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Messages - hippy1970

Off Topic / Re: Smart wifi plugs?
Wednesday,April 04, 2018, 11:53:03
Most CCTV recorders have a maintenance option which reboots the unit at a set time. That way it never freezes.
Of course you can be sure the burglars will arrive while it's rebooting...

Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalk

Quote from: hippy1970 on Tuesday,April 03, 2018, 11:38:53
I just had the following response from the Chinese suppliers;
"Dear friend, i have reported your problem to our technicians and they tested the aircraft. The result shows that the aircraft(this version) itself does not support the Betaflight Software, which is the key, so that the battery voltage can not be measured. But there is one way to get to know whether the battery voltage is low. When the red indicator flashes quickly or continuously, it indicates the battery voltage is low. Hope it will help you. Regards!"

Could anyone confirm the 90GT doesn't have battery monitoring?
I'm just wondering if they're trying it on.

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I guess it just doesn't monitor voltage. Never mind. I can always use a timer.

Thanks anyway.

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Quote from: hippy1970 on Monday,April 02, 2018, 09:10:50
The FC is an SPRacing micro F3. I have the voltage reading set to onboard ADC.
The suppliers have replied but so far they're just checking I have the battery, USB and BF set up correctly.

I suspect the FC has a fault...

Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalk
I just had the following response from the Chinese suppliers;
"Dear friend, i have reported your problem to our technicians and they tested the aircraft. The result shows that the aircraft(this version) itself does not support the Betaflight Software, which is the key, so that the battery voltage can not be measured. But there is one way to get to know whether the battery voltage is low. When the red indicator flashes quickly or continuously, it indicates the battery voltage is low. Hope it will help you. Regards!"

Could anyone confirm the 90GT doesn't have battery monitoring?
I'm just wondering if they're trying it on.

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Quote from: ched999uk on Sunday,April 01, 2018, 22:21:53
Did you switch the voltage reading on in BF? Do you have to connect batt voltage to a sense pad on the board (be very careful as wrong connection will kill the board)?
Do you know the name of the FC?
The FC is an SPRacing micro F3. I have the voltage reading set to onboard ADC.
The suppliers have replied but so far they're just checking I have the battery, USB and BF set up correctly.

I suspect the FC has a fault...

Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalk

I didn't check before flashing.... [emoji26]
Hi all,
I have a brand new Kingkong 90GT for indoor flying during bad weather.
I flashed it to the latest beta flight 3.3.0 and it flies very well.
Only issue I have is that I can't use the battery warning as it's constantly showing 0v. I assume I should be using the on board ADC..? I tried that and every other option. All I get is zero.

I reflashed but it made no difference.

Have i done something really stupid or has anyone seen this issue before?


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Hi all.
I forgot to take a backup of the defaults Cleanflight settings for my new GT-M3.
Has anyone got a cli dump they can send me please?


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General Discussion / Re: BBC at it again....
Saturday,September 02, 2017, 08:29:07
Reminds me of a moron I once worked with. He held his elbow against a grinder and turned it on. Sure enough he stopped it from spinning up at all. Then he proceeds to remove his arm and it spun up. Wow what a strong impressive guy.
Oh yeah, then he attempted to stop it again with said elbow.... [emoji45]

Enough said.

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You know you could always build the quad without any fpv, to begin with, and fly it line of sight.

Get used to flying fast, it';s different to flying DJI. Maybe have a few crash and repair sessions while saving for the fpv gear.

Just a thought...

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Take a look at the uavfuture YouTube channel. Stu has some great reviews of bind and fly race quads for very little money.
He also reviews some good, cheap, fpv goggles.
I highly recommend the Taranis X9D plus transmitter. You can use it for every race quad you build.
I have 6 or 7 bound to mine.
It';s a terrific transmitter.

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Quote from: yorkiejeff on Sunday,August 27, 2017, 16:42:43
could it be that my rx has lost it';s bind with the transmitter? havent had either powered up for around a year.

First remove the props. Second, make sure you removed the props....
Third make sure battery is disconnected.
Fourth. Connect the first ESC input to the throttle output on the receiver.
Fifth. Turn on transmitter and go to full throttle.
Connect battery and wait for motor one to beep. It will beep and pause.
As soon as you hear the pause go to minimum throttle and wait for the next beep.

That';s motor and ESC one done.

Connect ESC no. 2 to throttle output and repeat step five.

And so on.

Just be sure and have the props off before you begin.

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Quote from: yorkiejeff on Sunday,August 27, 2017, 16:21:03
got them talking, was a bad usb cable. now i only have three motors until a certain throttle setting. looks like a new motor and esc.

