500 thanks for helping me !


Do you have the GPS on UART1?  It needs to be on UART2 or softserial ports.
-rw-rw-rw-  –  The Number of the Beast


Quote from: quadfather on Thursday,July 23, 2015, 22:14:33
Do you have the GPS on UART1?  It needs to be on UART2 or softserial ports.

It';s on UART2


That';s odd.  Can you give a bit more detail about what happens?

Does it freeze the RX as soon as you enabled GPS in the configurator?  Or once you arm the board?  Or when you select a GPS flight mode?
-rw-rw-rw-  –  The Number of the Beast


Quote from: quadfather on Thursday,July 23, 2015, 22:44:20
That';s odd.  Can you give a bit more detail about what happens?

Does it freeze the RX as soon as you enabled GPS in the configurator?  Or once you arm the board?  Or when you select a GPS flight mode?

My rx inputs freezes when i connect the gps not even if i enable it, when i enable the gps, the sign in cleanfilght is green, but my rx stays at 1500. I tried to change the mode to quad but that did not help.


Quote from: louisdelooze on Friday,July 24, 2015, 10:54:02
My rx inputs freezes when i connect the gps not even if i enable it, when i enable the gps, the sign in cleanfilght is green, but my rx stays at 1500. I tried to change the mode to quad but that did not help.

I don';t understand why the receiver would seize up as soon as you connect the GPS.  To me that suggests a power supply problem or a hardware fault.   :hmm:

Do you have the basic knowledge to wire up and configure the Naze, or did you just follow some Internet post?  It';s not a judgement!  I';m just asking so we don';t tell you stuff you already know, or assume knowledge that you don';t have.

How are you powering the GPS?  Mine is taking power from the motor output rails on the Naze.  The Naze itself is powered by a dedicated BEC.  If your Naze is powered from an ESC try another ESC or consider a dedicated BEC, at least for testing.  Also might be worth checking the voltage you supply to the Naze with a DMM, it should be 5V or very close to it.
-rw-rw-rw-  –  The Number of the Beast


For testing I used
5V usb for the Naze32
5V ftdi power output to gps
4 AA battery pack for receiver,

And i';m a bit new with the naze32 but I already did use a KKMulticopter and Multiwii, I have also programming and electronic experience (arduino, raspberry pi, etc)


When I connect the power for the GPS to the naze there is a red light that goes on.


some screenshots, :cool:
(The foto where the receiver inputs are, are frozen.)


Quote from: quadfather on Friday,July 24, 2015, 12:40:28
I don';t understand why the receiver would seize up as soon as you connect the GPS.  To me that suggests a power supply problem or a hardware fault.   :hmm:

Do you have the basic knowledge to wire up and configure the Naze, or did you just follow some Internet post?  It';s not a judgement!  I';m just asking so we don';t tell you stuff you already know, or assume knowledge that you don';t have.

How are you powering the GPS?  Mine is taking power from the motor output rails on the Naze.  The Naze itself is powered by a dedicated BEC.  If your Naze is powered from an ESC try another ESC or consider a dedicated BEC, at least for testing.  Also might be worth checking the voltage you supply to the Naze with a DMM, it should be 5V or very close to it.

It is not the receiver that freezes it are the receiver inputs on cleanflight.


Untick the GPS boxes in Softserial.  You';re not using softserial.

Is your GPS configured to run at 115200 baud?  The factory default is 9600.  I set mine to 57600 using u-center.

Try to power everything from the same power source, e.g. use a UBEC or ESC to power the Naze.  That will also power the RX.  Then tap into the power rails on the motor outputs to power the GPS.  Double-check that whatever you use doesn';t exceed 5.3V.  It';s safe to power the Naze with 5V and have USB connected at the same time.
-rw-rw-rw-  –  The Number of the Beast


Quote from: quadfather on Friday,July 24, 2015, 18:02:12
Untick the GPS boxes in Softserial.  You';re not using softserial.

Is your GPS configured to run at 115200 baud?  The factory default is 9600.  I set mine to 57600 using u-center.

Try to power everything from the same power source, e.g. use a UBEC or ESC to power the Naze.  That will also power the RX.  Then tap into the power rails on the motor outputs to power the GPS.  Double-check that whatever you use doesn';t exceed 5.3V.  It';s safe to power the Naze with 5V and have USB connected at the same time.

Is 115200Baud to fast ? I set it to 115200 in U-center


Quote from: louisdelooze on Friday,July 24, 2015, 20:28:48
Is 115200Baud to fast ? I set it to 115200 in U-center

No, it should be OK.  I was just saying what I had mine set up as.
-rw-rw-rw-  –  The Number of the Beast


Quote from: quadfather on Friday,July 24, 2015, 18:02:12
Untick the GPS boxes in Softserial.  You';re not using softserial.

Is your GPS configured to run at 115200 baud?  The factory default is 9600.  I set mine to 57600 using u-center.

Try to power everything from the same power source, e.g. use a UBEC or ESC to power the Naze.  That will also power the RX.  Then tap into the power rails on the motor outputs to power the GPS.  Double-check that whatever you use doesn';t exceed 5.3V.  It';s safe to power the Naze with 5V and have USB connected at the same time.
Could it be a faulty Naze32


Quote from: louisdelooze on Friday,July 24, 2015, 20:32:34
Could it be a faulty Naze32

It';s possible.  Did you try my suggestion about powering everything?
-rw-rw-rw-  –  The Number of the Beast


Quote from: quadfather on Friday,July 24, 2015, 20:34:23
It';s possible.  Did you try my suggestion about powering everything?

Yes, so i connected my ESC to the Naze32 and I connected the GPS power from motor input 6, I powered the RX with PPM + My Naze32 is connected with USB


And do you know what that red LED means.
Thanks for all the tips !   ~~


Quote from: louisdelooze on Friday,July 24, 2015, 20:39:21
And do you know what that red LED means.
Thanks for all the tips !   ~~

Which red LED?  My NEO-6M has a red LED indicating it has power.  The red LED on the Naze means that you have a stabilised flight mode selected, e.g. Angle or Horizon.
-rw-rw-rw-  –  The Number of the Beast


Quote from: quadfather on Friday,July 24, 2015, 20:52:40
Which red LED?  My NEO-6M has a red LED indicating it has power.  The red LED on the Naze means that you have a stabilised flight mode selected, e.g. Angle or Horizon.

I mean on the naze32, weird because it is not on, the led only goes on when i plug the gps in, normal ?


Quote from: louisdelooze on Friday,July 24, 2015, 20:54:54
I mean on the naze32, weird because it is not on, the led only goes on when i plug the gps in, normal ?

No, I';d say not.  Mine doesn';t come on when I plug in the GPS, only when I select stabilised flight modes.  I';m on CF v1.9.0, but I don';t think this is something they would change.
-rw-rw-rw-  –  The Number of the Beast


Quote from: quadfather on Friday,July 24, 2015, 22:06:40
No, I';d say not.  Mine doesn';t come on when I plug in the GPS, only when I select stabilised flight modes.  I';m on CF v1.9.0, but I don';t think this is something they would change.

After searching and searching....... I finally found the solution. There was a small chip near the RX connector and because i';m a genius I bridged 2 pads =D When I was soldering, with the help of a desolder pump I removed the solder and it worked !!!