Maybe not. Have you calibrated the ESCs to the controller?

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Quote from: yorkiejeff on Sunday,August 27, 2017, 16:03:48
no mate, evrything stays the same. did think i wasn';t getting power to the rx, but have checked and i am getting 5 v. doing my head in now  :banghead:

If it were mine I';d disconnect everything from the FC. Then connect the USB and test it. At least you';ll know for sure if the FC is fried.

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Quote from: yorkiejeff on Sunday,August 27, 2017, 15:51:01
guys, running a naze 32 on a zmr250. all was working until i added a camera power feed  fro the bec. now i cant get anything. when i connect to  to baseflight all i get is no prt at the top lef side and it wont let me connect. when i power up i get the beeps , thepower light is on, the red light is on and the green one flashes. do i need my tx on to conect to baseflight. like i said all was fine till i added the camera.

Silly question.
If you remove the camera power from the BEC does it revert to normal behaviour?

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Freebies / Re: Zenmuse H3-3D
Wednesday,July 19, 2017, 19:58:22
This is no longer available.

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Freebies / Re: Zenmuse H3-3D
Wednesday,July 19, 2017, 19:14:18
It sure is. In fact I can see it right now. PM me your address and I';ll post it tomorrow. I';ll let you know what it costs.

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Welcome To The Computer Section / Re: Aio desk top
Sunday,July 02, 2017, 14:00:10
I';ve been an IT consultant for most of my life. No need for me to say any more as  Two Six is right. Follow his advice and you won';t look back and kick yourself in twelve months.

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FPV Videos / Re: Gravity
Friday,June 30, 2017, 07:25:00
Nice video. Thanks for sharing.

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Freebies / Zenmuse H3-3D
Thursday,June 29, 2017, 18:44:53
This came in a box with a quad I bought a while back. It appears to be brand new but I have no way of testing it.
It';s of no use to me so...
Free to a good home!

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General Discussion / Thank You ! & Sorry
Thursday,June 29, 2017, 18:22:31
Hey Neil,
You';re brave man making that post. I couldn';t have done it.
If you need a PC I have several sat doing nothing. PM me your address and I';ll put one in the post for you.

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General Discussion / Re: Gas soldering iron at Aldi £14.99
Thursday,June 29, 2017, 14:09:44
Thanks for the tip.

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For the record. If you install the chrome blheli extension you can configure and flash ESCs via your FC connection. As long as the FC supports it.

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Thanks for that.
I';ll gather some parts and build a mini monster. If the FC is too small I';ll have to 3d print an adaptor...

In fact. I may use it with my old Concept 30 DX...
A teeny tiny quad...
Not sure yet. It was just too cheap to pass up. The Banggood ad says built in ESC twice!! So does the eBay ad. But then they go on to say, support the newest DSHOT ESC.
Typical Chinglish ad I guess.

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Thanks guys... I think  ;)
It was a good job I checked the Banggood ad as I didn';t realise it has built in 500mah ESCs.
Now I need to find some brushless motors that don';t draw more than .5Amps....
Suggestions anyone ?
General Discussion / Re: What did the postman bring today?
Tuesday,June 27, 2017, 18:04:02
The postman came all the way from China today...

Two FPV cameras, one Super S_F3 FC (60mm) with built in OSD and 3 x PDB with BEC and OSD.

Feels like Xmas already.

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FPV Builds / Re: Noob 1st build - X210 V+
Tuesday,June 27, 2017, 17:49:12
Quote from: TheJackal on Tuesday,June 27, 2017, 17:30:22
I just strapped the RX in and held the antenna out of the way for a test hover. I';d done as many checks as I could, failsafe, prop and motor direction etc and held my breath.

how to upload a picture to the internet

I found it drifted ever so slightly to the left a bit and yawed one way slightly. I';m not sure if that is a PIDs thing or not, but I will monitor that again when I do a proper test in a more open space with a bit more height.
Here is a short video with the blackbox details overlaid. I';m not sure how to embed it yet.

Looks good. First time I';ve seen black box data like that. I';m impressed.

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Does anyone have a manual for this little beast please?

General Discussion / Re: Sand in the motor...
Monday,June 26, 2017, 19:39:32
Just a small can. Like the type used for dusting computers...
FPV Frames Flight Controllers / Re: ESC's not beeping
Monday,June 26, 2017, 18:33:40
Quote from: Cheredanine on Monday,June 26, 2017, 18:20:44
Motors make the noise, escs make them do it

Thanks for clearing that up.

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